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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. THE TRUE STORIES BEHIND THE 8DIO ATTACKS on VI-CONTROL MY BACKGROUND and WHY I GOT INVOLVED TO SHARE WHAT I KNOW Over the years, I've provided consulting advice to around 3 dozen sample and plugin developers. It was never a key source of income, more of an extension of my hobby, but it's amounted to 6 figures over that entire period. My background is leading digital marketing at large brands prior to starting a dot com which grew out of my recognition as a business speaker and writer. I've given advice to Troels during his ToneHammer days (1 session 15 years ago), I've given advice to Mike Greene, the owner of Realitone and Vi-Control, and I was the person who gave advice to Mario / Evil Dragon 13 ago (via a developer) after he did a comparison of a ToneHammer library with one he worked on without disclosing that he worked on the competitor library, which he praised as superior to TomeHammer's library. It was unethical shilling, plain and simple, and Greene knows the true story, but still promoted a false narrative, leveraging Mario for his vendetta attack on 8Dio. THE ROOT OF MIKE GREENE'S VENDETTA: SEVERAL WEEKS PRIOR TO THE ATTACK, 8DIO PULLED THEIR SPONSORSHIP OF VI-CONTROL DUE TO GREENE'S CENSORSHIP OF THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY How did it all start? TIMELINE: SEPT 2022: Greene Censors Discussions About Henson's Transphobic Tweet. 8Dio CEO Contacts Greene to Persuade Him to Allow Discussion. Greene Refuses, The Conversation Isn't Pleasant and Greene Taunts the CEO . 8Dio Pulls Sponsorship of VI-Control. JAN 2023: Greene Actively Participates in Defamatory Thread Containing a Series of Character Attacks Against 8Dio's Co-Founders, with the Aid of a Scripter Upset that She Didn't Get the Offer She Wanted for an Uncommissioned 8Dio Fan Project. The Scripter (Sarah) and Greene Leverage Anyone They Can Find Who's Had a Grievance with 8Dio or One of Its Founders, Going Back 13 Years to Make Their Attack. Sept 2022: 8Dio's CEO, Tawnia Knox , PMs Vi-Control owner (and also owner of Realitone, an 8Dio competitor) Mike Greene to persuade him that 8Dio to stop the censorship of threads discussing the Christian Henson tweet; with the premise that canceling this conversation is unfair to the LGBTQ community. Greene disagrees strongly, and reacts unpleasantly. Knox states 8Dio is pulling all sponsorship of VI-Control. The conversation is not friendly. Greene's communications with Knox could be described as demeaning, unfriendly, condescending/insulting, and abrasive. Greene doesn't like Knox and clearly wants her to know it. I realize that Henson's tweet is the subject of disagreement and has been politicized. I hope that, regardless of your worldview, we can agree that conversation is better than canceling conversations and retreating to corners. I'd also add that while Greene has publicly stated many times that he is a solid liberal and can be abrasive ot the other side, Ms. Knox is a very non-political person, and I don't believe there is any political element to this. Jan 2023: The timeline is undeniable. Only several weeks after 8Dio pulled their sponsorship of VI-Control, Greene was a very aggressive part -- eventually the attack leader -- of a very hostile, libelous attack thread against 8Dio at VI-Control. Greene and two contractors of 8Dio competitor Impact Soundworks (IS), later joined by IS CEO, Andrew Aversa (a friend of Greene). Sarah and Mario attacked and mocked 8Dio and its two principals, but never disclosed that they worked for an 8Dio competitor. Aversa joined in on the attack against the IS competitor and did not disclose that Sarah and Mario worked for him. SARAH'S STORY: A KONTAKT SCRIPTER UPSET HER UNCOMMISSIONED FAN PROJECT FOR A RETIRED 8DIO LIBRARY WASN'T PURCHASED FOR 5-6 FIGURES FROM 8DIO Sarah Mancuso originally created the thread to share her fan scripting project for a retired 8Dio library. For more than 20 pages, she praised 8Dio's work as a developer. However, when Sarah went to 8Dio to pitch buying it for 6-7 figures (the amount is disputed), 8Dio felt that the retired library didn't have commercial viability and instead offered Sarah the opportunity to work on upcoming projects. Sarah rejected 8Dio's offer for upcoming projects and instead stayed fixated on getting 8Dio to buy her fan project, persuading 8Dio to re-released the retired library to see how it sells. 