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Everything posted by Xoo

  1. I can get it working if in C:\VeeSeeVST but nowhere deeper so far (on 2 machines). Crashes VSTScan hard on my DAW, simply doesn't get scanned properly on my work machine. UPDATE: Confirmed on my DAW that any folder below C:\ (or, I assume, another root) crashes the VSTScan. C:\VeeSeeVST and it works fine. That inspires me with little confidence in the quality of the software, which is a pity as it's *FUN*.
  2. That's what I used too (and I too renamed vst2_bin). I'll try on my other PC sometime tomorrow.
  3. Not here it doesn't work - VST scan hangs for ages on the _effect dll and never seems to complete its scan.
  4. Related? https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/04/24/windows_10_may_2019_update_block/
  5. Device manager does - you need to change the view type to "devices by connection" (or similar -not at PC right now).
  6. Given the vagaries of the VST specification, it's not at all impossible that CbB calls various VST APIs in a different order to (some) other hosts. And some plug-ins expect one order, and others another, and a third kind don't mind...
  7. Having had those BSOD errors for a while (Windows 7), I found out that it was my video card (NVidia) causing them. But it wasn't the drivers or the hardware, rather the card had worked itself slightly loose in the PCIe slot! I unscrewed it, reseated it and it was fine...until it happened again. Did the same thing again and it's OK - I think there's a heating/cooling cycle that makes this happen in my case (pun unintended). That may not be what's happening in yours, but I'd look at the video card rather than anything else.
  8. There used to be a limit of 30 or so "do nothings" and SONAR would crash. That does seem to have been increased if not removed.
  9. At work I have a similar USB mic and that won't work in Exclusive mode either, for no good reason I could ever find.
  10. I assume you mean WASAPI not ASIO?
  11. Difference between DAWs, although it's entirely possible in the Export dialogue to not include the effects of volume (untick Track Automation, although this will also disable any pan too).
  12. Ditto. I hoped to at least use the FX/synths in CbB or a.n.other DAW but I couldn't. I did get SF11, Spectal Layers (which I still don't understand!) and some Izotope plug-ins bundled so it wasn't a complete write off.
  13. Some of them are definitely very usable: the "tube driver" I find really enhances a lead guitar sound, for example.
  14. Thing is, that wouldn't necessarily give you the audio you want: consider the case when multiple tracks feed a bus with a compressor on.
  15. This. Offset mode does this to some extent, but having automation envelopes and automation via the slider be one and the same is unhelpful and causes some unexpected behaviour at times.
  16. The Gain fader (and clip gain envelopes) works that way (PreFX); the Volume fader (and associated envelope) is PostFX.
  17. Doesn't BlueCat have a free automatable volume plug-in for just such cases as this?
  18. Xoo

    [FIXED] Can't Log In With IE

    I've managed to log in fine on my home/studio PC with IE11 and simply can't get it to on my work machine. Same OS, service packs, bitness...
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