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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Yeah, it was free at least once a few years back. Free or not, I kinda like it:)
  2. I agree with this breakdown, and think it’s really the crux of the matter. For those of you who believe Neuton 4 is good value over 3 at $50, the deal makes sense. I suspect you are assuming that the other 2 updates will be of similar value. Because I don’t think N4 is particularly good value (and I realize reasonable people can differ on this) I have no reason to think the other 2 will be either.
  3. What is it that you guys like so much about Neutron 4 over 3? I’m not quite getting it. There was already an unmasking function in 3, and I’ve got Gullfoss and Trackspacer to boot.
  4. Getting a bit confused with all these Izotope reformulations , but it still seems to me (I’ve got the previous everything) that what I’m getting for around $170 is the changes to Neutron (I.e 4) and two players to be named later,,(ie which will be substantial or insubstantial updates of two of their other platforms). Correct?
  5. As part of this, does any content have to be re-downloaded?
  6. Yeah, if they added in the new Modo stuff, that would be interesting. Otherwise just not enough for me, based on what Ive got. The Vocal strip and Fame reverb would be nice to have, but I’ve never really seen the rationale behind the Tascam/Teac stuff.
  7. Sorry to hear about your case . Agree and disagree a bit here too. There are numerous types of regular or bizarre, standard or hybrid, good or bad, enforceable or non-enforceable business arrangements out there, that may either work in the long run, or not. I have no personal knowledge of the details of the 2c one, and do not feel comfortable making any assumptions based on one side’s email. When there is disappointment over how any written agreement turns out, it is usually (but not always) the result of either inadequate legal representation or that party having insufficient financial/bargaining leverage over the other to have gotten the terms they wanted. Oral arrangements more frequently go awry for those reasons and a whole host of others (for somewhat obvious reasons). I agree that Denis is not helping his cause by sending out these emails (one of which I received also). It is not the role of the consumer to either do his own investigation into what transpired or solve the problems these guys are having. I’ll continue to use the 2c products I have, but would be pretty reluctant to buy any more in the future.
  8. Love Breeze, and dig some of their other stuff too. As consumers, I don’t think we’re really in a position to figure out who’s right or wrong here, or whose telling the truth or not. A shame, really.
  9. “Vender” Jazz Bass? Good thing the boys in Fullerton have their lawyers on speed dial?
  10. LAGinz

    BFD = CFA

    In fairness, I’d like to amend my earlier comments about BFD3. I spent the last few days trying to get the latest InMusic version of BFD3 to work properly. It took some time, but following a clean install, some detailed instructions from BFD Drew as to what needed to be deleted , a few hiccups, and a new beta version of the installer……it’s all working. My fingers are still crossed but I am, for the first time, optimistic that I’ll be able to reliably use these great sounds again.
  11. I’m still not buying this. Getting off the cycle at least for this round. For what I already have, I don’t regard Neutron 4 as a being a huge step forward . And the promise of 2 updates to the other major suites is only significant to me if I expect a big step forward there. I don’t. YMMV
  12. Them drums sound pretty gooood:)
  13. Hmm…Since I am still on the pre-InMusic BFD, I’m now wondering the opposite of your question, ie whether I can register and use this through the FX licensor. As to your question, I’m pretty sure BFD Drew can hook you up with an InMusic serial for the product.
  14. Glad you’re fixed Grem?. Not sure if I fixed Syner in the preferred way, but I didn’t use new zip files or run IKPM again to fix it. Just copied the contents of the extra folder into the folder where it should have been, and then deleted the extra folder itself. Worked.
  15. LAGinz

    BFD = CFA

    Ahh ……”support”. I have found that every time I contact their generic “support” the response is either non-helpful or non-existent. When contacting Drew through their forum, results have been better. Still struggling though at this end. I would not assume your protestations about them losing customers will have any effect. Their forums have been littered with extremely dissatisfied customers for months now, to little avail.
  16. Yeah, but what if the update to RX10 is not applicable to Advanced? After all that work, working up to Advanced….
  17. Just bought. Figure worst case scenario I get a refund. And if it was a “mistake” they might just grandfather in the people who’ve already bought.
  18. LAGinz

    BFD = CFA

    Yeah. Great drum sounds. Very challenging implementation. I’m going to set aside a weekend in the near future to see if I can get it working properly. If not, it’s “bye-bye”. Time is not just money…it’s peace of mind.
  19. Quick questions about the multis. What default location do they install to on Windows? I’ve only installed the 11 new synths (had Deluxe before that) as of this point and did so in a new Syn 2 location on my hard drive. Was leaning toward doing the remaining ones in same fashion. Should I just go with default multi installation or change it to something else? Thx:)
  20. Anybody got any spare Excedrin?
  21. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that option too. OTOH, may be creating still more work for me if I’m gonna eventually use Product Manager to install—since Product Manager leaves behind all the zip files.
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