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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I realize I'm looking like your wingman/hypeman, Larry, but I believe you've more than earned it. If you've never bought a SoundPaint library before, if you PM a SoundPaint customer like cclarry (okay, especially cclarry) you can get a referral code to get $15 USD off your first library and Larry will get $15 back to use on sample libraries. With all the work Larry does -- he's actually the person responsible for there being a deals subforum -- and considering that you can save 15 bucks (or whatever they call money where you live), I can't think of a more deserving forum member to give a virtual tip. Also, consider using the links in his sig file too. They don't cost you any money and Larry gets a little tip in return for tirelessly working to make this forum what it is. You may have noticed that I'm not a huge fan of influencers. But I am a huge fan of what Larry does and he's not doing it for money or affiliate marketing. He just enjoys helping make this forum great. And I think he's excellent at it. Plus, we all love the man, the legend, the?. Let's show him a little appreciation.
  2. See, once a day, I stumble on the correct answer! Okay, I have two teenage kids who constantly tell me that I'm wrong, from a different era or cringe. I keep telling them, I used to be a rock and roll drummer. Jimmy Chamberlin from the Smashing Pumpkins said I was one of his favorite drummers! Veruca Salt wanted me to play drums for them! I signed autographs on posters with my face on them at concerts!!! I was freaking cool! And then they remind me that all of that happened long, long ago and no one really cares anymore. Sad.
  3. Brian, I searched my email and sure enough, on May 15, 2023 I received an email from United Plugins with the text: "ANNIVERSARY SALES: 6 plugins at €19 and Anniversary bundle worth €526 for €99" At the current exchange rate €19 which is $20.34 USD. Here's an excerpt of the email (the €129 is crossed out in the email, but the formatting got lost when I cut and pasted as text). I bought Electrum and Hyperspace in the sale and contemplated buying Bassment, but never pulled the trigger: "Get the anniversary prices And because we are celebrating, you may get any of those you are possibly missing with an extreme discount. In addition, you may the guitar and bass amp solutions and the newest release Pluralis for just €19. And there are more offers available. The celebrations end on May 31. Hyperspace Buy now €129/€19 FireCobra Buy now €129/€19 Royal Compressor Buy now €129/€19 Electrum Buy now €149/€19 Bassment Buy now €129/€19 Pluralis Buy now €79/€19"
  4. Wait, there's no way you intentionally gave that post a thumbs down, @Fleer. That has to be an accident. I don't know if it's true, but Abacab once posted that a thumbs down harms some kind of credibility score at the forum, so I'd be grateful if you could fix that, as I'm guessing that you meant to give it a like as I was praising Output following your praising them.
  5. I have used a lot of the codes you've shared over the years, but I don't recall ever seeing one for NI -- beyond the discount vouchers they give customers. Is this kind of new territory for them? NI has been deep discounting libraries at amounts like 70% or so. They've definitely been way more aggressive in discounting in the past year than ever before.
  6. 100% sure. It's the full version. I own the full version of Electrum, I never bought Electrum Core. This is from my account, I have licenses for: Autoformer, Electrum, Firepresser, Front Daw, Hyperspace, MUnison, Royal Compressor and Urban Puncher While I totally use effects like clueless amateur and greatly have looked to my fellow forum members for advice, I love using Royal Compressor on drums and while AmpliTube and Guitar Rig are in a different league than Electrum, I still find it sometimes has distorted guitar sounds I love.
  7. I just added a piano (from Straight Ahead Samples) with uses the free KONTAKT Player. I actually picked it up earlier this year, but I just forgot about it when making the list. The entry has today's date on it, so I am doing my best to make this list as useful as possible for everyone based on feedback, so please everyone, let's keep the feedback and recommendations coming to make this a great resource to the community.
