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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Interesting article on Thunderbolt 4, not relevant to this interface conversation but does tie in with USB/thunderbolt part of conversation. https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/what-is-thunderbolt-4-why-this-new-interface-will-matter-in-pcs-in-2021
  2. Note: the PC version of this update patch is setting off virus alarms with BitDefender antivirus. Sonic Charge has been notified. NO ISSUES DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING IT NOW - seems they cleared the issues. No complaints from either Windows 11, Edge browser or Bit Defender. I was able to download it and install it.
  3. Hopefully that means another 12 months added to end of your plan i.e. that plan would be active till Oct 24, 2025 Not 12 months from now (May 10, 2025).
  4. No, not with Bitwig. If you activate them both you will get 2 concurrent licenses - others have tried and that's what happens (and support won't fix it). But you can stash the 2nd license then whip it out and activate it once the 1st has expired and viola! Edit: So never activate a new Bitwig license (if it's for the same edition) unless your old one has expired!
  5. Note: the PC version of this update patch is setting off virus alarms with BitDefender antivirus. Sonic Charge has been notified. NO ISSUES DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING IT NOW - seems they cleared the issues. No complaints from either Windows 11, Edge browser or Bit Defender. I was able to download it and install it.
  6. You made me curious so I checked SonicCharge's forum and found this thread. https://soniccharge.com/forum/topic/1891-mpe-support If you have access to their forum check it out. Here's some of its content: Note I've not tried implementing these (yet), just passing on the info. One post: In another post: In Synplant's GUI, open the MIDI settings via the menu... ...and set "Pitch wheel" to 48. Next, in Ableton's device view, right-click on Synplant's device header and check the box for "Enable MPE Mode" Now, note pitch envelopes should work.
  7. Audio Damage - Other Dessert Cities updated to v1.0.11 Download link is in an email - sent today with subject Update available for "AD054 Other Desert Cities" OTHER DESERT CITIES V1.0.11 Changes: Other Desert Cities has been normalized to the current AD standards; this includes getting the new style installer and new style preset manager, as well as a thorough cleaning of all APIs and SDKs v1.0.10


 The Regen setting was not retained when switching between Mirage and other algorithms, or when changing the Heads setting of this algorithm. Changes: The plugin was ported to JUCE 7 and all the latest SDKs and APIs. This should solve a problem that some Linux users were experiencing with missing libraries, etc.
 CLAP format was added to the payload. This is experimental, and should not be used in a high-pressure production environment. The macOS installer installs CLAP; for Windows and Linux, you will need to place the CLAP plugin in a location of your choosing. Let us know if you run in to any weirdness using the CLAP version. PLEASE NOTE!!!!
This will be the final version of Other Desert Cities to include VST2.4. This format will be removed in future updates. If you need to use the VST2.4 version for some reason, you should keep this installer archived.
  8. Dear Synplant Owner, Great news! We’ve just released the first four "mods" for Synplant 2. Mods are scripts that add new features or change existing functionality without a complete plugin update. The mods are: Favorite Button: Quickly mark and access your favorite patches. Tween Branches: Enable transitions of sounds across different velocities or keyboard ranges. Detailed DNA Hints: Gain clearer insights into synth settings with enhanced tooltips in the DNA Editor. Graft Onto Branch: Copy and paste branches from different plants into one, allowing you to combine and morph patches. To find out more, watch the demo, and download the mods, head over to our forum.
  9. Yes they probably use 3rd party chips, I think most computer and device manufacturers buy them in bulk. But I don't know if the USB-A chips can support USB-C as the interface was entirely redesigned... https://connectorsupplier.com/usb-type-c-what-you-need-to-know/ USB-C has bi-direction, rotational-symmetrical (no top/bottom) connections USB-C supports higher power delivery (up to 100W) and bidirectional power flow, making it suitable for charging laptops and other high-power devices. USB-C can have better data rates which can drive high-resolution monitors There's a crapload of internal wiring & connections in a USB cable and most manufacturers do not support all features (use all connections) or support the USB 3.1 or 3.2 data speeds which is why you have to be careful buying USB-C cables.
  10. Sounds painful... So now there won't be any little NA Juniors (IV, V, etc.) in the future?
  11. I tried to find the USB-C spec on their devices and failed, other than verifying that they are indeed not Thunderbolt ports. If they are indeed USB 2.0 that is disappointing as Presonus states on their web page What is USB-C™? "It should be noted that the default protocol for USB-C™ ports on many Windows computers is USB 3.1"
  12. Thanks missed seeing that. If I had not been getting blocked from purchasing by the error shown below I would have bought it and found out the hard way. www2.sonnox.com says Unable to find your order selection! Please check you have not enabled any cookie blockers and that you have cookies enabled in your browser I tried on a couple of different browsers and had the same issue, possibly because I clicked on don't resell my data when I initially connected to their site today. If that is the reason then they shot themselves in the foot in how they implemented their system.
  13. this has been previously discussed & documented... How about 1.6ms? These stats were from the previous model, not sure what the current model's stats are. or "At 1ms total round-trip latency, Quantum makes software based monitoring effectively on-par with hardware." Here's the post to go with that quote (it's at the bottom of that post) but read all of page 3 on that thread to get the proper context. It mentions that your computer must have the proper components such as having a properly spec'ed thunderbolt 3 port to get that kind of RTL. The quoted articles were from 2020 and there may be other models or brands that can now get similar latency. I haven't been following this area since I bought a used Quantum 2 and I'm happy with it, at the moment I see no need to get something else.
