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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Only if you wanted. My only concern is that it could trigger some folks here. This political year on the forum is much better than the last US presidential election year when several forum members were occasionally making political commentary in the forum and remarks that were intolerant of certain minority groups.
  2. Don't do it guys! [All hell breaks lose.] Let's all pretend we didn't just see a politician's name mentioned here. Part of what makes this forum healthy, as Starship Krupa pointed out above, is staying away from political discussions. Back in college, I greatly enjoyed political ideology, philosophy. and religion classes and discussions. After seeing how toxic social media has become with people who can't discuss such topics with any degree of intellectual depth or civility, I generally avoid public discussions of any of the above. That's a good policy here too, whether you and I share the same ideological views or have different ones.
  3. I'm not really looking for another flute library, but I've known of this developer, but haven't seen a lot of posts about them and wondered if they should be on my radar. I've seen their United Strings of Europe on sale at various resellers over the years, but never recall seeing a lot of posts from users. @Fleer, as you just recommended their flute library, are there other libraries from them that you'd recommend?
  4. I almost forgot, from an off the wall joke I made in an old thread: ElectricLarryland.com
  5. Larry's exceptional. The Michael Jordan of the forum (although much nicer to his team mates). Joke domain names if BandLab ever closes down the forum (join in folks): - Larrysville.com - TangentTown.com - GASville.com - GasRus.com - Gastopia.com
  6. Yep, this is the kind of free library that inspired me to create a list of recommended free sample libraries. And if you add this together with the free orchestral freebies like The Free Orchestra 1 and 2, VSL, Spitfire BBC...and a bunch more, you can cover a lot of ground. If you need a great piano and don't own Kontakt, SonicCouture has a superb one. If you have Kontakt and want another great piano library, 8Dio has one they used to charge $250 US for. Sure, you need to go find a bunch of developers to cover all the bases, but you can do it for free. Ten years ago, the available free sample libraries where nowhere near the quality of what they are today. Today, a lot of devs are using freebies to provide not only a taste of their work, but to establish a direct line of communications to market to these users, so the prevailing mindset is that they've got to make really good freebies. The Orchestra Elements is an example of developer getting that right, IMO. Kudos to Sonuscore.
  7. Hey, don't kill the good vibes you started! Larry's awesome. I don't care where he finds deals from, all that matters is that he finds great deals. No one should complain about what he's doing. He's not getting paid and he makes this place what it is. He's incredibly prolific at deal posting. Don't get me wrong, we all add something important to the mix, but Larry is the foundation of this subforum. Without Larry none of this would exist at the level it's presently at. We all owe him our gratitude for making this forum what it is. All hail, Larry! He's superb.
  8. I sometimes think @jude77, who shared that he's a retired psychologist, could easily unretire and have a full portfolio clients to treat from all with our sample and plugin hoarding . But then I realize, he's one of us too, with the same gear addiction. That said, this year I've actually only made several library and plugin purchases in total and most of it has been really inexpensive. I'm getting better at managing my GAS.
  9. That's a great message, Starship Krupa. Very well said and I agree wholeheartedly. Every day is a new beginning and opportunity. Life is short. Kindness matters, even in our little GAS related forum. Peace to all.
  10. A very sweet and touching message, El Diablo. We are here for deals, but it's nice when people share a little about themselves and show kindness and friendship. Like you, I appreciate and enjoy that too.
  11. And considering that you're a bassist, and a good one, this recommendation caught my attention. I'll have to check this out. Thank you, my fellow enabler!
  12. Our own @Simeon Amburgey just did a video where he plays a number of presets on the Wurlybird (note to Simeon -- I love Peanuts's songs, including, "Little Birdie" and enjoyed Simeon playing and signing that song -- and it sounded really good on the Wurlybird). But it was the sound design patches that really shine on this plugin, IMO. Judge for yourself folks. But, as always, I enjoyed watching Simeon enjoying the instrument. Those of us who grew up on the Peanuts and have kids that watched those cartoons will get a little something extra out of this one.
