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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. open source baby! feel the love! /snark off/ ultimately the UI is copyrighted/trademarked by Bandlab. the "theme editor" is an end user (use at your own risk thingie) which lends itself to people co-opting other peoples works (sort of like, say, presets, audio clip "samples", etc). it's the very nature of creativity to do, use, re-use, re-do, subtract, and combine. if someone is looking to make money off it, well, "want to make a million dollars with a recording studio? start with two million".
  2. i use a 7 port powered hub which has been very reliable but no longer available via Amazon... probably too reliable so they had to ditch it? i see this one which looks like the same structure as mine but it's 10 port. https://smile.amazon.com/Sabrent-Charging-Individual-Switches-HB-B7C3/dp/B0797NWDCB/
  3. SUPERNOVA is an NSA thing, probably taken from NSA when Snowden took over to Wikileaks...
  4. Cakewalk CAL Scripts | Learn - Play - Record - Guitar & Music at Home (hexachord.net) https://www.hexachord.net/cakewalk-cal-scripts/
  5. i set all three to 24-bit regardless, so even if i'm using a 16-bit IO unit, the tracks are consistently 24-bit. i may change render to 32-bit when i go professional ?
  6. это ложь! мы делимся этим только за деньги, а не продаем, как капиталистические режимы!!!
  7. это ложь! мы делимся этим только за деньги, а не продаем, как капиталистические режимы!!!
  8. something from a while ago. \
  9. interesting - they attribute the L3 shared pool as a major contributor to increased performance - all things considered. makes sense since the L3 (and L1&2) all contribute to how quickly multiple cores handle their data sharing... https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/amd-ryzen-5900x-vs-3900x/
  10. i have 3 master busses - primary w/ -1db threshold on limiter, 1/2 volume w/ pink noise, 1/4 volume clean. the primary is "loudest" depending on the actual monitoring volume in the room, the 1/2 volume cuts -6db and adds a light level of pink noise which helps to highlight loud and peaky things, and 1/4 volume -12db to be used for "out of the room" mono listening - see what disappears and what is left (like "drums and voice only" mixes without apparent instrumentation...) so setting up a "monitoring" buss devoid of anything is easy enough. pressing the PC and/or FX bin on-off is easy. or simply mute the monitoring buss you're monitoring with all the references etc and export audio only via your master buss.
  11. remote access as noted but also optimizations, services settings vi policy settings, and likely changed now, but originally home version had limits on CPU and memory usage.
  12. you can still set up MS Word to mimic the WP keystrokes... welcome to the 21st century ?
  13. actually she took it in the chest saving the life of her son. unfortunately the rich guy driving the boat got away with it.
  14. it looks like it's not so much the product but the updates being hacked because the download mechanisms are not as secure as they should be. basically when an admin goes to retrieve the updates, they typically use FTP (an unsecure protocol) and apparently the hackers changed some of the product code on the update site to allow some logging of user logon activities, and then use that info to logon as a user. takes months of work to do this because of the small amounts of info collected and the backdoor access needed to retrieve it and use it. all the usual main scream media types are "russia russia russia" but there is no definitive signatures except that many of the admin people deploying this software are of asian origin... go figure...
  15. Pro all round - desktop and laptops. should be no issue to use Home version with CbB unless you need some advanced networking and policy settings.
  16. i use ALL CAPS on my busses and tracks to avoid case sensitive stuff ? not sure if the plugins etc matter in differentiation but never tested it...
  17. how's the connection reliability on those? i was going to buy a set and saw massive numbers of complaints about the bluetooth connections getting dropped, resets, and latency. this was about 1 year ago... oops, never mind, i was thinking the "freedrum" and "aerostick" thingies...
  18. if your track/instrument busses feed into a master and/or reverb busses, then those will be created along the with track. if the master and reverb busses are differently named than the ones you have in your template they'll get added since CbB thinks they're different... another reason i keep "master template projects" so my track templates are connected consistently to the same set of busses... i have 5 different master template projects with about 50 or tracks and synth rack setups (and related templates). so if i need to change some busses, i can rapidly update the master templates. however exporting all the track templates again... i'd like to script that ? as well as refreshing the PC presets...
  19. Expanded MIDI 1.0 Messages List (Status Bytes) https://www.midi.org/specifications-old/item/table-2-expanded-messages-list-status-bytes MIDI 1.0 Control Change Messages (Data Bytes) https://www.midi.org/specifications-old/item/table-3-control-change-messages-data-bytes-2
  20. the main issue is the latency is set by the worst performing VST/VSTi being used, so if you were to add the same bunch of low latency VSTi and VST, you should not see a significant increase in latency because they're all low. but add something with a lot of latency, now your overall latency needs to be adjusted to accommodate all the other tracks in order to keep in sync. i'm wagering there is little to be done in this regard because of the need to hear stuff in sync and it only gets worse when you're trying to monitor something live while recording. for me, when i'm tracking something live i turn off everything except the bare minimum number of track needed to perform with. all effects off, etc. this way minimal latency. CPU performance etc is nice but doesn't solve it...
  21. i do something similar - however - i create a CWP (and associated folders) for building out project templates and track templates. this way i can do some testing with audio and MIDI and the content is stored with the CWP. then i clear out the audio and MIDI bits and save as a project template and/or individual tracks as track templates. also a good idea to save Pro Channel setups as presets so you can readily re-use those as well (i use the PC FX chain instead of FX bin so everything is in one place). new projects then start with the CWT file which sort of forces you to name it and save to a project folder (otherwise as @John Vere points out you might start using the template for a project...) so the CWP (project file) for the template becomes the "master source" for a given template or set of track templates. and the beauty of track templates, when you have busses and sub busses, they get created first time a track template is added, and subsequent adding of track templates using the same sub busses are automatically connected. one annoying factor of track templates - the busses don't retain their color coding and so color-as-buss doesn't get saved... so some work is needed if using track templates when initially adding them to a project.
  22. thanks Lynn, i was listening to the mix today and agree - the piano part needs some work, and there are some tweaks i want to make to have it gel more, thanks for listening and commenting!
  23. i was playing around with the dearMICRO and AMBIMICRO on a stereo bus and the panning seems to work as a 360 effect although the up/down vertical pan is using EQ to create that. i noticed it's based on the Sennheiser AMBEO tech (which i also have) and all seems ok. on surround 5.1 (even though i'm routing to same two channels on my laptop, my desktop is offline for the moment which does have proper 5.1) the panning seems to behave as i'd expect it via my headphones. in your case, you look like need something to route or simulate a complete 5.1. Waves NX has a 5.1 plugin emulation for headphones (which i've never tried but may have to now) and there dearVR monitor might also. there are several other headphone surround emulating plugins out there as well which may allow you to set up the routing preferences better. https://www.waves.com/nx https://www.waves.com/plugins/nx#introducing-nx-virtual-mix-room (which is what i have)
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