  8. While your style is a bit harsh, I think you're making a very valid point and your perspective really does highlight the difference between how pro users vs many hobbyists use these kinds of tools. I find that many critiques of sample libraries in forums reflect a hobbyist perspective and a lack of awareness of how pros use these tools (i.e., the typical workflows pro composers of TV, film, games and trailers tend to have when using sample libraries). Granted, at VI Control it's more of a serious amateur crowd (I would guess that less than 1% of their community are full-time gaming, TV, movie, and trailer composers). Many hobbyists simply aren't adept with using pro level tools and often are skilled musicians or knowledgeable on music theory, how pros use sample libraries or sound engineering, so their expectations can be misaligned when encountering pro level tools, especially ones that aren't highly automated and production ready out of the gate. Personally, the workflow of most professional TV, film, gaming and trailer composers largely isn't for me. I'm not going to edit MIDI like they do or record orchestral parts meticulously like they typically do. It's tedious to me. If I can't play it live, I'm not interested. In this case, these specific libraries have been around for quite a while, and understanding 8Dio's roots focusing on the pro composer market is significant -- specifically pro composers who make music for games, trailers, TV and film. Hobbyists often have very different perceptions/expectations about usability and other aspects of sample libraries as a result of libraries aimed at the hobbyist market. That's precisely the MO behind the creation of UJAM, to target hobbyist users. Such tools are often a much better fit for many hobbyists than pro libraries. While I'm a hobbyist myself, prior to an injury I was a semi pro musician and I'm very inclined to use sample libraries that allow me to play things myself, like I do or once did with physical instruments -- even though I can no longer play very well. I'm not looking for loops, pre-written MIDI or highly automated tools. I'm looking to do it myself, which is aligned more with pro users. Consequently, I tend to be attracted to sample libraries that pro users are often attracted to. I've worked with Orange Tree Samples on the development of the Evolution guitar line and they very much reflect my ultimate guitar libraries and they are amazing instruments with incredible depth. However, my instinct as a marketing strategist who has worked with a lot of sample and plugin developers is that most hobbyist users are likely only care about the fact that they can play guitar parts and the scripting magically makes what they play sound authentic. Most are not looking to go deep and tweak things, which pro and hobbyist power users like me also do. Most hobbyists are more apt to not go that deep. So when you understand 8Dio's background as a sample developer aimed at the pro market and you look at many of their libraries, they weren't designed to compete with the likes of UJAM to basically do everything for the user. They were created largely based on the experience of their founder, Troels and other pro composers involved in the company based on the tools they wanted/needed as compositions for trailers, games, TV and movies. More recently, 8Dio's work with their SoundPaint sampler, they're giving a lot more attention to the hobbyist, advanced amateur student markets. I think what they're doing with SoundPaint is pretty exciting and it's a great fit for hobbyists too.
  9. I have a couple of their libraries and think this developer is pretty good.
  10. They did have a really great sale earlier this year on a bunch of their plugins and I picked up a couple of them like Electrum and an effects plugin I can't recall at the moment for cheap. I think they were on sale for $19 USD each and someone posted an additional discount code and brought the price down to around $16 each. So my guess is that they'll probably have a big sale for Black Friday. If you can he patient, my guess is that you'll be rewarded.
  11. For those who've never bought anything from 8Dio, you can get a referral link from a current customer that gives you a $15USD off your first purchase.My recommendation is that you PM @cclarry for his link, as you'll get $15 USD off your first purchase and Larry will get a credit for $15. If there's anyone in this forum who deserves a tip for this forum being so valuable, it's Larry. (It's against forum policy to post these links or codes, but getting them via PM is okay.)
  12. I have owned each SampleTank version since the first one. KONTAKT far exceeds SampleTank's abilities and I'd say, while this Sonuscore series doesn't feature detailed samples AKA deep sampling many KONTAKT libraries have, it's still a library I think is more sophisticated than what's in the current version of SampleTank (I own 4XL). I'd recommend checking out the videos for each library to see if they're to your liking. I only have volume 5, but I think it's well done.
  13. If I can have your permission to share your PMs to me I can post them here to refresh your memory. You and I shared being fans of the same hockey team (the Chicago Blackhawks, hence your avatar) and have a Chicago connection. You work for the US government, I believe you were originally in the Army. You told me about what you do now and what you once did. I remember it well. It was after I posted in some threads where you and some others were discussing politics and other threads where intolerant views towards LGBTQ people were expressed, where I tried to urge you folks that such posts were against forum policies and simply not respectful to the community that you started making hate posts about me. You and I PMed, that's where you asked about what I thought of a certain politician you admire greatly. When I shared that I don't share your views on him and you asked me why and I told you why, you immediately became very hostile towards me and begin regularly making posts about me in threads I don't even participate in. It's been going on for years at this point. It's obsessive and I'm not out to even the score, I'm just trying to see if there's a part of you that can see what you're doing isn't right or even healthy for you. Also, how can you see my posts right now when you've stated in your recent post on VI-Control that you have me on ignore? Just curious.
