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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton
it's usually a balance of the thresholds, but with anything automatic, you're letting a computer make the decisions - I recommend you make a copy of the audio clip(s) so you can tweak them later... you could use the take lanes for the copy and then do any "comping" and make adjustments where the remove silence was too aggressive. another option is to use Melodyne to strip out noise artifacts or Izotope RX-7/8 to "fix it", and/or gate/compress it (or even all of the above).
1176-Style Compressors and Bass Transients
Glenn Stanton replied to Neil Cummins's topic in Instruments & Effects
a lot of folks like the 1176 for the distortion effect on bass, and tweaking the threshold will let you adjust the transient slope to some degree. i prefer a CA-2 type and RBass ? -
Experimenting with Melodyne DNA To MIDIConversion
Glenn Stanton replied to Simeon Amburgey's topic in Tutorials
if you have the Melodyne studio version it might be easier to identify the drums but there are limited to what is can do by itself. once thought - use RX-7 (or RX-8) to rebalance to drums (mostly) then use Melodyne to extract the notes (although you'll probably notice the Melodyne's percussion algorithm has limits because of non-pitched material, still worth a try). another option is import the file into Band In A Box and see if it can extract an equiv drum performance... -
also - handy for renaming: https://tools.stefankueng.com/StExBar.html you can also use a regex in a simple ui to do the replacements...
Why So Many Hard Pagefaults in Latency Mon
Glenn Stanton replied to Mark Morgon-Shaw's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
as a note - i exclude the cakewalk executable as a running processing and also the WAV files in my project directories. this seems to eliminate the AV constantly trying to "test" the files and still provide most of the AV functionality for all other processes and files... -
Live Bass guitar converted to midi ?
Glenn Stanton replied to Paul Bush's topic in Instruments & Effects
i've been using my Strat to play bass over the past couple of months since i left my basses at home ? i play the bass lines, either fingers or picks, then convert to MIDI using Melodyne. i clean up a bit or move things if needed, then render. i then copy the MIDI notes to a separate track and use the SI-Bass VSTi to play it. most times not even transposing. any version of Melodyne should work - like the Essentials version etc. you can quantize the MIDI notes if necessary. -
I've been wrongly bashing Sound Cloud.
Glenn Stanton replied to mark skinner's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
make sure (like your audio sound control panel settings) that ALL enhancements, effects, spatializing, bass boosting, media level normalization, cross fades, etc etc are all turned off in the playback app you're using. use some pink noise files to calibrate the playback throughout your system - through CwB, your media players, etc etc, run some pink noise videos via you tube to make sure your browser settings are ok as well - beware that youtube is at most stereo so checking surround settings via youtube is not happening :-)) once you have ALL your in-house systems all having the same levels and approx the same frequency response, you can then make a reasonable assumption that once you hear the material on other systems or environments, that that is the influencing factor(s), and now you can work on translation issues effectively. definitely recommend using REW and a sound level meter to set everything up. definitely recommend fixing any egregious room response in case you're finding that the room is completely hammering your ability to hear things evenly. in small places and low volume levels you can probably get away with some minimal corner treatments to level the low end a bit. also - move your subwoofer to get the best response. one trick - put the sub in your chair you monitor from, and run a 20-120hz sine sweep and move around on the floor (hands and knees) until you find a spot that has an even overall response, and put the sub there. not perfect but most times close enough and much better than simply placing it arbitrarily. worst case and no space - place it into a corner with about 12" (400mm) all around it, and adjust the volume to even it's level. this is 4pi space and will increase the level by 6db but at least it will be consistent. for example, i set my highest volume setting (turning my speaker controller all the way up) to 85db across each pair of speakers and/or subs. so my main monitors (SP-5B) are stereo w/ minimal pro sub (Sony 500w) volume, my Bose 901's use full pro sub volume, my mono speaker (Avantone active Cube) w/o sub, pc speakers (JBL) w/ pc sub, and surround system (JBL 510/505) w/ full pro sub etc. i use 20-20K pink noise @ -12db. all subs at 80hz x-over (using a CX-2310 crossover) (and some tricky wire/patch routing) this way i get reasonably flat response from each system. and then i generally mix at middle volume (about 75db) and then switch to 1/3 (about 60db) and full (85db) and across at least 3 pairs of speakers and pro headphones (mf-50x) (which stay at @ 75db). -
Addictive Drums II cymbals not sounding
Glenn Stanton replied to OldNick's topic in Instruments & Effects
the cymbals are typically routed via the overhead (OH) and room, and perhaps buss (although i tend to mute that most times). so if your OH or room channels are muted, low volume, or redirected from master or not assigned as separate audio channels in your console/track, that's the likely cause. -
Relocate paths for Cakewalk Dim Pro?
Glenn Stanton replied to sadicus's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
yeah, i do this for most apps - esp if they have more than 100-200mb of samples. it keeps the OS drive free (and smaller), and keeps the active projects drive clear of the sample requests (from the third drive where content is stored). backing up the content is then simple. as @bitflipper pointed out, the apps are none the wiser. as a note - best to keep a record of the junctions in a (backed up text file) so if you do crash, it's easier to recovery (scripting becomes an option :-)) -
backing up files (daily and often) to separate disks (and/or clouds) is your friend. sorry for your loss.
