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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. The Merging Anubis was much more expensive, but it was indeed impressive.
  2. Thanks, It updated AD2 and ADkeys.
  3. Thanks, Much appreciated, I missed original Kramer HLS Channel Plugin by 1 day and then I saw this posting. ?
  4. No Problems updating to the newer version ?
  5. Hello Cakewalk I love using hardware inserts when I mix in Cakewalk By Bandlab and soon hopefully Sonar too. I would like to see the ability to set up my external hardware as Mono Channels as well as Stereo Channels and have them saved for use. If I and using a Stereo in and outs of my Compressor, there is no way I am going to use the Mono Left or Right , however, I can't do that in Cakewalk because it won't show the other available I/O souce once one is used. I would like the ability to call up the left or right I/O from a saved preset and just use it. The way it is now, It is either Stereo only, Right only or Left only. There has to be a better way of setting up, saving and using External Inserts. Although I loves using Cakewalk external inserts, you guys sure make it difficult to set up the hardware and use it at will.
  6. Larry where have you been, Kansas? This has been out for a while. I've been receiving tutorials from this guy on how to use it for a while because our church has one. It's rather nice and I like using it. All of the FX and everything is built in.
  7. Bapu, I have two Furman PL-PROC and one Furman M-8Dx. To one of the Furman PL-PROC's Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 focusrite Scarlett Octopre Presonus Eureka Mic Pre Channel strip Warm Audio WA73-EQ 1- Mic Pre & EQ 2 x Golden Age Project EQ81 MKIII 4-band Equalizer ART Pro VLA II - Compressor/Leveler FMR RNC 1173- Compressor Lexicon MX200 Rack Reverb Unit To another Furman PL-PROC's Warm Audio Bus Compressor Mackie Big Knob (Original) Presonus HP4 Headphone Amp 2 x Frontier Monitors by Barefoot Korg TR Workstation 2x Samung 24" Monitors On the Furman M-8Dx 2 x Yamaha HS8 Powered Studio Monitors 2 x KRK Rokit 5 in Studio Monitors Fender Bass Amp Fender Electric Guitar Amp Home built computer for DAW Icon Pro Audio QCon Pro G2 Control Surface
  8. Is that a pair of GAP EQ-81 MKIII Equalizers, I have those and I love the way they sound! I don't know what I said to them over the phone, but they sent me the accompanying rack for them as well for free. Nice Racks!!
  9. WHAT??? Bapu, say it isn't so!!! I have several furman power conitioners, I won't use my rack without them connected.
  10. Bapu, Could you please PM me your home address, Uh you might want to go on vacation first,... LOL ?
  11. Bapu, What version of Studio One do you currently have? I saw a video with Pipeline XT for Studio One 6 and I though is was awesome; I wish Cakewalk had that. I am looking into getting Studio One 6+ but I am waiting for a good sale, that 299.99 cross grade price is, well rather steep. I wonder if Cakewalk updated their External Insert method with the new Sonar software.
  12. It's a Bus compressor over the entire audio, it's suppose to be subtle. When I engage the transformer button, what I hear is based on the settings I made for the Bus Compressor.
  13. The engage button you are talking about allows the CineMag transformers to be engage which changes the tone, increases the depth and the vibe of the song. And yes, it increases the volume a little.
  14. Hello Folks, I have been looking at the WA buss compressor for a while and Warm Audio lowered the price from $799.99 to $649.99 for a limited time. This was a deal I just couldn't pass up. If you need a hardware Master buss compressor, check this one out, but don't take a long time as this price won't be around long. (Clone of the SSL XLogic G-series Compressor) WARM AUDIO
  15. Hello Folks, I have been looking at the WA bus compressor for a while and WA just lowered the price from $799.99 to $649.99 for a limited time. This was a deal I just couldn't pass up. The Warm Audio BUS-COMP is an all-analog, 2 channel, stereo VCA bus compressor based on classic circuitry that has provided silky smooth tone for decades. Stereo VCA bus compressors are masterful at controlling dynamics on many sources, but they have become widely known for their magic touch on stereo mixes. The BUS-COMP will perform well on stereo mixes, drum mixes, drum overheads, acoustic guitars, keyboards, piano, orchestral instruments, voice-overs and an array of other sources. The BUS-COMP is primarily designed for stereo use, but it can be used just as successfully on individual mono sources. VCA bus compressors of this type have become widely loved for their ability to control dynamics effortlessly but also for the added tone and depth they provide to the audio signal that passes through them, even when no compression is applied. WARM AUDIO BUS COMPRESSOR
  16. I just love this SSL Download Manager. Frank, thanks for the heads up ?
  17. The LA-2A is a collection of LA-2A, which are three plugins. The LA-2A Collection – Three Different Flavors The Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection includes units from three different LA-2A eras — Gray, Silver, and the original LA-2. Here's a simple breakdown. The UREI-built Silver LA-2A is generally appreciated for its faster time constant and its treatment of transients. This makes it a versatile performer that's suitable for the widest variety of applications — including drums, percussion, and bass guitar. The Gray model, paying homage to Jim Lawrence's original mid-‘60s Pasadena-built units, is typically used for material requiring a medium-speed compression — think lead and background vocals, keyboards, and (judiciously) acoustic and electric guitars. The LA-2 model captures the mojo of one of the very earliest Teletronix units, offering the slowest response time and a distinctive "mellow" sound owing to its 50-year-old luminescent panel. It may be best used on legato vocals, strings, and horns. But you know the old maxim, “If it sounds good, it is good!” The free one is the Universal Audio LA-2A tube compressor
  18. Without buying anything, there is an offer for the UAD LA-2A for free on that website. I was about to purchase the Essential plugin bundle, then I looked down and saw the UAD LA-2A for free. Here it is ~~> UAD LA-2A
  19. Soundwise, Does the Artist version of Studio one have Pipeline XT included? I want to get Studio one, but I I want a version that allow the use of external hardware since I use a good amount of it in my mixing in Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  20. For the Cross-grade, $228.00 is not a bad price since the regular price for the cross-grade is $299.99
  21. Those are upgrade prices, which means you will need to own the prior version of Artist or Professional Studio one. The only full version is the cross grade for $228
  22. My BCF200. I loved that little midi controller. I sold it and it helped to buy me my first Mackie Control Universal.
  23. I tried today to get a third plugin from UAD today using the code, UADTUESDAY, but they won't allow me to use the code. I kept receiving the banner at the top "Coupon code "UADTUESDAYS" is not valid." ? So, So, Sad.
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