  14. Exactly. It was my posts in threads where Husker and another forum member were making political comments and later other threads where they were made anti-LGBTQ posts , all of it against forum policy. I posted to remind them that their posts were against forum policy. Of course, I realize that I could have simply reported their posts, but I was trying to persuade them to stop the behavior, which has gone on a long time in numerous threads over the years and I thought speaking up might be more persuasive. Of course, it did result in these two having permanent grudges against me and both sending me some pretty hostile PMs. FTR, Husker and I had friendly PMs prior to that, but after I objected to his problematic posts and he had sent me a PM asking me what I thought of his favorite politician and I responded with my honest opinion, he's been obsessed with making hate posts about me at this forum and VI-Control. Beyond confronting him in this thread, I have had zero interaction with him when he makes those posts. I've historically reported it at this forum and the posts get deleted by the mods. But at this point, I thought it's time to confront him about his behavior and publicly call it out, because after 2+ years, it's pathological and warrants being called out, IMO. Because reporting it to mods and them deleting posts hasn't stopped his behavior. Of course, I don't think that calling out his behavior will suddenly stop his obsessive personal attack posts, but it's not fun to have someone stalking and trolling my threads and posts and then coming across threads I wasn't even participating in where he states his dislike of me including my username and he's clearly been using the attack on 8Dio at VI-Control and here to be his latest excuse to unleash a little more petty venom. So while the odds aren't good I'll be successful in stopping this individual's behavior, it's worth a try, IMO and I want to make sure that the community sees this behavior.
  15. You recently went on VI-Control in the 8Dio thread to make a post solely focused on disparaging me. You've disparaged me in more than 2 dozen posts on this forum over more than 2 years and we haven't interacted in that time. But I'm going to explain what started you on this obsession of yours. You started disparaging me a couple of years ago after I posted asking you not to make political and anti-LGBTQ comments in this forum in a number of threads. You PMed me writing some pretty hostile remarks and asked me for my political views on a certain politician you're very fond of. I told you my honest opinion of that politician -- I should have anticipated that you weren't someone who respected those with different views, but I was candid with you. You immediately told me off, how you despised people like me and began featuring my username in your hate posts probably every month since then -- including in threads I haven't posted in. FTR, while you may think Greene is a kindred spirit, I was connected to him for over a decade on Facebook and he made numerous posts ranting against your favorite politician and people like you who like him. I don't use social media to do that. My professional posts never get into politics and my regular Facebook posts are also not political. In my case, a great deal of my friends and colleagues have different political views from me. It doesn't stop me from me from appreciating them as friends. Larry and I have very different political views -- his political views are very close to yours -- but Larry and I have always had a very warm relationship and treat each other with kindness, like old friends. This forum's policy against political posts is a great policy, IMO, especially for Americans where there's a huge culture war going on. You posted on VI-Control in a thread solely to disparage me. It's stalking behavior like you do in threads on this forum I don't even participate in. Just move on. After two years or so and dozens of posts you've made at this forum and VI-Control disparaging me, it's clear that somehow, I'm living rent free in your head - - and that's never been my intention and I've never egged that on or provoked you. You claimed in your recent VI-C post about me that I'm the only person that you've ever put on ignore at the Cakewalk forum or any forum, yet somehow, here you are commenting in another one of my threads (which I don't believe you would see if you put me on ignore, as you stated you did). So here's my proposal. Why continue to hate somebody so much because they don't share your worldview? Why not try to get along with others who don't see the world as you do? Is it that difficult to consider liking and being civil with people you don't agree with regarding politics or diversity? FTR, I'm not even politically involved and am an independent. I'm not one to hold grudges. As far as human beings and my worldview, I simply believe that everyone, regardless of religion, race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, income or sexual orientation deserves respect, love and kindness. I realize that you're in the US military and have very rigid political views. I come from a family where my grandfather was a decorated WWII veteran, my father was an Army veteran (both my grandfather and father later became police officers), my brother was a veteran who served in the Air Force, my niece is in the Navy and one of my closest friends was awarded the Army's Medal of Valor by President GW Bush and he still serves as an Army Chaplain today. I'm simply proposing that you consider not choosing hate or truly simply ignore me as you claimed you already do if you despise my posts so much. Problem solved and you'll be happier and you'll help make forums less toxic by not spewing hatred. Just something to consider.