Relocate paths for Cakewalk Dim Pro?
Glenn Stanton replied to sadicus's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
you could use a "junction" (https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/) to map a folder "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" to a content folder on the S: drive. as far as the mapping of DLL & EXE, i think the normal location is in the "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\Dimension Pro" - you could probably remove the others in the sample folders and rescan. or rename those DLL and EXE to DLL.REM and EXE.REM (so they're not found by the app) and rename them back if things break. -
ok - so resetting the value to 1 - the resolution for the SV (1/16) now followed the global setting (1/8th) rather that the SV setting - in terms of drawing notes of a smaller grid, and expanding them did nothing to change the notes being drawn as overflow into other measures. changing global to 1/16th then allowed me to match the staff setting of 1/16th and draw the notes properly... as a bit of info: i generally don't use SV except to print some lead sheets or tab. i can see how the global grid versus SV grid lock-in would definitely be really annoying to folks who do use it extensively. so if this changes does unlock it, as i think it does, hopefully it will be useful...
i usually use Musescore, but in testing the Staff view w/ new settings done per @scook instruction re: Preferences, INI edit, value set to 0, then restart CwB. i created a blank project and added a MIDI track, then opened staff view. set the global snap to 1/16th, set SV to 1/4. drew some whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes. seems like i can independently set the resolution of Staff view versus PRV. i set the global value to 16th and the SV to 1/32nd and i can draw 32nd notes in the staff view on 1/32nd snaps. conversely i can draw 1/4 notes in PRV on 16th snaps. and 1/16th note on 1/16th snaps. setting global to 1/8th and SV to 1/4, in SV, i can see the contraction of notes (1/32 & 1/16) to fit the new grid. i can only draw 1/4 notes in SV, but can draw 1/8th (and shorter) notes in PRV on 1/8th grid. as some info: i was able to replace a rest with a note by clicking on the rest and it either replaced the rest entirely or added the note + a smaller rest. not sure if this is how it's supposed to work but it's seem logical to me ? as a follow up - i didn't try to reset the value to 1. will do so and report back.
Feature Request: Add FX Bypass to Cakewalk SDK
Glenn Stanton replied to norfolkmastering's topic in Feedback Loop
i was looking in the .idl file: MIX_PARAM_FX, // fx# fVal: 0/1 = enable state MIX_PARAM_FX_COUNT, // - int 0-65535 GetParam returns number of effects on this strip MIX_PARAM_FX_PARAM_COUNT, // f/x # int 0-65535 number of parameters for f/x # MIX_PARAM_FX_PARAM, // (FX,param) float 0/1 dwParamNum=MAKELONG(fx#,param#) -
Any other option than a linked clip to duplicate MIDI to another Track?
Glenn Stanton replied to JohnK's question in Q&A
would be nice to have something like a MIDI "patch point" or MIDI "aux track" that instrument tracks could accept as an input... probably a new feature request though... -
Feature Request: Add FX Bypass to Cakewalk SDK
Glenn Stanton replied to norfolkmastering's topic in Feedback Loop
in the docs, it looks like the parameter index number is based on MAKELONG which creates the index # based on 2 factors... -
Snap Offset may not be the answer for groove clipping... you probably (as noted already) do some manual tweaking of the initial sample to get it just right. "Snap offsets Snap offsets allow you to set a point other than the beginning of a clip as the “snap” point used by the Snap to Grid. A snap offset is the number of samples from the beginning of the clip. Snap offsets affect all edits that obey the Snap to Grid setting. Once the snap offset is added, you can set the Timer Ruler to SMPTE or MBT time. * Note: You cannot set a snap offset for a Groove clip."
Melodyne 5 problems, anyone else see issues?
Glenn Stanton replied to Jack Hawk's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
it seems to be ok for me from a timeline perspective, but i do notice it takes a while to load up the processing icon, and sometimes not at all. i close the window and re-open, and then i get the icon or see the processed notes. but for me, the timeline matches what i'm seeing in the CwB window. Melodyne Editor -
Tell me About - Analog Tape Saturation VST
Glenn Stanton replied to sadicus's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Izotope Vinyl - free and it can add those imperfections, erm, perfectly. https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/vinyl.html -
that'll teach you to try and check mono compatibility! :facepalm:
ah, that is interesting. i use ilok a lot and had updated the software after i did the video drivers - so it would have been interesting to see if that would have also changed things. definitely not happy at the newer UI approach Izotope took which seems very sensitive to things is should be ignoring... but it's working again so i'm mollified for the moment...
Behringer U-Phoria UMC4040HD use with Cakewalk
Glenn Stanton replied to tdehan's topic in Instruments & Effects
USB connects are generally limited to a max of 500ma @ 5v - so using the power supply ensures full voltage and current to the electronics - pre-amps, converters, phantom power, etc can take more power than a USB connection provides (unless using the full-on PC USB 3 connectors... which requires the USB on your I/O to use it) and as a result, you may encounter additional audio distortion and perhaps jitter in the converters. may be subtle, may not be. on the larger units (i have the 1820) i definitely only run it on the power supply.