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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Yeah, I see at the bottom of the page it reads, "Powered by Invision Community," but with how often this forum goes down, I think they'd be wise to remove that. In any event, we all know that -- most importantly -- this forum is powered by cclarry.
  2. Be sure to report back, El Diablo. I'd be very interested in your experience and opinion. Thanks and I wish you the best with your new toy!
  3. Those of you who are actually competent at mixing (as opposed to me), I would love to get your thoughts on this compressor/lister. Based on Hornet's track record, I fully expect it to be very good, but I'd love to have insights from more experienced mixers about this compressor / limiter compared to others, because, like most of the regulars, I have more than a dozen compressors / limiters.
  4. PavlovsCat

    Prime Day 2024

    There are a couple of folks in this forum who have falsely reported me numerous times claiming that I use affiliate links. It resulted in some of my threads getting deleted-- and I wasn't even using affiliate links and never have.
  5. PavlovsCat

    Prime Day 2024

    Nope. They're still affiliate links. Here's how you'd remove it; you delete everything starting with the question mark in the URLs (that's where the affiliate information is). You can use these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHGT1KFJ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MNFH1PX
  6. PavlovsCat

    Prime Day 2024

    No apology necessary. I just don't want the thread shutdown.
  7. PavlovsCat

    Prime Day 2024

    Those are both affiliate marketing links, not sure where you got them from, or if they're your affiliate marketing links, but you should change them to non affiliate links before this thread gets locked for violating the forum rules (affiliate marketing / affiliate marketing links are prohibited in the forum). They both kick back money to the same affiliate marketer.
  8. PavlovsCat

    Prime Day 2024

    Good idea, Lionel! I'm a Prime subscriber and didn't even think about checking music related stuff until your thread.
  9. Sounds lovely. I really like everything I've heard from this developer. Top notch.
  10. What you guys may not know is that in addition to his abilities as a developer and musician, Kirk's one heck of a good singer. Really. The man has a serious range. A little Kirk related trivia.
  11. Larry knows about more developers than anybody. He could easily write for a magazine covering developers. Even developers I know have told me when they're going to send something out and Larry seems to be aware of everything within minutes. It's like he has radar for this stuff. Larry's super power is finding deals! And he's also a very cool guy that everyone agrees is the heart and foundation of this forum. During the brief times Larry has gone away, it's just not the same. There are a lot of wonderful people in this community, but Larry is the one piece, not only because he's so prolific, but also because he's so amiable,that when Larry's not here, it just isn't the same place. Even if Larry stopped posting deals, without Larry here, this place wouldn't be as special.
  12. Not a big difference -- only 3 bucks -- but it's $21 US at Uniited Plugins and $19 US at Plugin Boutique.
  13. It sounds decent, but we could easily get a similar effect that I heard in the demo with an Evolution guitar drenched in reverb. What I'd be more interested in seeing on sale are his bowed guitar and cello libraries. I have SonicCouture's bowed guitar library and enjoy it, but his sounds very different and I love the sound of bowed guitar enough that I'd be good having another bowed guitar library. I do have a Greg Heet (inventor of the eBow) story from long ago. He's quite an interesting character-- and I do mean that in a good way. While he's a small businessman, he's very free spirited and principles driven.
  14. I was pretty sure that was the same avatar.
  15. Wait, is Han Solo a new member or is it Heath Row using a different name (the avatar is the same)?
  16. I would love that deal and almost certainly buy it, but it states that it's a Plugin Boutique exclusive. So I'm guessing theres no hope that the UAD store will offer it. I'd love to find out that it's happened before, because I'd buy the bundle and Capital Chambers.
  17. @aidan o driscoll Your post intrigued Mr and so did yours, @cclarry. I know Larry is a longtime DAW user and I think you are too, Aidan. I'm interested in learning why you enjoyed NEXT over your regular DAWs and the workflows and features that make it compelling to each of you. Years ago, I did try out FruityLoops and Ableton and did find the change in approach could sometimes be inspiring and result in creating things I wouldn't create in Sonar, as I've always tended to use it as a multi track recorder and not really mess very much with MIDI on tracks I've recorded.
  18. I already had this one too, but I wasn't totally sure. When I logged into the Arturria site after clicking the above link, it indicated that I already have it. In any case, there's no harm in posting it again. I bet someone will use this who didn't have it prior to your post.
  19. I installed it and went through all of the presets. I definitely don't find it's in the same league as Wurly libraries from AcousticSamples, SonicCoture, e-instruments or and even the Scarbee A-200 library that comes with Komplete, originally released more than a decade ago. It's not bad, it's just not excellent. It seems like it only has two velocity layers (I don't know where to look, so if anyone wants to check and report how many velocity layers, I'd be interested, but it certainly doesn't sound like much). While I love the key noise recorded in the AcousticSamples Wurlie library and like the key noise in the e-instruments W -- in both cases, it's a very low end thud that reminds me of playing a real Wurly. The key noise in Waves instrument sounds tinny -- not to my liking. Still, for a freebie, it's worth picking up, IMO, as there are 89 presets and you'll probably find a few you'll like.
  20. It's actually technically, pretty easy to implement. As much as you're having fun, I think it actually would be very cool to have a deal rating system. I could just imagine the best of the best deals getting something like a "Golden Larry", whereas the duds would get the equivalent of the Raspberries, maybe Larry's thumb down or Larry holding his nose. Any illustrators in the group? This needs to be a thing.
  21. I'm busy with the family and not able to install this at the moment, so I found a preset demo someone made. I wish the guy would have played something with greater dynamics range, but it shows off the presets well and the part he plays is pleasant enough. The presets are more of different treatments you'd expect for a Wurly as opposed to the sound design presets of the recently released Wurlybird from Cherry Audio (don't get me wrong, I really like those sound design presets, they're just beyond the kind of amp and distortion patches on Waves plugin).
  22. Let's change the topic now. What are some of your favorite aspects of the forum that you haven't discussed? I actually like how we often all go off on stream of conscience off topic conversations in groups. There are some forums where people get upset when they see that, but here, everybody does it. And I think it can be a lot of fun, and also, it's kind and respectful of each other. Like now, you wanted to go off on to another topic -- and I've got your back!
  23. I've been playing the Wurly since I was 3 or 4 years old (literally) and I never tire of it! Thanks for finding this @stony. Even though I already have a bunch of Wurly libraries, every developer's take and presets are a little different, so I'm excited to grab this one!
  24. I removed the name. Sorry about the software situation. I agree that being stuck with software that was banned is a lousy situation.
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