8Dio did re-release their retired library and during the course of several months it sold a total of $400 USD. As a result 8Dio re-retired the library. Troels decided to use Mancuso's donate page to give Sarah $300 USD of the proceeds to show his thanks for her efforts. Sarah was offended at Troels' gesture and turned her 8Dio fan thread at VI-Control into an attack thread, using her story, her co-worker at Impact Soundwork's story with Troels that pre-dates the formation of 8Dio and anyone she could find that had a dispute with 8Dio going back a decade or more to find two additional individuals she didn't know that she leveraged to attack the developer. Some VI-Control forum participants bought Sarah's narrative but started to come to the conclusion that Sarah was not wronged by 8Dio. After Sarah name-called 8Dio's management -- including calling 8Dio's CEO, whom she never met or had a single interaction with, an "evil bitch," Mancuso eventually acknowledged that 8Dio did not wrong her and privately acknowledged to me that she never met or had any interaction with 8Dio's CEO. Mancuso's sole impression of her was based on Mike Greene's opinion. A week ago, Sarah Mancuso told me that she no longer feels good about Mike Green or believes him to be a friend. MARIO'S STORY AND HOW THE FORUM OWNER CENSORED THE TRUE STORY OF IP THEFT, SHILLING AND VI -CONTROL'S OWNER "STACKING THE DECK" TO CREATE A FALSE NARRATIVE TO ATTACK A FELLOW DEVELOPER 13 years ago Mario / Evil Dragon deceptively posed as an unaffiliated KVR member comparing what we'll call K choir sample library to Embertone's library (the sample developer Troels co-founded prior to 8Dio) and proclaiming that the K library was superior. Mario didn't disclose that he was actually shilling for K developer. Mario had done the KONTAKT scripting on the library. K had plagiarized some of ToneHammer's intellectual property in the creation of their library, so there was a bad history. When Troels realized that Mario was doing a "fake review" of a library he worked on, he confronted Mario and told him what he was doing was unethical and he could be sued. Worried that he was caught doing something unethical and illegal, Mario turned to a developer I advised who called me in to give Mario advice. My advice to Mario 13 years ago was that what he did was unethical and he shouldn't have done it and that he should apologize to Troels. I told him that he shouldn't worry about a lawsuit, that while ToneHammer was within its rights to sue, the lawsuit would most likely be confined to K and not Mario, as Mario lived in Croatia and ToneHammer was based in the US. Consequently, it would be very costly to do that lawsuit and likely cost more than Mario's net worth. To find out 13 years later that Mario not only never apologized to Troels, but that Mario is now mispresenting facts and claiming that he's a bullied victim was very disappointing, patently false and unethical. I shared this in the original attack thread, but Greene deleted my posts, PMing me not to get involved. Deleting my posts along with hundreds of other comments in the thread. Greene later falsely stated that he never deleted a single post defending 8Dio. MIKE GREENE'S ATTACKS ON 8DIO AND ITS CEO Mike Greene went from calling Sarah's, Mario's, and two other people's stories allegations to presenting their allegations -- some of which Greene privately knew to be false -- as facts. Greene went on to create a false narrative that 8Dio has a history of bullying people and is very litigious, never providing a single piece of evidence for these claims. Sadly, you can see Greene's narrative reflected in the comments of posts he didn't delete and more recent posts in 8Dio related threads at VI-Control. Greene has privately acknowledged to me that he realizes that his behavior with the 8Dio attack thread may have been wrong, but still continues to post angry, defamatory rants against 8Dio, often stating that 8Dio's deep discount sales prices are destroying the sample development industry and that 8Dio is leading a "race to the bottom" with their heavy discounting. Greene has very boldly made clear that he despises Tawnia Knox in our correspondence and tried to persuade me to dislike her, similar to the way he has influenced Sarah Mancusio and Mario / Evil Dragon. 