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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Give or take 30 mins after it goes into sleep mode. After 30mins your computer deletes a temp file that keeps the memory, but this should keep the DAW in focus though.
  2. ? This is so true. In fact I never thought to even question this - now that I'm thinking about it. Yes, I always have to bring it to focus after my system gone in to sleep mode. With my other daw, as soon as I press that spacebar - it plays music.
  3. Yeah. It's what I do at the moment. Everyday I find that it doesn't work that well with certain POP or Hip Hop tracks. With EDM - AUX or a BUS works better.
  4. What's your alternative sidechain method other than routing your tracks to an Aux or Bus?
  5. Cakewalk by Bandlab is twice the DAW Sonar Platinum was. The only problem is that if you had the Z3ta, Pro Channel Concrete Limiter, Dropzone, Beatscape, Rapture, basically every plugin that you bought wont work in CbB. You only get the main core application with the core prochannel modules, I believe it's the "Studio instrument collection" and the sonitus plugins. Though: when installing Sonar Platinum with all the instruments you've bought with it / and install Cakewalk by Bandlab very last, all your stuff will then work and move over to the Cakewalk by Bandlab. At the end: It is worth moving to the free version.
  6. That's what I was referring to as "Empty" ( a.k.a BLANK) template. I only use custom "Blank" templates. Meaning: If I make any small changes to my workstations OR the template itself - I "replace" the existing one.
  7. Dont you work with EMPTY templates?
  8. Save it as your default template. That's how mine was saved (by accident.) I got so used to shortcuts over the years, that changing tools anywhere in the workflow became muscle memory. That "T" Shortcut is golden OR you can use F5 - F6 - F7 - F8 depending what's comfortable for you. I don't think you can turn it off other than deselecting it, BUT - If you want to turn off the "AIM ASSISTANT" just press the letter "X"
  9. Then this is something to do with windows - a setting that does not save properly. If you want a better decent microphone, checkout the Samson C01U (USB) studio Microphone. It's like $89.00
  10. Podcast mics are usually decent microphones. Assuming you don't have an interface, go into your Windows Settings and turn the levels down to 14% (This setting is usually for USB mics) I'm not entirely sure how it works with those 3.5mm input jacks. Experiment with the levels until you find that level that works for you.
  11. From that small intro I've heard, Yes. How it sounds with all the other elements, is a different story all together.
  12. Yeah, my bad. It's actually the same here. Apologies.
  13. No, it's not a bug or related to such. I believe what's in discussion, is that it scrolls aggressively, when using the scrollbar. By holding CTRL this action can be controlled. What it can't do is center the notes/information in the PRV.
  14. Just a question: Wouldn't it lessen the work on the send engines rendering it more stable? I've seen some threads here on dropout on that region of the UI. Personally I had never had problems in that department. Hence to why is said: Not dedicated. I could be wrong.
  15. Though this is 100% true, it's not a dedicated fixed routing method. There were times when I also wished multiple channel outputs was a thing in CbB to split a channel. Like the @Keni said in his reply -- it's not a big deal for it. Still would have been nice to have that option too.
  16. Yes, cakewalk support Autotune pro. It opens up intergrated like melodyne. To use any pitch correction plugin, you need to know your notes on a keyboard and the singers voice - being able to identify a note instantly, but you can play by ear too. You also need to understand the singers/rappers voice to identifying certain information that are done intentionally. This is the same when running an instrument through it. Other than this, using it is pretty much a no brainer.
  17. Yes, you can't go wrong with the 712's. The information in detail it project into the ears, are just crazy.
  18. Have you tried moving the hat mic a bit closer, and spacing the snare drum further away from the hat? Miking and drum placement is extremely important. You will always get bleeding and live recording - whether on stage or in studio. The trick is also to EQ out the snare as much as you can. This shouldn't be a problem once your mic placing are in that sweetspot. Having a bit of the hat bleeding into the snare or Visa-Versa / for me: that's always tasty ? if I may say so.
  19. Personally, I wouldn't mix with headphones. If I do (which is very rare) I only use them when I had tame some harshness in the vocal to make sure it's not overly compressed with a multiband. You need a really good pair of sensitive headphones for this. Also, when a percussion burried deep in isolation. Otherwise: I don't mix with headphones and there's nothing wrong with mixing on headphones - it's a preference thing. There's big hit songs out here that was solely mixed on headphones / and users should not be discouraged to use them or to train their ears with. There's some really good decent pair of headphone that is cheaper than most entry level Studio Reference Monitors. These brands include: AKG K52 ROLAND - H5 SAMSON SR850 SENNHEISER HD 200 Just to name a few . . . I actually own all 4. I personally LOVE the AKG 712 pro Studio Reference Monitor Headphones. It's a bit more pricier though. I only have these 5 pairs. ?
  20. LOL! No he is not. ? @Stewart Cormack I finally had a listen to the sample and there's definitely too much going on the upper high mid region. There's also a lot of ringing cutting through. When this is compressed it starts to spread over the frequency area it occupies. There's a touch of reverb too much on it. Combine this with fast attack and release and a bit of heavy compression - it becomes messy.
  21. Help me if I'm wrong with this. The last update has brought many satisfactions to my production. Most importantly witb the new interleave on Instrument tracks, bringing me to using less effects on it when creating depth and space turning a specific instrument to mono that does not have a Mono/Stereo knob on it. REQUEST: So now, my next request is similar to it, on inserting sample, recording and for visual purpose. Is it possible to add an option for dedicated Mono and Stereo tracks in a future update too in conjunction with the track we have now? This isolates the instrument and tracks further for you. This is especially true when boucing the track to audio. EXAMPLE for REQUEST: When I switch the interleave to Mono, I always take a stereo plugin effect to further isolate the mono track, by narrowing the mono field more it on both Audio and Instrument. So if i'm correct, a dedicated track in it's fixed state (Mono or Stereo) will have a greater effect to this both ways. As said above, correct me if I am wrong. (I did do some research on this too.) I might not have correctly understood, what I have read. Thanks.
  22. I'm gona say this again. When things sounds "clustered" and messy - that means there no sense of balance in your track and compression on the master track is too heavy - but most importantly probably NO HEADROOM. Forget about the Media Players for now. No seriously! throw that out of the discussion. Another mistake new users do in the console, because everyone wants to jump straight to it - is to crank the "Console Emulator Module" way up. The TRIM knob there is to trim the increase in dial effect. So if you set the drive to 2db or 3db, you have to turn the Trim knob to the left side and match the drive volume in (-) negative value. With this comes compression and limiting mistakes. So now do yourself a favour quick, by doing another test. Turn down all the gain/volume to their default position of 0 = Unity, on your compressors. SET your limiters ceiling to -0.3db and the threshold down on 0db. Watch your meter peaks on the limiter and console strips! and on your MASTER Track. This is hardly mixing tips I'm giving / and only for testing what's in discussion here. If your meters are barely reaching that -0.3db reading, export the track and have a listen. Give feedback on this. I will reply back.
  23. You're kidding me, right? ? Only things I don't use is: Matrix, The now New Arranger (I just can't see the point in them.) I'm using markers less now too. Used Rewire with Sonar LE for Melodyne 2. Other than that, I use everything else.
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