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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. Mira, I hope you feel better and Merry Christmas as well. Think positive and use that positive energy well as it will help heal you. Keep all negative thoughts in out of your head and soon you will be out of the hospital soon and back to makeing music.
  2. Happy Thanks giving everyone We can't eat the bird this year because he's providing the entertainment.
  3. Can you put the Faderport in Mackie Mode upon setup?
  4. From AudioDeluxe.com Various updates and upgrade possibilities Presonus Studio One 6.5 updates from Professional, Artist and Crossgrades. From ~~~> Audio Deluxe Website How long does this type of sale last?
  5. I found this one at Sweetwater: PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional - Upgrade from Professional/Producer (All Previous Versions) Studio One 6 upgrade $104.99 ================================ Studio One Professional PreSonus Studio One 6 Professional $279
  6. Mibby, I know how you feel buddy, I own it too. ?
  7. Confused about what you are showing us, because the link is for several things, but nothing about 30 % off on Studio One upgrade.
  8. Sheens, I have the Art Pro VLA II, whis is a really nice Dual Mono Link compressor. It really sound good on buses when I mix drums, vocals and other instrumens. I just wanted a dedicated Master Bus Compressor so I chose the Warm Audio mainly for the price and it was reccomended. I do like using it, however, like I said, it not fully comparable to the real deal. I have a FMR RNC 1173 Compressor as well, and that little compressor is remarkable on a bus and on individual tracks.
  9. Only eyeing the Avalon VT-737 Tube Channel Strip plug. I took advantage of the sale a few weeks agao wthe the coupon code!
  10. I baked my tapes a few times but everytime I did that a CAKE would come out of the oven. Maybe I was using the wrong recipe for backing, ... Let's see 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of butter, 30 ips tapes... ?
  11. Hello All, I have UA Pultec Passive EQ Collection I just love using I got Melodyne Editor for Vocals which I have to use on all artist Vox Tracks at some point I received Manley’s VOXBOX channel strip and it's awesome I am an advocate for Waves F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ Compression has to go to my Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor
  12. Craig, Not to be used in Sonar, but computer wallpaper with Cakewalk background or with the words Cakewalk. You know, like Microsoft does when you turn on a brand new computer, Wallpaper.
  13. For that price, I would get it just to have in the studio for that just in case moment. It's not meant to use as a singing microphone, but it might just fit the bill depending on who's using it.
  14. Thanks Heath, The bestservice upgrade to Studio One 6+ Pro from Artist is listed as $257.90 ?
  15. I already have a focusrite 18i20 3rd edition interface. I just want a good deal on getting the software Studio One 6+ . As I said already, I have Studio One Artist but the price I don't want to pay for the upgrade is $299, which is the same price for the cross grade from Cakewalk.
  16. Crossgrade is from Cakewalk Sonar of course. Upgrade is from Studio One Artist
  17. I need a good deal on the price of Studio One 6+, what's available? The cross grade from Cakewalk is almost 3 bills, Yikes. I am gonna need my Studio one 6+ to be priced cheaper. ?
  18. No, that would be the Lewit 440. Look at the Warm Audio WA-14 instead See it Here~~~> WA-14
  19. Stop calling BAPU a stoopid old man, He's just OLD!!
  20. Hello Folks, Years ago the members of the Sonar forums displayed and swapped wall paper. I had the Sonar desktop wall paper of a city backround for years but I lost it and well, it's gone forever when I built my new computer and wiped the old HD after cloning it. I wonder if anyone has still has that beautiful Sonar wall paper with the city Skyline in the background or any other good Cakewalk Wallpaper?
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