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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. It's good to have @cclarry back! And there's also been a lot of other people posting deals lately. So this place really seems to be rocking. But I'm with you and not looking to bust the bank. I want to live like Bapu and Fleer on a pauper's budget. My talent level isn't worthy of that kind of investment.
  2. Yeah, and we do realize the only way to get of this, right? Black October!
  3. Man, I'm dying for a flash sale from Toontrack, but I don't do metal. I do love their libraries. Easily my favorite acoustic drum libraries and once you get into the SD3 ecosystem, it's hard to buy other formats. I own a bunch of AD2 stuff and I much prefer the way XLN treats their customers (thinking of how Toontrack only offered an upgrade for SD2 users for a limited time), but Toontrack's plugun and libraries are really head and shoulders above their competition, IMO. Granted I'd love to see AD3 or BD4 come and take things to the next level, but as for now, Superior Drummer lives up to its name. Although it's name does sound a bit cocky.
  4. Totally. Because I'm a marketing pro, although my main work has been large brands leading digital marketing and advising large brands (like Unilever) or B2B brands, I don't spend much time with retailers. Still, I've given consulting advice to a lot of developers in this space. I've GENERALLY told the ones who rely heavily on holiday sales to consider getting ahead of Black Friday for the exact reason you just mentioned. Even more, I advise that when you do a pre-Black Friday sale, give your customers a pricing guarantee to keep them from hesitating, thinking you'll have a better sale on Black Friday. Basically, you want to do everything to take away anything that holds them back from pressing the buy button.
  5. Man, @Nick Blanc aren't we at the stage where we don't even need to say bullshit before the word marketing? Granted, if I nerd out, I could say you're referring to PROMOTION, not the whole of marketing. But I do like your idea! I've always been a marketing pro with a soul. I even once found a kindred spirit in the oddest of places, a marketing lawyer at Fortune 500, a globally well-known brand that everyone here would know if I mentioned it. We both had ideas to make marketing more ethical and I championed her stand once and told her how much I respected her ethics and found she was moved to tears. Anyhow, everything we attempted went down in flames -- very quickly. But we tried. So your observation about ChatGPT. It's spot on. It's all the rage right now.
  6. @cclarry Have you noticed that a bunch of developers are trying to get a head start on Black Friday? We might as well call it Black November.
  7. I picked up the Solo Cello from Salu when it was originally on sale for €18.50 and am happy with it. I like Orchestra Tools.
  8. You get an additional 10% off if you subscribe to their email.
  9. No kidding. When I've duplicated a thread, I legit feel shame. But when someone points out that Larry's duplicated a thread, I feel like -- wow! How rude to point that out! That's Larry, come on!
  10. "Let the $pending begin" implies that you stopped spending, and I can't even imagine that could ever be the case. Isn't Larry's return more like: I was kinda sorta spending when Larry was gone, but now that he's back, we're ready to take this thing to the next level. There's still money left for my kids to inherit. Let's do something about that now, Larry!!! Let's go for broke!!!
  11. Yep fellow forum members, this is the cruise we could have went on too, if not for buying all of those plugins and sample libraries our friend Larry told us about. ?
  12. You've got the biggest deal in the forum, our man, Larry. satya, you and the others posting deals are greatly appreciated too, you've done a great job of keeping this forum moving along. But Larry is the forum GOAT ? . The man. The legend.
  13. @Moon OverSea, I haven't seen you around much, but just wanted to say that I'm impressed by your productivity! Thanks.
  14. El Diablo, that's pretty cool -- I really dig the music too! Is that the result of your journey for Western instruments that a bunch of us went on with you? Very imaginative! Man, you're really unconventional. Kudos!
  15. Oh goodness no. Look at my picture. That face is much more well-suited for radio/audio.
  16. OMG. This is embarrassing. I own Melodyne 5, whatever they call the top of the line (and yes, my voice still sounds like crap in my songs!) and was ready to buy this until I read your post. Apparently, I need to learn Melodyne 5 better and save some money. Thanks, Brian.
  17. Hey, Joe (sorry, I'm a Hendrix fan, I enjoyed writing that too much!), You totally nailed it. But after your post, my curiosity got the best of me. It is indeed a KONTAKT Player library. Somebody just forgot to grab their cup of coffee before setting up that web page and putting together these instructions. And to be clear, I'm not ripping on Sonuscore, I love their libraries. I think they're awesome and their freebies are awesome (this will be added to my list). But I can't help but find these directions amusing. Follow along from 1 -5 to download and locate THE SAW library. But the big surprise, PIPE ORGAN will show up in your libraries! No, no. It won't. Obviously, someone copied this from the direction for PIPE ORGAN -- which is another really good freebie from Sonuscore -- and made an error. I'll see if there's an easy support form to let them know. But the good news is, you don't need FULL KONTAKT. It's a free player library.
  18. I've been contemplating EW Hollywood Backup Singers. It seems like it would be a blast. I wish they had something similar with kind of a Beatle-esque style with male background vocals, kind of in line with EW Fab Four. Does anyone know of any KONTAKT developers who have similar libraries with female soul background vocalists doing oohs and aahs, etc. or male vocalists like I previously mentioned? I'm a huge KONTAKT user and that would be the most convenient format for me. https://www.soundsonline.com/vocals/hollywood-backup-singers
  19. Dead serious. Knowing how savage you are when you don't like something, those two sentences are enough for me to check into this. I need to demo it this week. Thanks.
  20. Thanks. But I'm done with VI Control. Toxic. If you want to understand why, see the final post in the linked thread.
  21. Thanks for the tip, jngnz. Where have you seen it used? I've searched KnobCloud (why did they have to name it that?! I want to clear my browser history after going there!) but have yet to find any cello libraries for KONTAKT.
  22. I'm looking for a great dry solo cello that sounds great, is intuitively scripted and enjoyable to play in real time. Sonixinema is at the top of my list. Otherwise, I might be open to a great deal for more drum kits from Toontrack for SD3. I might pick up an upgrade to Studio One Pro. And I still might pick up another Wurli library.
  23. I didn't know that, satya. I seem to recall that you're out of Japan, right? What kind if music do you do?
  24. IRL, I'm a business person who's also known as a writer on marketing strategy and business ethics. But I'm a former musician and have advised around 3 dozen sample developers on marketing and branding strategy over the years as an extension of my music hobby, really. I basically just shared the inside story of the attack on 8Dio at VI Control, because Fleer wondered what was going on and I had all of these connections to every player in the story, but it took talking to everyone involved to piece everything together which is nearly a year from when the attack on 8Dio thread happened, but that's when I finally was able to figure it all out. My insights come from: (1) having been the person who gave Mario / Evil Dragon advice on how to work with Troels after he was caught in an appearing to give a comparison with a ToneHammer's sample library without disclosing he worked for the competitor one he stated sounded better in a KVR post back in 2010, (2) knowing Mike Greene and having numerous discussions and provided the emails and PMs between him and 8Dios CEO (I've given him marketing advice in the past and we've known each other for 2 decades), (3) having given Troels a single marketing/branding consulting session nearly 15 years ago; (4) having had many conversations with Sarah and Mario on this matter, (5) getting to know 8Dio's CEO, Tawnia Knox and interviews with her and (6) being friends with Cory Pelazzari, the person Greene and Sarah leveraged as their friend in their attacks, although neither had ever known him or had a single communication with him. I'm the friend named Peter D. that Cory credits in a recent YouTube post for motivating him to start making videos again.
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