8DIO CEO, MOCKED, RIDICULED AND DEFAMED BY GREENE, SARAH AND MARIO, IN A TOXIC, BULLYING THREAD ENCOURAGING A MOB TO JOIN IN THE ATTACKS While Sarah referred to 8Dio’s CEO Tawnia Knox in her attack thread as an “evil bitch” and Mario also disparaged Tawnia, neither Sarah nor Mario have ever met, exchanged a single email, PM, text or even had a conversation in social media or a forum with Tawnia. I have confirmed this directly with Mario and Sarah, although they were both very evasive before finally acknowledging the truth. Mario’s and Sarah’s opinion of Tawnia Knox was based solely on what they were told by Mike Greene and their employer, 8Dio competitor, Andrew Aversa, owner of Impact Soundworks. I'd interviewed Tawnia and was supplied with correspondence between her and Mike Greene and others. I found that Greene represented different stories than he privately knew to be true. The private Greene is very different than his public persona. In his correspondence with Knox -- and his remarks to me regarding Knox -- he is routinely mocking, insulting and taunting. I was impressed with Troels that even while Mike, Mario, and Sarah were berating him after he gave what appeared to me an honest apology -- when I knew that Mario owed him an apology -- Troels didn't react and never shared something in Mario's past from around that time that he could easily have shared that would greatly impact Mario's credibility. Because back then, it was widely rumored that Mario was engaged in piracy. I know that Troels knew that, but chose not to disclose that even when faced with dishonest personal and business attacks and cyberbullying. That speaks to the man's character. This fact greatly impressed me as I tried to navigate fact from fiction among the stories being told. Troels and Tawnia saw Mario's past as mistakes as the past and didn't want to harm his reputation even when he was telling a misleading version of events that harmed their reputations. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: A DEVELOPER THAT OWNS THE FORUM USING IT TO ATTACK COMPETITORS, MARIO & SARAH ATTACKING A COMPETITOR W/O DISCLOSING THEIR AFFILIATION The owner of VI-Control, Mike Greene, also own a small sample development business called Realitone, a competitor to 8Dio. A number of developers have told me that they have concerns about the conflict of interest of a developer owning a forum and Mike Greene's propensity to use his forum to attack developers. The attack thread also featured three people who work for 8Dio competitor Impact Soundworks, Mario, Sarah and Andrew Aversa. Greene never pointed out that these are an 8Dio competitor and most forum owners would have good enough ethics to not permit developers attacking competitors on their forum. Consider that Greene has spent the rest of 2023 doing hostile melt down rants in literally every 8Dio sales thread I've seen that anyone has made at VI-Control. Here is an except so you can understand that Greene is making a very ugly vendetta attack against 8Dio as a competitor. It's very apparent that Greene has incredible hostility against 8Dio as a business competitor, and the people and lies he uses as props are transparent (it should be noted that Greene refers to 8Dio "sicking" their lawyer on him is also a lie. In fact, that lawyer is the wife of one of Greene's friends and he's friends with her also, but he's trying to paint a false picture and those facts don't matter to him; additionally, Mike doesn't know Cory and has never had any correspondence with him, I know that directly from Mike: CORY PELAZZARI 'S STORY: LEVERAGED FOR GREENE'S AND SARAH'S ATTACKS; CLAIMED AS A "FRIEND," NEITHER HAVE HAD ANY COMMUNICATION WITH CORY If you visit Cory Pelazzari's YouTube channel and check out his recent videos, you'll see that he posted that his friend Peter D. was his motivation to become active again. I’m Peter D. Cory's story is more complex and he’s actually never done a video review of an 8Dio library (he's done videos about 8Dio libraries he owns, comparing some and about a loading issue). When Cory is ready to tell that story, I’ll report on it. But Tawnia is the only ones in this story who knows Cory and they have shared personal details of their lives and though there apparently was some falling out at one period over what I've found clearly appears to be a sock puppet account Cory made on 8Dio's web page and some fake reviews, the two have been very personal with one another. While Mike Greene repeatedly used Cory in his attacks on 8Dio has never had any direct communications with Cory. Sarah acknowledged to me that she never has never had any communications with Cory, but only came across his video while searching for anyone who's ever had a dispute with 8Dio in order to bolster her own attack. ADDRESSING GREENE'S F-BOMB DROPPING MELT DOWN RANTS THAT 8DIO IS LEADING THE "RACE TO THE BOTTOM" THAT CONTINUE TO THIS DAY [Note that since I've written this post, Mike has been editing his posts and removed at least some of his rants on 8Dio's pricing.] It's like the old tale of Mary