  16. Any thoughts from folks who've installed and played this library? I've already given my opinion of the library and want to see what you guys think. Also, I maintain two lists of free sample libraries, one of them is for KONTAKT libraries (that require the full version of KONTAKT). If you're looking for more free libraries for KONTAKT, you may want to check it out:
  17. Good ethics in business world are pretty rare. Even in the sample developer world, some of these devs can be really cut throat and eager to engage in whatever they think gives them a strategic advantage. The attack on 8Dio truly is really just a developer with very poor ethics using his forum to try to destroy a competitor-- and 8Dio isn't his only target, FTR. And the owner of Impact Soundworks, also an 8Dio competitor, has teamed up with Mike. Note that Mario and Sarah are both Impact Soundworks contractors and Andrew Aversa himself joined in the attack, never once identifying themselves as competitors. That is incredibly ethically problematic by itself. Feel free to send me a PM.
  18. Yes, Mario presently does work for NI, but he has historically done work as a contractor for Impact Soundworks, where he's worked with Sarah. He's worked with a lot of developers over the years. FTR, Mario and I have always gotten along great and never had any issues -- he's a super nice guy. But this story, which happened a long time ago, wasn't being told accurately. While I understand that Mario feels justified that Troels was in the wrong, the developer, who is a mutual friend has notes and screenshots, and he and I both recall things well and Mario is leaving out that he was unethically shilling by praising the library he worked as better than Troels' library without disclosing that he worked for the developer. Troels and I presented the story accurately. Anyhow, Greene was merely leveraging Mario (and Sarah) for his own vendetta. It seems clear, from our PMs, that Sarah has since realized this fact and no longer feels good about Greene. What developer wants to hire a coder who attacks a developer publicly for not paying her 5 to 6 figures for their uncommissioned fan project they pitched and then goes back 13 years to find three people who had grievances with that company-- and one of those predates the formation of 8Dio. The simple fact is that Greene took advantage of a developer's disappointment that her fan project didn't get picked up to launch his own war on a developer who hurt his ego by criticizing his ethics and pulled their sponsorship of VI-Control. Mike has since regularly gone on rants in every VI-Control thread where anyone posts an 8Dio sale, raving that 8Dio is discounting too heavily, and is ruining the industry by bringing down prices too low-- then he injects Cory's name, claiming he's Cory's good friend (spoiler: Mike has never even reached out to Cory or had any communications with him; he only uses his name to attempt to justify his attacks). If I shared Mike's email to me (which really I shouldn't because I need his consent) he refers to me as a friend and showers praise on my ethics and "heart of gold." When I responded that he needs to publicly apologize to Tawnia, Troels and me, he started bullying me and calling me nasty names. 8Dio isn't even the only developer Mike's gone after on VI-Control, they're just a developer where I happen to have links to the stories being told (through Mario and Cory, both people I like a lot). But as a marketing exec who has written about business ethics and received Ivy League praise for my writing on business ethics, this is a clear cut example of bad ethics and using a forum to get an angry mob really just disgusts me. That stuff doesn't go on here, thank goodness. Again, I don't see Mario or Sarah as bad people. I think what they were doing was not ethical, but they were mainly being egged on by the forum owner. Mario feels wronged when he was caught shilling and that Troels was too hard on him. Troels gave a sincere apology -- but Mario never took my advice from 13 years ago and apologized to Troels as he should have. If you look back after Troels apology, Greene eggs on an angry mob to insult and disparage Troels. It's pure bullying and it's indefensible. In our PMs, Mario won't accept any kind of apology, he feels justified in being cruel to Troels because he thinks Troels was mean to him after he caught Mario shilling for a competitor who was stealing his intellectual property. The Sarah stuff is transparently just someone disappointed her offer wasn't accepted. The Cory stuff is a lot more complex and if you noticed, Cory didn't want to be exploited by Greene and the bunch. But no one interested in facts and with decent ethics could conduct anything like that attack thread. It's just not what fair-minded, ethically centered individuals do, it was just Greene leveraging a pissed-off KONTAKT scripter working for a competitor to air her grievances as leverage for Greene's attack. I was sickened to see it, but nearly a year after Greene is still attacking 8Dio in every thread where they're mentioned. However, since I pointed that out, he's deleting and editing his off the rails rant posts. Anyhow, terrible ethics. The man has an agenda, and that agenda is getting revenge on a former forum sponsor and competitor who heavily criticized him in private conversations for making bad and unfair decisions with his forum. To say that Greene doesn't handle criticism well and is extremely petty and ego driven is putting things mildly.
  19. But I play terribly and have no hope of substantial improvement (due to tendinitis); my only real audience are my kids. So I do debate every expense on music lately and think I already have way more than enough libraries and plugins.
