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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. New release but no new sale (other that current 15% off holiday fare) 23-Dec-2018: Voxengo is happy to release Crunchessor version 2.10, a multi-purpose audio track compressor plug-in for professional music production applications, available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST and VST3 plug-in formats (including native 64-bit support), for macOS (v10.7 and later), and Windows computers. Version 2.10 update includes the following changes: Added ProTools 12+ AAX-64 support. Implemented color scheme editor with load and save functions. Made user interface scale switchable without host reload. Made internal channel names start at "C" to reduce confusion with the A/B comparison buttons. Reduced plugin file size considerably for faster loading. Bypass switch's state is now saved with the project. Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows. 30% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors (in 64-bit mode). Crunchessor is a track compressor AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. One of its main advantages is the ease of tuning, which at the same time instantly delivers an excellent sonic performance. Another remarkable feature of Crunchessor is its valve-type processing, which is applied in parallel to compression. This makes Crunchessor an ideal choice for musicians and producers who are fond of analog compression sound and its warmness. Beside this, Crunchessor offers you a selection of compression coloration styles--by itself a pretty unique feature for a compressor. By choosing an appropriate coloration style, you can add the character most suitable for the sound material you are working with. As an option, you can disable both coloration and valve warming processing to get a neutral and clean compression sound. Being a multi-purpose compressor, Crunchessor can be used for any kind of sound material: drums, vocals, bass, guitars, synth sounds, etc. Crunchessor can be suitable both for single track and whole mix processing. Crunchessor also accepts external side-chain source signals and allows you to filter key signal sources before they are used for compression. Crunchessor features: Easy compression tuning Valve warmness Coloration styles External side-chaining Key signal filtering Stereo and multi-channel processing Internal channel routing Channel grouping Mid/side processing Up to 8x oversampling 64-bit floating point processing Preset manager Undo/redo history A/B comparisons Contextual hint messages All sample rates support Zero processing latency User interface color schemes Resizable user interface Retina and HighDPI support Crunchessor is available for purchase for US$ 129.95. Demo version of Crunchessor can be downloaded freely at the Voxengo web site: http://www.voxengo.com/product/crunchessor/?eref=ml
  2. Does Mix Recall handle track changes? For example I added an alternative bass track. Or do I now need to create new alternative mixes?
  3. <Sigh> I was curious and thought I'd check this out. But the Mac version of the Command Center wont recognize my Cakewalk account login so that's a no go.
  4. That # is really misleading - Apple's $$ is mainly from hardware sales (which includes lots of iPhones, watches, etc), they still only have a small portion of the computer market. 7.1% as of 2018Q2 per https://www.macrumors.com/2018/07/12/mac-shipments-up-in-q2-2018/ To create a Mac version BandLab will have to start from scratch. While they could create a multiple platform version in doing so, the time frame would span several years and cost 100 of thousands of dollars, if not significantly more. Considering the current exorbitant selling price and high volume of Cakewalk sales I sure they're dying to allocate the manpower & funds to jump into a market that may take them years to significantly crack. While I too would really like a Mac version of Cakewalk I don't see it happening any time soon.
  5. This last year? Sadly it been mainly for tying up exorbitant amounts of hard disk space on my various computers. Been a tough year and creativity wise a meager one but I am working on changing that.
  6. BAPU is a person?!?! ? I thought he was the Big @** Purple Unicorn, kinda of like a version of Barney, except his songs have adult themes and if your naughty on XMas he pokes holes in your amp and/or stereo's speakers with his horn. I'm still leaving out a cold stein of draft beer beside a cheese & deli plate by the fireplace just in case your info is wrong.
  7. TheSteven

    Jingle Hell

    Seasonally appropriate video (previous project) whose audio was done with Sonar. Enjoy! ?
  8. The new forum does indeed look nice! ? Once they add the missing sections, i.e. Deals, Software, & Hardware (am I missing any others?), I won't have any reason to camp on the old forum.
  9. It's still there in other forum areas. Maybe they decided to eliminate that feature for the Coffee House. Perhaps thinking Coffee House threads generate comments as opposed to answers... The vote up / down feature is missing as well. So you can't vote this as the best answer!!
  10. Hopefully this time without the vanish-o-matic filter. I've had whole threads disappear when editing the original post on the old forum.
  11. So is it, re post count, automatic or ?
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