Worth. Say her name in a mirror 7 times and she'll appear. But at VI-Control, it's create a thread about an 8Dio sale and Mike Greene will appear ranting and raving, dropping F-bombs, about 8Dio's deep discounting of their libraries causing a "race to the bottom." There is no ethics problem for a developer like 8Dio having sales with huge discounts and I think those huge discounts reflect a trend in the sample library and plugin world dramatically lowering pricing. I do understand and empathize how a small developer like Greene (in addition to owning VI-Control, Mike is a developer of KONTAKT sample libraries called Realitone) is worried about how his business will have to adjust to a changing marketplace where sample libraries simply don't have as high of a profit margin as they used to. Mike regards 8Dio as leading the charge to lower prices in the industry, and to candid, I'm not sure if 8Dio was the developer that started deep discounting orchestral sample libraries or another developer did, but Mike using his forum to attack a competitor makes clear that the conflict of interest of a developer running a forum may be too great to overcome. I empathize with any small developer when disruption occurs in the marketplace and now they have to concern themselves with how to adjust their strategies to attain similar ROI to what they achieved in the past. However, this is a normal part of how technology and competitive forces cause marketplaces to change over time. Of course, these changes are great news for sample library buyers and I think it's clear that sample library prices are likely going to be reduced in the orchestral space due to competitive forces regardless if Greene blames 8Dio or not for these marketplace changes, I think that this change has already started occurring. I've never asked Greene this question, but perhaps part of this dimension of Mikes's hostility towards 8Dio is because his sales are down and he blames 8Dio. In any event, As a marketing and branding strategist, I have to note that this is simply how markets change and adapt over time and it is a bit of a Darwinian situation. To use less academic take, look at the impact of Waves deep discounting on the effects plugin industry. Waves has been a disruptor in the effects plugin industry by dramatically reducing the cost of high-quality plugins from the three-figure price point range to $29/39 USD, the price of many of their plugins in their nearly always-on sales. That certainly has presented challenges for small developers competing against them. They're dropping their prices that dramatically isn't ethically problematic. But it does present a challenge for small developers who don't sell their products at the same volume levels as Waves. It puts them in a situation where their plugins may no longer command prices of $200 USD on up for a reverb effect. Consequently, it presents a challenge for a developer who has invested a lot of money and resources into plugins that will not yield a positive ROI if they have to dramatically reduce prices at their historical sales volumes. MIKE GREENE'S ATTEMPTS TO CONTACT ME FOLLOWING MY PARTING WAYS WITH VI-CONTROL After I responded to one of Mike Greene's recent angry, F-bomb dropping meltdown rants against 8Dio made long after the original attack thread, I attempted to tell this story on VI-Control, however, I was still trying to persuade Mario to tell the true story of what happened between him and Troels 13 yrs ago instead of me telling it. Mike began deleting all of my posts and calling me bullying names. He sent me an email telling me what a great guy I am and that maybe he has been unfair to 8Dio and then proceeded to get lost in an attack on Tawnia Knox that I can only describe as somewhere between libel and mean girl behavior. When I replied cc'ing Tawnia so that she could see what he wrote, Mike was furious and told me that he was republishing a thread he previously deleted where I was libeled and bullied after sharing an experience as a customer with a developer friend of his. Mike then removed my posts from the thread they were originally in and moved them to their own thread out of context titling them PavlovsCats "rehash..." falsely implying that I had rehashed the original attack thread out of the blue when I was replying to his more recent rant against 8Dio that referenced the past attack thread and presented the allegations made that were never proven as facts. When Mike created this new thread, it didn't contain all of the posts I was responding to, so it's really just a collection of my admittedly, way too long posts that are out