  13. I wouldn't put this in the same league as SonicCoture, SkyBox Audio, AcousticSamples or even e-instruments Wurly libraries (same with Arturia's Wurli; I love Arturia's stuff, but their Wurli doesn't hit the mark). But it's $39 US and what I do really like about it is the sound design patches. If you're looking for the best quality, most authentic Wurly that captures the dynamics of a real Wurly well, I'd say this isn't the best option. But not everyone is concerned with that, and I think for 39 bucks, this is pretty darned nice, and some of those sound design patches are very appealing to my ears. If I were to pick this up, it would be for the sound design patches. I own several Cherry Audio synths and effects and really like everything I have from them.
  14. I like this dev and own most of his stuff, but his constant 80% off sales are a case study in burning out customers. It's become like the Waves always on $29 US sale that's really not a sale anymore, it's become the only price that educated consumers would pay to buy their stuff. But consumers will tune out always on sales. It's not really anything special / noteworthy when everything is constantly on sale.
  15. This may sound like a really minor statement, but I found it significant. What really struck me about the free version -- which I'm sure only gets better in the paid versions -- was how easy it is to get gorgeous sounding results and how much fun it is to play because of that. You immediately get gorgeous sounding strings, brass, or woodwinds playing single notes and chords that, to me, sound like you'd expect that they took much more effort. It sounds very lush and sophisticated. I don't find every orchestral library collection has that same level of instant gratification. What do you find are it's strengths compared to other orchestral libraries? I'm sure you own them all!
  16. Okay, I just installed the library and I love it! This is a really compelling taste of the full libraries that makes me want to buy the paid version. It easily earns a place on my list of the best free sample libraries. The animations / sequenced parts -- like 8th note patterns -- are pretty usable too. This is very well done.
  17. I believe it's on the list on that page (for free). I put this library on my thread with a list of Kontakt freebies last week, as I thought it was permanently free.
  18. I've thought about buying The Orchestral Essentials. I only do rock and folk rock and wouldn't dare to attempt to pull off a full orchestral piece. But the demos always sounded really nice to my ears. I suppose I'll download Elements as a demo for the paid library. I appreciate you sharing that you like the library. Your post caused me to want to download this, so thanks, Mira (and, as always, thanks to cclarry, the heart and foundation of this subforum).
  19. I know that someone on this board was puzzled how I could work as semi pro musician 12 years and not learn mixing. When you play drums and rely on sound pros to do the mixing live and in the studio, you don't become a sound engineer. All the hardware gear and mics I purchased back then were on the advice of the sound engineers I worked with. Admittedly, it was, "You should buy these mics for the toms, these for snare, this for the bass drum..." For the studio, they'd use their mics and effects it and I would stand over mixing consoles while engineers asked if I wanted adjustments on the mix. But I never touched a fader in a pro studio. I tuned my kit and they did the mics and mixing and I played. I recorded demos using reel to reel and cassette multitracks since I was a kid, but never knew what I was doing with eq and effects. So now, long past those days, I'm very slowly learning.
  20. This thread is great. Beyond the deais at this forum, I think the greatest quality is our shared knowledge. Each of us brings something to the table, and it's really valuable when researching libraries and plugins. Even more, because the forum isn't driven by revenue from developers like other similar forums where people discuss libraries and plugins (and just like with being a pro musician, personality cults form and influence behavior and people's inclination to share negative experiences), people are more likely to be candid about their real experiences. I wish we did this for every sale thread where I'm contemplating a purchase, A lot of my purchases have been due to regulars here recommending libraries and plugins. Including Wurly libraries and a lot -- maybe even most -- of my effects plugins. It also helps identify better small indie developers like this one, that might not be on many people's radar, but make excellent products and are priced relatively low (as compared to larger developers).
  21. Wookie does a great job. As long as we're respectful to each other and don't violate forum policies, I think we're good. But most of us -- you and me included -- go off topic all the time and most people go with us. It's part of the vibe of the forum that I really like.
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