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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. Ok, thanks. I like bagpipes and have the quilcom one. Hard to fit them in a song though.
  2. Do you know how it came to be that way? I made a topic in feedback that ended here and had to be moved back to feedback. I never understood how that could happen. It differs in one is a post and the other a topic but what could the common cause be?
  3. No, i just wanted a quick test. To install extra software to get a demo song is one more against. Nor did i like that the drums listed all kits. It was confusing. I only want to see the kits that exists as samples and can be chosen. It was stable on my win8.1 so that's not the problem. And the pattern window? I sincerely hope that users of jamstix can produce a better view of that. It was pitiful in the startscreen. Added. I like the song window where you put your intro, verse, chorus patterns to make a song.
  4. I tested the free version. Nothing loaded as default. Couldn't get a sound out of it from scratch. Couldn't find a preset that loaded a kit and a pattern that i could listen to. I could easily find a animated 3d room. Empty of course. At some time i tested jamstix 2 and i liked it. I don't like this version 4. They seem to think that a 3d view of the drums is something essential to drum software. Dumbfers.
  5. Maybe some don't understand fully... An offline computer is frozen in time. It doesn't change in any way and it doesn't update. The version of the operative system doesn't matter because when you first put it all together with daw and periferals and it works, then it's always a working daw computer as long as it's offline. An image of that computer makes it live for ever because it allows you to replace faulty hardware and start it up again. (As long as the motherboard works. Having a second mb of the same model fixes that problem.) The unanswered question is: Are the development team considering this. Will the authorization set aside what version Cakewalk has and make it activated no matter how old the version is? If the authorization is used for statistics only, as suggested in other posts, it could be done with a nag screen a la Reaper to mail a zipfile. Cakewalk make that file with statistics it need and give a link to it in the nag screen. This way it no longer needs to deactivate saving or anything else.
  6. Yes it's much. But i look at what company the mail is from. Knowing if i have an interest in a product from them. If i have then i read the mail. If i haven't, because i already bought what i needed from them, then i delete it without reading. In that way i go through them pretty fast.
  7. And this just turned up: Overdose You can download Overdose as a registered Noizfield.com user. Registration is FREE! https://www.noizefield.com/products/overdose
  8. 2rulesynth Haven't used it myself but it's either freeware or donationware. https://akyuz5.wixsite.com/mysite/2rulesynth
  9. Ok. I'm letting this go. I could make a 2000 word explanation with facts why you both could be accused of going off topic with your posts. I do not want to do that. I don't like to be forced to use my time and energy to educate you. Your parents should have done that.
  10. I get irritated when i read this win10 fanboy shit. There is no indication that the os version has anything to do with this! I use win7, win8.1 and win10. All work fine with Cakewalk. Vittorio Fra should make an os image. Then he can always go back to a functional state as long as his pc hardware hold together. Win7 can make an image of itself without third party software.
  11. There is only one way to go back to an earlier version and that is to use the "rollback installer". You find it in the early access threads. Each early access has its own rollback installer. In theory you should be able to go back one step at the time with the rollback installers until you reach the oldest version of Cakewalk. That's lot of work and i doubt it would work without a hitch.
  12. Well...you see, i doublechecked my facts by searching on this forum. There's one more user that have problem with missing Cakewalk instrument and using the web installer without success. So i gave him some options. Vittorio Fra have unusual symptoms and it could possible be a whole other thing that's the problem. Virus software as Defender. Read and write permissions on files and folders. And more...
  13. The Studio Instruments installer puts files in three locations. The default location for these files are: Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for documentation, resources and samples Folders for each plug-in under "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins" for the plug-in dlls Folders for each plug-in under "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments" for patterns and programs If you feel confident using the registry. Try remove all entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Installers from the registry and run webinstaller again. Maybe the webinstaller doesn't ignore that registry setting after all. The only thing with windows 7 and Cakewalk addons is that you don't get Melodyne installed any longer because it's win 10 only. (I think. Haven't tested to move an audiofile to a miditrack. Only know the web installer refused to install it.)
  14. Earlier in this thread you have a link to the web installer. Use that. It doesn't have the same problems with registry that the old and defunct Bandlab assistant.
  15. Kurre

    Imported MIDI

    One other thing to try would be to import to a miditrack and route the output to the vsti track. Then in the inspector of the vsti track you can transpose incoming notes by semitones. It's the "key" under the arpeggio settings.
  16. To get sound from a softsynth driven by midinotes you have to set "Input Echo" On.
  17. If you have a saved project, open it up and see what happens. Can you open the startscreen and select the basic template? What happens then? You could also in the workspace list change to "none". Maybe delete "Cakewalk.ini" or "aud.ini" or "ttsseq.ini". These files get recreated by Cakewalk if they are missing. Sometimes that help if something in one of them gets corrupted. These three initialization files are stored in the following folder: %AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core BUT Before making any changes to any of the .ini files, you should make a backup copy in case you make a mistake.
  18. Maybe she sings country as a grown up? Ring of Fire (with Lyrics) - Lennon and Maisy Stella
  19. I think i pass on this and thereby give the others a little better odds with fever participants. I'll buy it as soon as i can decide if i should get the Luthier together with it or not. ?
  20. At the top of the forum there's three tabs. In the middle one "Cakewalk by Bandlab" you have the " reference guide pdf". It's kind of the manual for Cakewalk. About the "Ultra Simple" workspace setting. I think it must be a user made workspace. Because you still can take away things from the view when you use the "basic" workspace. You are free to make your own workspace with only the things that you want to see in the display and name that workspace to whatever you feel like. Maybe you name it "Ultra Simple".
  21. They got my money with that move. I felt like buying something lowcost...i have an account at VSTBuzz which i don't have at Adsr.
  22. Lets say you start with a track that have Instacomposer. It have 5 miditracks which can have its own channel. Insert or drag the instrumentX you want to control with the midi to a new track in the project. Check/set what channel the InstaC use for the miditrack. In instrumentX input you'll see InstaC and can select what channel to take the input from. Repeat for instrumentA,B,C,D.
  23. What happened with the GIVEAWAY mentioned earlier in the thread? How do we know there is a giveaway if the winners is anonymous.
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