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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. We'd have to work with Steinberg development to try and track down what is causing the sharing issue. Please pass on the contact person at Steinberg you were dealing with and we can follow up with them.
  2. Ahh yes from the custom control bar. It doesnt work from there. Why are you using that anymore when there is a dedicated export control bar?
  3. If you have a track that cant be unfrozen send us a zip of the project file with the audio so we can investigate.
  4. This has been discussed earlier. Just run the installer manually outside of BandLab assistant and it should launch and run properly. You will find the downloader at %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\downloads
  5. It hasn't been updated in awhile but its @cakewalkinc
  6. An official 2020.08 hotfix will roll out very soon to all users, but if you are affected by any of the issues listed below you may download the 2020.08 hotfix now.
  7. That wouldn't really help since today the parallel processing occurs at the track level, so knowing about contiguous clips wouldn't make it easier. One approach could be splitting each clip into a new track behind the scenes and then bouncing the whole split project splitting the track outputs to new files.
  8. Unlike normal export or bounce to track, Bounce to clips can't easily be done in parallel - at least not easily. The bounce code essentially relies on the audio engine which is optimized to render independent tracks for contiguous sections in parallel. With bounce to clips you are rendering chunks of data at different points on the timeline. So its not as a simple process to do this in parallel since we'd need to have multiple instances of the engine render the discontiguous sections of audio in parallel. Additionally the radius rendering isn't currently optimized for multi processing and could have bugs handling this. In short this would be nice to have but it would take a lot of work to achieve.
  9. @scook I don't think it ever worked. That bug has been there since 2005. I rarely want to change the audio folder so didnt notice it before.
  10. This has nothing to do with Copy all audio or any esoteric design intent. It was a simple bug in the code that was wiping out the user settings when you OK'd the dialog. There is logic to change the audio folder paths based on changes to the file name (this is used when saving a new project). That was being unexpectedly executed causing the problem. Its been fixed for the next update.
  11. You can use a drum map to set this up by assigning the entire note range to different instruments.
  12. This is not a bug. Delay compensation is not supported for synths because synths are always rendered just in time. They wouldn't be much point having synths that have delay would there? All the Enable delay compensation flag does is allow turning off delay comp at an effects level. Its a leftover from years ago and not something most users will ever need to set. Turning it off will make things go out of sync. We already have a PDC override feature in CbB for the cases that delay comp needs to be overriden so this manual setting is obsolete.
  13. I'm curious how many users are actively using Mix Recall. At some point we plan on improving the feature.
  14. @Scott Abbey Please upload the project to any file share like Dropbox and pm me the link
  15. @camarea I don't follow. It expect it to update during the bounce process when fast bounce is off since the rest of the UI is active.
  16. Yes their main engineering is here.
  17. @Scott Abbey can you share your project file with us so we can check it? There have been no changes that could have affected latency like that. Did you try reverting to the last release to verify that this is a new issue? LP MB has some delay but nothing close to 1 second so there is something else going on. Another thing to check. What is the ThreadSchedulingModel variable in preferences | Configuration file set to?
  18. Expecting plugins to update while rendering is not a common workflow. The app is deliberately using all resources to export the audio not update the UI. Are you doing a fast bounce when exporting? Plugin views will not update while doing that because the UI thread is blocked while exporting audio. Try disabling fast bounce when exporting.
  19. These are all over Boston near the harborwalk.
  20. That riff you played last night was pretty killing so don't sell yourself short ? Seriously all of us here have better things to do with our lives than steal somebody's personal information. We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't care about developing top notch software for people to make music. I think that would be a fair thing to say about most companies building music software. While it might be hard to imagine how this software could be free, its a testament that good things can happen once in a while. Life is too short to mistrust everything.
  21. If you want to use Youtube and other apps while using Cakewalk at the same time use WASAPI shared mode.
  22. Unless you sent the wrong file, the dump file you sent references a crash in your Roland Studio Capture driver. Cakewalk itself isn't crashing, nor is it related to east west as far as I can see. Can you open Cakewalk without crashing and create a new project or load other projects? If the same crashes persist you can follow up with Roland. We can't solve crashes in drivers. Send some more of your dump files so we can verify if the crashes are all the same. You can also try switching to WASAPI shared mode to test whether the crash goes away. Here are the details from your crash. ======== BUGCHECK_STR: APPLICATION_FAULT_INVALID_POINTER_WRITE PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: APPLICATION_FAULT LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 00000000081127df to 000000000811a660 STACK_TEXT: 00000000`0013f138 00000000`081127df : 00000000`39db1040 00000000`0000b7da 00000000`7ffe0008 00000000`7ffe0010 : RDAS1138+0xa660 00000000`0013f140 00000000`39db1040 : 00000000`0000b7da 00000000`7ffe0008 00000000`7ffe0010 00000000`083697a0 : RDAS1138+0x27df 00000000`0013f148 00000000`0000b7da : 00000000`7ffe0008 00000000`7ffe0010 00000000`083697a0 00000000`08115b95 : 0x39db1040 00000000`0013f150 00000000`7ffe0008 : 00000000`7ffe0010 00000000`083697a0 00000000`08115b95 00000000`083659b0 : 0xb7da 00000000`0013f158 00000000`7ffe0010 : 00000000`083697a0 00000000`08115b95 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 : SharedUserData+0x8 00000000`0013f160 00000000`083697a0 : 00000000`08115b95 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`083659b0 : SharedUserData+0x10 00000000`0013f168 00000000`08115b95 : 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 : 0x83697a0 00000000`0013f170 00000000`083659b0 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`0013f260 : RDAS1138+0x5b95 00000000`0013f178 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`083659b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`0013f260 00000000`0013f264 : 0x83659b0 MODULE_NAME: RDAS1138 IMAGE_NAME: RDAS1138.DLL DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 523a635c STACK_COMMAND: ~0s ; .ecxr ; kb FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_c0000005_RDAS1138.DLL!Unknown BUCKET_ID: APPLICATION_FAULT_INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_RDAS1138+a660
  23. @Bill Campbell please PM a link to the project file and we can see if we can reproduce the problem.
  24. @Jacques Boileau the registration of plugins itself is independent of language. The most common reason for that failure is Windows blocking COM object registration but it can also happen due to missing dll dependencies which can happen due to a missing or failed runtime redistributable from Microsoft. These issues are are unfortunately one of the downsides of COM dlls. This only applies to the older DX plugins of course. Of course if the plugins are not being installed at all that is a different issue. Jon is investigating that now.
  25. Um no there is nothing "faulty" about how Cakewalk updates the registry. You make a lot of assumptions that every problem is somehow the DAW's fault. There are plenty of environmental factors including Windows updates that can cause symptoms like this.
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