of context and and some that were deleted. His intention is rather obvious, to portray me as writing those posts out of the blue, not in response to his recent attack posts. And he has since edited his attack posts and added an additional post about Tawnia and I, which I cannot respond to because he has since banned me. Granted, I told him that I have no interest in returning to his site, but I find it unfair for him to delete or deceptively edit the posts I am referring to and then add new posts attacking and disparaging me when I cannot respond. I propose the best solution is to delete the entire thread, but he added to it, which knowing Mike, was merely done to bully. Mike had recently started a series of emails with me. The basis of the first one was Mike's attempt to manipulate me -- much like I suspect he manipulated others -- that although Tawnia Knox seems like a very nice person, she's a terrible, terrible person and I need to hate her like he does. He acknowledged that perhaps his war on 8Dio was unethical and he's done some wrong things and then went back and engaged in more personal attacks on 8Dio's CEO that can only be described as veering somewhere between mean-girl behavior and libel. When I replied cc'ing 8Dios CEO, Greene was furious with me and began name-calling at me. To wrap this up, I gave up on trying to reason with Mike. I thought I'd tell my story here where the forum moderators are very fair and don't deceptively edit posts or engage in personal attacks or try to humiliate people they've put on their enemies list for various reasons that they find justify their indefensible behavior. DISCLOSURES I have given Mike a minor amount of branding/marketing advice in the past at no charge and Mike sent me an NFR as thanks. I never received anything for my advice to Troels 15 or so years ago. I was contacted by Tawnia Knox, the CEO of 8Dio, after she came across a post of mine in this thread. She didn't know who I was and wanted to know how I knew so much about the story of 8Dio and Mike Greene. We ended up hitting it off and quickly bonded as I too have experienced online bullying at VI Control and with Mike Greene and couldn't stomach watching someone else experience it, especially when I knew that some of the accusations against 8Dio were false. I felt morally compelled to speak up. Since then Greene, Tawnia and I have exchanged emails. Greene's communications to me were defamed Knox and when I cc'ed her on the reply, Greene lashed out at me calling me ugly bullying names and made a bullying threat to me Tanya was cc'ed on. Greene went from praising my ethics and saying I had a heart of gold to bullying and threatening to publicly humiliate me on his forum within a couple of emails. I copied other developers in my reply to his threat, letting Greene know that fact. However, I blind cc'ed the developers so that Mike won't retaliate against them too or try to defame me to them like he has done to Tawnia with me. Yes, this is how ugly some players in this small industry can be, all due to greed and ego.
  2. It's hilarious how much our little forum thinks about Larry! I would guess that he'll be back any day. @satya and @Kireanare doing a great job in his absence. Thanks, guys.
  3. I realize that the copy is directed at cinematic composers, but the way it's written and stated in the video is unintentionally hilarious. It's as if its target market is for people looking to write depressing music as opposed to film and TV composers writing for dramatic scenes. "Melancholia is a comprehensive guitar tool for melancholy, sadness, sorrow, emptiness and every emotion in between in your tracks." I can't help but but think everything should be in the key of D minor.
  4. I'm such a huge Wurli fan, I already saw that video, but I love any thread where we talk Wurlis. So thanks for sharing this Patrick. As I've watched and enjoyed your videos and know that you're a talented keyboardist (plus I don't have enough hard drive space to download this so I can't check it out) , I'd love to hear your thoughts on the SampleTank library. if you've had a chance to install and use it. I did use the link to grab the freebie, so thanks @satya
  5. PavlovsCat


    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm rightfully ashamed to tell my wife and kids that I find stuff like this funny. And yet there's still a part of me that just might do it because I know that trying to explain will sound both crazy and dorky and somehow, that amuses me. The sad reality though, inevitably the humor will be completely unappreciated by anyone else than our little group.
