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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Isn’t it Nectar 2 that has its own algorithm? I though 3 ditched that, in favor of packaging it with the basic Melodyne.
  2. I think this price is for the upgrade from 1 to 2. Interestingly enough, I stopped my purchase from Avon mid way through and they sent me an email knocking of an additional 10 per cent of the upgrade price,—-which wound up being within a few cents of the JRR price.
  3. I just did this about 5 minutes ago using the MS Edge browser, and it worked pretty seamlessly.
  4. I registered MPS 2.1 on August 1. Asked Izotope if I would be eligible for the free upgrade. Unfortunately, no soup for me.?
  5. How about putting the Instrument installer in that new location too? Wouldn’t that make some sense?
  6. I got it to install and authorize pretty much as advertised. OTOH, I have had so many past issues getting Mixbus 4 to work, that I gave up on it entirely.
  7. So Steven, could you clarify ? Did you buy and install the update from a third party- and then get your money back from them when Izotope offered you a free update?
  8. I assume no one here has gotten a “grace period” refund of a 2.1 to 3 upgrade where the upgrade was purchased from a third party seller like JRR or Audio Deluxe?
  9. For some odd reason, I can never “update” Bandlab Assisstant. I have to uninstall it and then reinstall the new version.
  10. Still haven’t gotten my Groove 3 activation code yet for MPS 3, despite having e-mailed Support. Grrr....
  11. Grem, do they need just the PACE ilock software , or the dongle too?
  12. Despite my historical aversion to Izotope’s update techniques, this is a pretty good deal when you consider the 2 new verbs and the Groove3 one year pass.
  13. Even cheaper is the quite nice and free Organized Trio, by Guido.. Unfortunately it’s only a 32 bitter.
  14. LAGinz


    Interesting . Some pretty tough competition on B3s.
  15. Agree with Zo here. The Integral Studio Pack III is basically all their originals- a good deal for $99. I’ve gotten tons of use out of a number of these over the years.
  16. Is there any view here as to whether the Samsung or Crucial SSDs have the edge on quality?
  17. Is there a site or click thru for this deal?
  18. LAGinz

    Lenovo P52

    Piecing together the various threads on latency problems, it looks like they may only be on the machines with the NVidea Gen Force graphics card, which is an option.
  19. LAGinz

    Lenovo P52

    I’ve been jonesing for a P52, P1 or Extreme X1, but have read some Lenovo and other threads about some problems with Thunderbolt implementation, BIOS changes bricking some, and some odd latency issues. Anyone know if these issues have been worked out? I’ve got a 7 year old Thinkpad that’s been like a recording tank for me, so I tend to be partial toward Lenovo’s.
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