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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Why are we promoting what should be a dead thread? (this one) Refer to:
  2. Change log for 2.5.83 (Released on April 29th, 2024) All products: • Fixed an issue where a corrupt Preset Collection settings file would cause plug-ins to crash on Windows.
  3. Congrats! I hope it brings you much joy and helps your productivity!
  4. They still haven't unlocked my account... Sent their tech support another email. 4/30 update: Tech support fixed my account.
  5. Morph3 Pro upgrade from Morph 2 $149 Zynaptiq MORPH 3 PRO Plug-in - Upgrade from MORPH 2 | Sweetwater
  6. I just updated mine. Download speed wasn't bad - can't say it was any faster/slower than the IK server normally is. If the installer was 4TB - I'd expect Tonex to automatically offer to play my parts as well. "Hi Steven - I'd like thank you for dropping our ToneX VST on top you DAW project - I've created 2 rhythm tracks and a lead solo track with harmonies. Enjoy."
  7. That's a hell of thing to get offended by... At least nowadays.
  8. Now only if my bank account had 50% more $...
  9. Don't know when XLN added the release notes (as I & others have previously looked for and not found) but it's nice.
  10. You get Tonex Max with full size pedal, Tonex SE comes with ToneX One The $299 or $299 thing is if you don't want the $100 off offer/coupon (assuming that you're offered it) you're welcome to use your Jam points instead; they don't stack. Or at least that's what I recall. Since I picked up mine a while back I haven't been really following these offers/sales/deals.
  11. Kind of, except robes aren't required. Monthly subscription fee is 10 grams of cerebral gray matter which devotees claim you'll never miss.
  12. A link in case your interested in checking it out... https://www.facebook.com/groups/creativesaucecakewalk/
  13. from manual... (Info reorganized for easier reading, used bold font) In comparison to the previous versions of Nomad Factory Magnetics Bundle, this new version features an improved and optimized DSP, a wonderful resizable new UI with 2 skins, VST3 and Apple Silicon support, oversampling and many more improvements. Have fun! The Plugivery Team. The v3 is not compatible with v2 sessions or presets. They are completely new plug-ins and thus won't replace the v1 and v2, so you can still use them to reload your previous work.
  14. I notice that Retro EQs have been update since initial VST3 release Version 2.0.1 (Build 1625) - December 12, 2023 Updated user manual for smaller screens Fix Pulse-Tec UI (low cut off 250 Hz) Fix meters flickering during decay Not new, but I missed it.
  15. Are you using WiFi or Ethernet? If WiFi - try running Ethernet cable(s) to your router, it should make a significant difference. I've got a 100ft cable running from router in living room to my office. You can pick up ready made Ethernet patch cables on Amazon for cheap. Amazon.com Cat5e 50FT Network Ethernet Patch Cable Amazon.com: Cat 6 Ethernet Cable 100 ft Latency in Ethernet cables is roughly 5 ns per meter - so not an issue for 100ft cable.
  16. Middle of the night, my wife in labor with our 1st child, racing to the hospital, REM - It's The End of the World As We Know It blasting on the radio...
  17. I'd park the gear away for a couple of years and then see how you feel. Decent mics/instruments will probably gain value and get a higher selling price (probably a better return than many types of investment). Plugins and various types of electronics probably not.
  18. My story^ Someone stole my capo and now I can't even tune my nylon string guitar. ? My career arc destroyed overnight. I never mention that I only have one nylon string guitar (a Costco special) and it's a POC. The demo in the store sounded way better, mine's very dead sounding in an odd meh sort of way. My own fault - I should have opened the box in the store and checked it out before paying for it. It was on sale, bought it on a whim and stuck the box in my closet before flying out to Utah to take care of my dad. When I got back around 4 months later I didn't feel right about returning it after that length of time; if I had paid more I might have been pissed off enough to try and get my money back. Probably TMI
  19. BTW if you're using Windows and pulling your hair out regarding NA/Kontakt issues you might want to check out this older thread about same/similar subject and the suggested fixes.
  20. Whenever I update NA it then takes forever to fully install, resync, etc.. sometimes hours. Last time I finally gave up and shut it down and when I ran it later it seemed happy. It now comes up OK, not immediately but reasonable and I can update things but the spinning circle in the upper left will continue spinning for 20 minutes or so regardless of whether there's updates or not.
  21. Changes in 7.10.0 (previous release that had issue fixed in7.10.1 ) Version 7.10.0 2024-04-18 FIXED Crash when rapidly switching presets during playback in Logic Pro FIXED Crash when replacing Daft filter with any other filter with more than 8 voices playing simultaneously FIXED Step Modulator no longer loses all displayed steps after adjusting parameters IMPROVED Notification when an Instrument’s license is invalid IMPROVED Instruments no longer deselect when clicking level meter or blank space in the instrument header when in Single View IMPROVED KSP: Waveforms in 3D mode of ui_wavetable widget now correctly display wavetable shaper adjustments IMPROVED KSP: Effect edit panels in Instrument Edit mode now correctly update their Ul upon certain engine parameter changes ADDED Electric Grand EQ and tremolo modes to EP Preamps effect ADDED KSP: Engine parameters for Flex Envelope modulator (number of stages, loop start, loop end, per-stage time, level, slope) ADDED KSP: Built-in variables for system date and time KNOWN ISSUE Intermittent crashes when Kontakt 7 is used with the following combination: Logic Pro, macOS 14, Kontrol S MK3. Apple are working on a fix for this communication layer crash KNOWN ISSUE Text fields in Rack View do not receive certain keystrokes whilst the Edit View is shown (macOS only). This issue was introduced in Kontakt 7.9.0, and will be addressed in a future update. Workaround: all keystrokes are received whilst the KSP Script Editor text field is open KNOWN ISSUE Please note that if you have updated to Kontakt 7.10 from a version before 7.9, you may need to reselect your audio device on first launch (macOS only) KNOWN ISSUE In Pro Tools, Kontakt window is cropped when zooming larger than available display size KNOWN ISSUE Crash on launching Kontakt standalone if Canon EOS webcam utility software is installed
  22. Release Notes Version 7.10.1 2024-04-19 FIXED Increased startup time, and visual & audio lags (introduced in Kontakt 7.10.0 update) @cclarry Maybe update OP/thread title?
  23. Take a look at Spitfire Audio Originals Intimate Strings which is selling for $29. 579 reviews getting a 4.8 average out of 5 Just listen and compare the walkthroughs between the two. I think that the 8dio version has a lot more articulations, etc. but if you don't like the way the library sounds - does that matter? 8dio's new line, SoundPaint, seems to be getting some attention. I can't speak to how good or bad SoundPaint is as I have stayed away from 8dio since my earlier misadventures. Edit: if articulations, etc are critical for you... Consider picking up Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition which is currently on sale for $299, even if you have to make payments. It's a killer sale. I spent a lot more than that at 8dio picking up 'sale' items individually. It is huge, you may need to get extra storage or enlarge it; you also don't have to install everything all at once (or at all). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The opinions expressed here are solely my own. I have not received any compensation (virtual, physical or even imaginary) for stating my opinions.
  24. need to reword... …but I'm just a poor boy, I need no symphony a guitar for the highs, a bass for the lows, a drummer that can make things go a keyboard player and singer that can sing on key - and that's all that really matters to me, to me
  25. Try peppermint tea for G.A.S. it's effective, besides being soothing and making your tummy feel nice. By the time I go to the kitchen, heat the water, get a cup, find the tea, brew a cup and get back to my computer I've forgotten why I made the tea in the first place.
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