  6. PavlovsCat


    I give you: - An A for creativity; this is out of the box thinking - An A for discovering an innovative new, next-gen form of clickbait But I'm going to have to remove points for the follow-through. I was hoping for a better pay-off in the OP. I look forward to your future threads like , : ;
  7. I spent today trying to bring developers together with a site owner who's been spreading very toxic misinformation about a developer on another forum -- that frankly is concerning in the developer community (I've consulted to around 3 dozen developers over the years), and the sad part is that it's ruined that forum, IMO. But this forum, and the way you came together and helped @GoncaloL, in his research that's awesome. We don't have a giant community here, but it's a great helpful community. If Bandlab ever shuts this subforum down, I'm game to start and run a forum of my own and everyone is invited. The beer's on me. I'm dead serious. Not about the beer, but I would actually create a forum to replace this one if Bandlab's plans result in this closing this subforum down with their transition from free to paid products.
  8. I bet you that they will. I shared in this forum that I was probably going to purchase the metering bundle then but it seemed that everyone -- including a few people who've given me some pretty good advice over the years -- were like, why would you bother with that? Consequently, when my fellow gear addicts question buying something -- which is so rare and shocking it gets my attention and I gave up my plans and didn't buy it. But lately the idea has entered my mind again and I may pick it up, if it's offered on BF. Reign me in now fellas if you think this is a mistake!
  9. Heaviocity is, IMO, one of the most interesting and high quality developers making libraries today. They also tend to come in over my budget. If money was of no concern, I'd immediately purchase everything they make. Basically, I'd be living like Bapu.
  10. Is it bad for the price? Absolutely not. But if you have more to spend, you may prefer other options. I own BFD Eco and they've priced the upgrade for that at $49 USD for at least a few years at this point -- they've been on version 3 for -- I would guess -- at least a decade. The plugin has been plagued with a ton of technical issues and that is why I've never upgraded. BFD3, even by the acknowledgment of one of the developers who works on the team on this forum, is dated. It's not competitive with SD3, but then, it's also a small fraction of the price. I'd boil it down to this. If budget is a significant factor and ezDrummer and AD2 are out of reach, I would say it's worth picking up for $49 USD from what I know -- and again, I don't own it. You might want to first download and install BFD Player. It's not the same library and it's much newer, but you'll at least get a feel for the developer's work.
  11. Thanks for tagging me, @Bapu. It sounds like a little work but it's a step in the right direction. If the tool worked well, I'd happily be willing to pay for it.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Well, your earlier response makes more sense to me now. I definitely wouldn't turn to Puremagnetik for sample libraries of acoustic instruments, electric pianos, organ or anything beyond synths, as that's really not their forte and they don't make highly detailed AKA deep sampled highly scripted libraries and that's what I want in those instances. Their wheelhouse (area of expertise) is electronic sounds, mainly samples of Micah’s synth patches. Detail isn't really necessary for those, IMO. So, I suppose I understand more about your disappointment if your expectations was for detailed sample libraries of acoustic instruments, I would never turn to Puremagnetik for that. Where I do find them worthwhile is for synth sounds. They have a couple of Mellotron libraries I really enjoy too (I'm a huge tron fan). But I also wouldn't turn to them for electric pianos, as those are really dependent on dynamics and that is an area where I think detailed sampling is very important. I do have a Wurli sample library from Puremagnetik I bought maybe 12 years ago. Okay, to be more specific, I bought it but later deleted their Wurli library because it lacks the kind of detail I want in a Wurli or any electric piano library. But their tron library and various synth patch libraries seem solid to me. But I don't use a lot of synth sounds in my productions as I tend to stick with piano, organ, guitar, bass, drums, percussion and other acoustic instruments often with a tron.