  20. I wrote about that in the attached link. My day job is relevant to understand this. I'm a former Fortune 500 digital marketing exec, who's had a major book deal, an online publication with wide accolades (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Wharton, Inc Magazine, etc.) where I wrote on marketing and business ethics. I have done a good deal of consulting and I've done a minor amount of consulting to around 3 dozen sample and plugin devs over the years. I largely stopped doing that a few years ago and now focus on leading the company I founded. I can tell you where this whole business started. 8Dio pulled its sponsorship of Vi-Control, protesting the site for censoring discussion about the Henson tweet which was pretty significant to the LGBTQ community. Mike Greene, the owner of VI Control and a sample developer himself, and 8Dio's CEO had a dispute over Greene's censorship and Greene has been angry at 8Dio ever since. Mike's even emailed me, defaming 8Dio's CEO and throwing false praise at me, trying to persuade me that he's right and not share the facts I personally know or anything in their defense. I responded cc'ing 8Dio's CEO, so now I'm also on Mike's enemies list and he's disparaging me on his forum. Consider the timeline, - 8Dio pulled their sponsorship of VI-Control in Sept 2022, and several weeks later, Sarah's attack thread popped up. Sarah has since stated that she was upset that 8Dio didn't buy her fan project for their retired library for what she claims was $12,000 USD. - Ever since that thread, whenever someone starts an 8Dio sales thread, Greene chimes in with angry, off-the-rails rants about 8Dio's deep discounting of their libraries starting a "race to the bottom" in F-bomb dropping tirades, asserting -- with no sense of irony-- that 8Dio are egotistical bullies who can't handle criticism and are litigious using Mario's story from 13 years ago -- before 8Dio existed as the foundation of that assertion. - The foundation of Greene's attack that 8Dio can't handle criticism and threatens to sue critics. I can tell you that I've written some savage critiques of 8Dio libraries (search on this forum) and their CEO has seen them and never once asked me to edit or delete them. We're friends. In her shoes, I probably would have asked me to edit those. Dead serious. She didn't. So my personal experience is that Tawnia, 8Dio's CEO, is the antithesis of Greene's depiction of her (spoiler: she's actually a very kind and sweet person not remotely like Greene's caricature of her and in their PMs and emails, which I've seen, I would describe Greene's behavior as taunting, and at times, clearly in the realm of bullying; he's not the amiable person he presents himself to be in his public forum posts). THE MARIO/EVIL DRAGON STORY 13 yrs ago a dev I advised called me in to give Mario some advice. Mario / Evil Dragon was starting out as a KONTAKT scripter and working for a dev I'll refer to as K that did a knock off of ToneHammer's (the company Troels co-founded prior to 8Dio) choir library. K cut and pasted a bunch of ToneHammer's intellectual property (FAQs, legal, disclaimers, etc.) word for word and in the midst of that, Mario did a post comparing K's library to ToneHammer, acting like an unbiased person who had no involvement in making that library stating that he found K's library superior to the ToneHammer library. It was shilling and completely unethical, no question about it and Mario was worried that he could get in trouble for what he did. There was also talk back then that Mario was involved in piracy. I don't know if it was true or not, but it was something people in the industry were saying, that they weren't certain about Mario's ethics. Troels saw what Mario did and told him it was unethical and told him that he could be sued and that he was destroying his reputation in the field for engaging in these practices. Mario was absolutely worried and my advice was that he should apologize to Troels, that he should have never engaged in shilling and needs to hold himself to higher standards, however, the likelihood he could face any legal problems is minuscule due to costs and logistics. Mario lived in Croatia and ToneHammer was based in the US and the legal costs of suing Mario would very likely exceed Mario's net worth. Unfortunately, what Mario did was not to follow my advice and apologize, but instead to blow everything off and 13 years later, recast himself as the victim attacked by a successful business person. If you look at Troels apology in the attack thread, it's sincere. Troels had empathy for Mario. Troels stated the facts correctly about the events from 13 years ago -- the developer who brought me in even sent me his notes, screenshots and correspondence from back then and told me that both Troels and I got the story right (and FTR, I didn't go over that story with Troels prior to him posting; Troels and I hadn't spoken in 13 years at that point). I pointed all of this out in the VI-Control thread and Mario and I had a friendly discussion in the thread about it, but Mike Greene quickly deleting all of those posts and sent me a PM telling me not to get involved. Clearly, my sharing the facts got in the way of Mike's attack narrative. Another ethics problem is