  14. Release Notes Version 7.10.2 2024-05-07 FIXED Crash when loading instruments in Logic Pro on macOS Sonoma FIXED Crash when clicking NI logo in Logic Pro on macOS Sonoma FIXED Intermittent crashes when loading Orchestral Tools libraries inside of Komplete Kontrol or Maschine FIXED Kontakt standalone crashes when Canon EOS camera software is installed FIXED Character ‘a" is ignored by Text Fields when Edit View is shown KNOWN ISSUE Intermittently long loading times and visual stalls when loading certain libraries in Logic Pro
  15. Dear TONEX user, We want to inform you that TONEX has been updated to version 1.7.2 for Mac/PC. (1.8GB on PC) This update improves the management of presets and Tone Models, as well as fixes bugs some users may have experienced. See the full list below.We recommend all TONEX users update for the best experience. IK Multimedia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instructions To get updated on Mac/PC, launch the IK Product Manager, go to Manage My Products, and use the Update button next to TONEX. What’s New in TONEX Version 1.7.2: TONEX Player · List view: Column management is now possible by right-clicking on column headers. TONEX Librarian · Fixed multi-selection in the TONEX ONE preset list. · Fixed preset search not working in the Librarian. TONEX Modeler · Fixed a possible crash in the Modeler when selecting an audio device. General · Fixed a crash in Digital Performer during the VST3 scan. · Fixed a crash in Logic for dual mono plug-ins that were not coupled. General reliability improvements.
  16. You've got to judge what you're dealing with - type of mic, age, it's value and how likely it is that your cleaning will improve things. In general I'm much more comfortable cleaning up or repairing a dynamic mic than other types. Old foam degrades - washing the foam portion of windscreen on a vintage mic may cause it to disintegrate or stiffen up altering the sound. Extreme care must be taken when doing maintenance on a ribbon mic - you cannot touch the ribbon without altering it; canned air or a vacuum can deform or destroy the ribbon. Getting the ribbon wet will deform it. Condenser mics - I've cleaned the grill cages/mesh sometimes just to remove odors, but unless the mic capsule looks filthy I generally refrain from using anything other than a very soft paint brush to dust it. If you damage the diaphragm of a vintage mic, even if you can replace it, it'll never sound the same.
  17. Years back I got a Motu UltraLite shortly after they came out and I had nothing but continuous problems with it. Maybe on a MAC they worked OK but on my PC system(s) the random, intermittent noise issues made it unusable - the drivers were garbage. Updates changed the problems but didn't eliminate them. I went back and forth with their tech support for months then one day I cleared up all my issues by moving a small piece of plastic out of my wallet and using it to buy something else (IIRC I bought a used Roland QUAD-Capture). YMMV but I'll never buy another Motu piece of gear.
  18. It's nice that you can now actually have an account with Synchro Arts and that they can connect to your iLok and link your purchases to your account. Yes - it would be nice if they still included the version number as part of the download file name. But being that I can copy that info from the web page and then paste it (add it) to the file name when I download things that doesn't bother me so much (I already have to do this with most plugin downloads). That they don't show the release dates on the 'my-products' page bothers me much more. I've already opened a ticket politely requesting/suggesting that they add this information to the web page. If either or both (or other) of these issues bother you please take a moment and politely request that they modify things. Many companies will respond to polite feedback about such things. If you wish to submit a ticket to Synchro Arts - here's the link to the appropriate page https://synchroarts.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=✓&query=web , the link, "Submit a request", is on the top menu bar. Note that this takes you into their Zendesk support site, you don't have to log in and your Synchro Arts login doesn't work here. Also - it also looks like they've updated all their plugs since last time I checked, but not finding a change list.
  19. LOL, and I still have a spare 2nd one that I bought online from a store closeout thinking it was an iLok...
  20. The demos really sounds nice. Some kind of marketing magic is happening... The Fluid IRs add stereo - adding harmonics content doesn't convert a mono sound to stereo. It's the kind of thing (stereo enhancement) that I often try to add to a guitar track so I'm not against what it does and that you can turn it off if you don't want it makes it a bonus instead of a liability. I'll have to check it out and also see what happens when you fold it down to mono.
  21. I've got a number of things on my USB eLicenser, including Cubase 11 (which I never got around to installing on my latest computer)...
  22. I think he's showing off his new lefthanded ToneX, he previously stated that he's not sure if he bought the right one...
  23. Cableguys | Audio Plugins https://www.cableguys.com/user-account
  24. Anthology XII download link: https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/?product=Anthology+XII
  25. They're on a theme of beefy, presumably aggressive animals - Rhino, Gorilla, Mastodon They probably did check and decided that Big Tick's soft synth (probably considered ancient by today's consumers) wasn't going to confuse their guitar playing potential customers. Nowadays coming up with a unique name for a plugin is like trying to find a unique name for your kid, unless you're going for something esoteric or a combination of random numbers/letters (and sometimes even then) someone's already using that name.
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