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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. usually at a minimum i include title, composer, performing artist(s), album (if one), copyright notice, release year, genre(s), and track# (if applicable). if you go to the grammy website and lookup the metadata specs, there is a whole bunch more that could be included in the recordings as well as output files (where metadata can be embedded, or as labels on the media).
  2. Remo on the snare, Evans G1 or G2 on the toms, Aquarian on the kick ? although i just set up a friends kit with Remo all around except Aquarian on the kick, and i have to admit the heavy coated Remo on the toms actually sound nice with the brushes as well as sticks.
  3. i guess Bill figured it was ok to steal some ideas after Apple stole it from Xerox ?
  4. no worries @clovis i'm in the solutions world and the term "real time" is used to great excess to hype things. unless it's in hospital life support or high speed vehicle controls, no one seems to really want to pay for "real time" when you explain it to them ?
  5. actually i'd call "near real time" since there is latency etc which is solved by keeping copies of the work-in-progress in each client connected to the session rather than a true live streaming (where the latency across tracks would be readily apparent). so kudos for making this work! once i saw this, i thought the same thing - BandLab mix editor as a VST... just add your favorite video/chat product and you'd be good to go (assuming the BL does a trick similar with the near-real time caching across clients)
  6. fair enough ? i'm drinking my morning caffeine from a 30 year Tupperware mug which is still going strong ? i have a bunch of the Glaadware so i'll have to try it. one plus is that they're easily replaced and much less costly than a set of new drum heads ?
  7. yes and no. the center panned stereo phantom image is "essentially the same" as a mono track except that any stereo pan laws in use , phase differences, etc can impact the levels whereas the mono buss/track will enforce a consistent phase and energy level on your mix decisions. a mono pan law in a stereo master field can also be impactful, but you've already addressed any potential phase and level issues by forcing the mono. you can easily test this yourself. setup your bass and kick through mono source tracks and a single mono buss. switch the tracks to stereo and back - what did you hear/measure? then set tracks to mono and switch buss between mono and stereo - same hearing and measures (phase scope)? note: most times, instruments are mono sources like vocals, so unless you're stereo miking the instrument (e.g. acoustic guitar, a three mic drum kit setup, M/S etc) just using mono tracks and audio clips will be best.
  8. thanks! a lot of good information there! one quick note on sources - i find that when i need a quick and dirty "human performance" on drums, i record a few tracks with me just tapping on my laptop to perform bass drum, snare, hi-hat, percussion beats (one per track as the "notes" on the laptop case are pretty monotone) then use Melodyne (or could be any audio to midi convert) to generate a single note MIDI sequence, copy + paste + drag MIDI to appropriate drum(s) on my AD2 midi track, or just use the drum replacer. fast and very human way to get drums going without using anything extra like my bongos or djembe.
  9. "/" "\" ":" etc are restricted characters for file names in Windows. also: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file
  10. yeah, for something like this i would use Ozone and Insight to get the levels correctly set. and RX for noise reduction etc.
  11. note: i bought the CA-2A a number of years ago. on the CA-2A versus the PC2A - i noticed the PC2A VU sets itself to 0 regardless of active or not, whereas the CA-2A when inactive drops off (which is what i would expect). also, running each separately, the identical track (some clicks) with both set to 50% gain 50% reduction, the PC2A is showing 3-4db more gain reduction than the CA2A. not sure if the internals are somehow different. have not done a harmonics or limiter check yet.
  12. well there is a normalization process but its peak level not RMS. there is also the silence process which can readily trim down below a threshold and split clips (or not) depending on settings.
  13. same here - prefer insert via parameters versus dragging. and not just at the beginning but anywhere i'm inserting across the board.
  14. as well meaning as the rules are, like most social media (and do not mistake it - forums are social media) the definitions are purposely vague to allow moderators flexibility (i'm one of the John Sayer BB moderators so i appreciate the work people have to do) but it does allow for incorrect application of a moderator intervention. for example "do not post fake or false information" - as determined by who? we should remember the impact of Facebook, Google Search, Amazon hosting etc on their moderator actions being extreme when, with a little research on places where it's not banned, we find experienced scientists, medical professional etc disagreeing with the government lines re: COVID safety, origination, lockdown effectiveness, government abuses leading to mass deaths in nursing homes, etc are being suppressed for political or other nefarious reasons. this is bad bad bad. so, in short, hopefully the moderation taking place here will be moderate and based on fact and not fear, or political bias etc. then again, if you or your family are threatened by the powers-that-be, sometimes there is little a moderator can due if a large organization decides to trash your life or business online.
  15. hmmmm - 64-bit plugins? did you try a different driver (e.g. like WASAPI instead of ASIO)?
  16. maybe a re-install of the software could fix some missing bits or runtimes. if you're using them during the mix phase - bump up your audio IO latency to a high number - this will significantly reduce the CPU load. once you have a track sounding pretty much as you want it, freeze it to save even more processing power. this should help.
  17. one thought - use automation to "write" the setting as a very short envelope, then turn off write. the gain will bounce to the level you set. adjust the gain, then once happy, enable the automation write, turn the gain know a bit to lock it in, turn off write.
  18. maybe just use two mono tracks. i just did a recording this weekend up at Woodstock and just two mics and two mono tracks per performance, sounds great and i can also adjust some of the levels between the tracks to change the closest instruments to a given mic.
  19. hmmm. are the audio latency set as high as possible? this will help ease CPU impact from the synths. if you're trying to run soft synths, versus freezing them, those will be very high resource consumers. presumably you're stacking all the same soft synths in Ableton with the same latency settings?
  20. pretty sure if the simplification simply remove redundant nodes within a given % of the adjacent ones, that would seem straight forward like the video. if you're asking for it to create curves based on the node pattern as showing in the first post, i'd suggest that is way less intuitive for the programming to make - my interpretation of that would have been a bowl not a descending arc to a point... also, i wouldn't want my gaps (the dotted sections) to be automatically filled since i usually mean them to keep the last position steady until next change without needing to consume any automation processing.
  21. yeah, the value-added tax schemes are probably the most corrupt/evil by any measure. basically the government applies the VAT to every step, so it's often 35-40% by the time a consumer gets it - with most "built-in" by wholesalers and distributors. and because many of the VAT layers are not readily seen by the buying public, the governments adjust them all the time (you can guess which direction). this not only cause a competitive hit on the markets but effectively devalues the currencies involved. (as a disclaimer had the professional experience of building systems and as a result too much info on VAT schemes...) so for anyone thinking in the US that VAT is the way to go to "simplify" taxes, just say NO.
  22. as an observation, going to PT, StudioOne, Cubase, Live, FL, REAPER forums you see complaints about crashing all the time. i've never seen a high end (>$25K worth of IO and computer) ProTools installation on a Mac, for example, ever work for more than about 4 hours without crashing completely. even with no plugins or only stock ones. so not sure that CbB is the least stable of DAW out there. i know on my desktop and laptop, i've gone easily 8-10 hours a day for a few days before i start seeing weird things - like no doubt memory holes being drilled by plugins and various Windows processes. then again, my workflows tend to be simple and i limit the number of cross-trakc/cross-buss routing and massive numbers of plugins and soft synths. probably no more than 40-50 tracks on a project and probably same number of plugins across all the tracks and busses. maybe a 12-15 soft synths which are typically then frozen during the mix.
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