that Mario never disclosed that he (and Sarah) work for 8Dio's competitor, Impact Soundworks. IS, and particularly its owner, Andrew Aversa, is pretty aggressive in going against his competitor. Even more, Aversa posted in the thread and didn't disclose that employs Sarah and Mario, which is equally ethically problematic. The entire thread is an ethics case study -- and not one focused on good ethical practices. THE SARAH MANCUSO STORY Sarah pitched 8Dio to buy her KONTAKT scripts for her fan project for a retired library. They didn't see that the library was commercially viable. They did unretire the library for several months at Sarah's insistence, and it only sold $400 USD gross. Troels gave Sarah $300 of it and sent the library back into retirement. Sarah was insulted and pissed off. Troels offered Sarah could work on upcoming 8Dio libraries, Sarah declined and now works for 8Dio competitor Impact Soundworks with Mario. She didn't disclose that fact in the thread. In my last PM with Sarah -- which have all been very friendly -- she told me that she no longer considers Mike Greene to be a friend. CORY PELAZARRI Note that everyone in that thread kept leveraging Cory Pelazarri. Not one of them knew the story of him and Tawnia (8Dio's CEO) having a dispute. Cory never did any review videos for 8Dio. 8Dio actually didn't provide him with the NFR's he wanted. He did a text review years ago in WordPress using a sock puppet account with his same IP address and company name, where the sock puppet account never purchased any 8Dio libraries, but reviewed three libraries, given each one star and trashing the company. If you go to Cory's channel, he states that his friend Peter D was the person who helped inspire him to get back on YouTube. I'm Peter D. I consider myself a friend of Cory and a friend of Tawnia. SARAH AND MARIO DISPARAGED 8DIO'S CEO AND CALLED HER AN EVIL BITCH; NEITHER EVER MET HER OR HAD ANY CORRESPONDENCE; THEY BASED THEIR OPINION ON WHAT MIKE GREENE SAID ABOUT HER When Sarah referred to Tawnia as a phony evil bitch in the attack thread, that completely came form MIke Greene. Sarah never met, had a single correspondence or any interaction with Tawnia, her sole opinion was based on what MIke Greene told her. It's the same for Mario. I know this first hand from Sarah and Mario. ETHICS Ethical forum owners don't use their forums to attack developers -- and if you go to the last or second to last page of the attack thread, Greene harasses and bullies one of the only people making a case that what was going on in the thread was wrong whose post wasn't deleted. Mike deleted my posts and hundreds of other posts of people making similar points or with information about the stories being told, like me. Ethical people don't hide that they work for a competitor when attacking a company. Mario and Sarah work for Impact Soundworks, an 8Dio competitor that has some not so great history. But Impact Soundworks' owner is a friend of Mike Greene. Greene, by his own admission, admitted to deleting hundreds of posts in the attack thread. He claimed not one of them was pro-8Dio. That was a lie. Mine defended 8Dio by sharing the story I knew from 13 years ago. Greene deleted my posts and Mario's posts responding to me. He also deleted probably two dozen posts I saw where people were not in agreement with the attack on a developer. In all, Greene or anyone else in the thread never provided any support for their allegations. I actually do have documentation from when Mario came to me 13 years ago that the developer involved sent to me. He told me that what I posted and what Troels posted was accurate. And he's a friend of Mario's. FTR, I get along great with Mario and my conversations with Sarah about this matter were all friendly.
  21. There was a package that had Origins Vol 5 and a couple of other libraries that I bought for $9.99 USD during the pandemic; I believe the proceeds went to help Ukraine. I think this is likely the best deal they've had on this bundle that I'm aware of. It's a great deal, but I'm most interested in volumes 6-10. To those considering this deal, these are cool libraries, Origins Volume contains two different sample libraries blended together and including an arpeggiator. They're not detailed sample libraries (AKA deep sampled), but they're very high-quality libraries. I own several Sonuscore libraries and find that the developer consistently delivers at a high standard.
  22. Are you referring to KONTAKT Player libraries or full KONTAKT libraries? Because KONTAKT Player libraries always have serials. I'm not sure if 8Dio has any KONTAKT Player libraries. I probably own a couple of dozen 8Dio libraries (and maybe a dozen SoundPaint libraries) and I don't think any are KONTAKT Player libraries.
  23. Hmmm...I'm wondering if these deals are a result of 8Dio working on their Black Friday sale and I'm unintentionally scoping them, which would normally be something Larry would do! I'll update my original post. I just saw a thread someone did for a Sonuscore flash sale that's not free, but a fantastic deal, and I think I'm going to pull the trigger on IK's B-3X. We're only at the end of the first week of November and the deals are killer.
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