  13. These guys are influencers, so I take every influencer "review" with a grain of salt. But I seriously doubt they'd give a favorably review to a developer that's total trash. From searches, a number of folks at KVR have good things to say about Puremagnetik in recent years. https://macprovideo.com/article/ableton-live/review-puremagnetik-retro-synths In addition to the folks at KVR, this thread, led by a recording pro pianist, praises Micah Frank's work (the developer behind Puremagnetik) and some of the regulars join in with praise. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/puremagnetik-fx-plugin-suite.106534/
  14. I have a bunch of their libraries I bought many years ago (they've been around at least 15+ years). The libraries aren't detailed, and candidly, I don't use them very much, but I didn't think they were bad quality or I wouldn't have shared them. It'd be interesting to get a number of points of view. Going back a decade or more, over at KVR where I discovered Puremagnetik, there were lots of users there, including some developers I know. As far as scripting, these are pretty old libraries, but synth libraries have very little scripting. What are the specific kinds of problems you've encountered with the scripting and the specific reasons why you feel they're badly sampled? I'm pretty busy the next couple of days, but I will take a hard look at my Puremagnetik libraries-- I bought most of them over a decade ago -- this week. I'm guessing if you're seeing scripting issues, could it be because the scripts were written for a much earlier version of KONTAKT? I certainly don't wouldn't want to share anything that's as bad as what you're describing and that hasn't been my experience with Puremagnetik, however, I haven't used the libraries with the most recent version of KONTAKT and I own maybe a dozen of their libraries, not this bundle nor many others.
  15. Puremagnetik Flash Sale - Electronic Impressions collection, including 9 sample packs for Ableton Live, Kontakt (full version) and Logic, is 88% off - $12 (reg. $99) - until October 23. https://puremagnetik.com/collections/bundles/products/electronic-impressions
  16. My friend and I both enjoyed your music and thought it was all very cool. I'd encourage others to check out Nick's videos too. We've been posting in the deals forum and had some friendly interactions, which always makes it more interesting to me to find out more about people's music and musical backgrounds. Maybe if I didn't get tendinitis-- and also two kids -- and instead remained single, my house would look a lot more like Nick's. My first house, when I was single, kinda did. It had lots of acoustic and electronic drums, percussion, guitars and other instruments in addition to a much more modest collection of synths. These days, I mainly use MIDI controllers and a bunch of virtual gear.
  17. Yep. Maybe you can work something out. Maybe €20 for a free page of stickers for you! What a great FREE deal!!!
  18. EDIT: I was referencing the library from a different thread from a new developer. D'oh!
  19. I was sharing your videos with a friend of mine, a keyboardist and gear junkie out of the UK -- originally from Germany. I knew he would be able to identify all you gear and he was paying it compliments as we were chatting and listening to your music. I really enjoyed this one (hey, I gave your videos likes too.)
  20. Cool It appears, based on the walkthrough, that this is a pretty high-quality developer. Has anyone bought this library? The CEO, Olajide Paris, has worked with some pretty serious heavy hitters -- 8Dio, Sonuscore, UVI, Sample Logic and Orchestral Tools. They've got my attention. While I'm not going to pick up this library because it's not fit for what I do, I'm definitely going to watch them to check out their future releases. I subscribed to their email. https://tripleaaudio.com/about-us/
  21. satya, Larry is the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). I'm not comparing anyone to Larry. There's only one Larry. But I think you're pretty good too. You're your own man and I think Larry would be proud of you! You're keeping us gearaholics happy and that's not easy.
  22. That is in no way free. It's a deceptive business practice using simple sleight of hand to derive their revenue from shipping costs instead of showing a charge for the product -- this stuff isn't even following the law (technically, FTC regulations which is how the US handles business trade and marketing practices, other countries have laws some also use regulations and regulatory bodies like the FTC) in the US. I would suggest revising the thread title to reflect $9.97 USD for some stickers. But just because they're being deceptive business calling something they're charging too much for free shouldn't mean that their deceptive practice gets promoted in the forum. I'd change the title of the thread. Shipping those stickers in to US addresses from a US location costs them $1 to $2 total with postage and packaging. This is a sleazy operation.
  23. First, you're doing a great job of carrying on in Larry's footsteps! Second, there is already a thread created about this.
  24. Man, I have a Guitar Rig Pro, Amplitube LE, Electrum, Bias FX and some others, but I really only heard NeuralDSP earlier this year and their stuff sounds fantastic to me, but I'm watching my budget. Sooner or later, I suspect I'm going to get something from them. They really seem to be different in this space, and I love what I've heard. Someone, I think in this forum, said to watch them for big Black Friday discounts. That is my plan.
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