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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. TheSteven

    New Bees

    Checked it out... While the results were quite sweet, didn't care for the development process. Interface is too busy Lack of creative freedom - all projects not approved by management are immediately killed Restrictive workspace - all new projects/creations take place in a 'cell' - an isolated development space created & maintained by employees and Despite what seems like eons of constant development the system is buggy as hell!
  2. Sorry my last off topic comment... Re Adobe... And there is the time lost in researching files converters and/or replacement platforms, getting up to speed with replacement programs (and with replacing Dreamweaver time spent verifying that everything still functioned correctly), and recreating things that could not be properly converted. It made doing small maintenance jobs on previous work unprofitable. Lesson learned, I'll never (assuming that I have the option) put myself in that position again.
  3. There's little incentive for honesty, you may even get punished. You don't get bonuses for the amount of business you turn away even if it's fraudulent and when the $$ is the only benchmark then we have issues. Most of those companies will refund your money if you make a fuss, it's just the cost of doing business - for every return there's probably 5 to 10 that aren't and that is still a high profit margin.
  4. By my definition no. Looking it up in theSteven's imaginary book of definitions - my definition of a sub is, for example Adobe, where you build no equity with your payments and regardless of when you quit subscribing you end up with nothing. The OP's comment about rent to own is closer to the mark. I guess anything that you have to regularly pay for updates or new versions could be considered subscriptions. In which case BitWig, Cubase, StudioOne and others are subscriptions. Still YM(or opinion)MV. At this point I own MComplete but $16 per month I might have opted for this back when.
  5. Nice update! More info... FIXED Performance issues related to Kontakt’s Hardware Connection Service detection on Mac, even if not installed or Kontrol S Series MK3 not connected FIXED Intermittent crash when Kontakt is hosted as VST plug-in
  6. Links is there and it works (just verified).
  7. If the download was removed, it's back now. I initially tried installing from the Product Center forgetting that early access versions don't show on it.
  8. Correction: Blue Cat Fader Hub is more like a DAW (as it can record as well) optimized for live streaming/collaboration with others. It can't be used directly as a plugin but can use plugins. But if used with Blue Cat Connector (an affordable alternative to VSL's VEP) https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_Connector/ then you can route tracks to any/all of your DAWs simultaneously. Wave Stream has a couple of interesting features (such as sending 'live' audio to your phone) but as a collaboration tool it's a bit limited. It is designed to send audio not simultaneously send & receive. So as their video says at 1:50 - you can send audio to other musicians so they can play along and then record their parts "locally in their DAW", no mention as to how you then get their parts back to your DAW.
  9. oh boy! another subscription service! ? Has anyone checked out Blue Cat's Fader Hub https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_FaderHub/ that does the same thing for a fixed price ($99 MSRP)?
  10. This has been discussed/agued/b1tched about so many times over the years that it's now as relevant as arguing whether 33 or 45 RPM records have better fidelity. But... this isn't a Bandlab's issue it's a Gibson issue - please log all complaints regarding lifetime licensing on one of their forums. BTW no offense intended but it does get tiring hearing/reading the same complaints over & over. I too like many others got caught in this lifetime license scam and feel that legally Gibson should have been slapped for doing it.
  11. "Note: Offline activation is currently only available for Sonar and Cakewalk by BandLab." Need to wrap my head around what this applies to (Next?), but at the moment not an issue for me...
  12. @User 905133 Companies update their websites all the time and many use such opportunities to upgrade their security systems (password databases, add captcha, etc.) and/or add new features to their web site(s). For most companies this does not mean that they've been hacked, just that they are updating things. re: "The "Forgot Password" option requires the use of the current password." 'Change Password' requires current password, 'Forgot Password' does not - perhaps you're choosing the wrong option? If you're still having issues go to https://help.pluginboutique.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=8800811277844 and submit a ticket. I'm not affiliated with PluginBoutique, but was a web designer/programmer for many years.
  13. Not from Waves. Samples may be WAV format, web site doesn't say format or bit depth (eg 16,24,or 32) but wav format probably a safe guess.
  14. I just tried it and it worked for me... I'm in the US, if that makes a difference. Maybe it took a bit for FastSpring to get their processing up. Regarding the rest (not appearing anywhere else on website), not unusual for a Melda beta product - I seen this before. Probably cuts down on amount of web page editing/maintenance they have to do when item is officially released.
  15. Probably, as referral works on first purchase but put up a post on their forum https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=138 and ask.
  16. TubeDepot Sale https://tubedepot.com/t/tubedepot-sale 15% Off Select JJ Vacuum Tubes No Limits - Bulk Pricing Available - Sale ends Feb 19th 12pm CST Preamp, Power, Rectifier tubes, etc.. "JJ vacuum tubes are manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility in the Slovak Republic using former Tesla equipment. JJ tubes deliver solid performance with consistent quality and rich harmonic response. JJ tubes are the choice for amp manufacturers and listeners looking for quality European pedigree and tonality. Re-tube today and save. Sale ends February 9th, 12:00pm CST."
  17. Exact same version as I downloaded on Oct 17, 2023, date on VST file is Sept 29, 2023. And it crashes Cakewalk (ALFM) haven't tried it on other DAWS. Edit: rebooted computer and now it's working fine.
  18. or if it could do a version check before it tries to install it.
  19. Updated versions: PSP oldTimer v 2.2.2 & PSP oldTimerME v 2.2.2 PSP oldTimerMB v 1.2.2 New: 1) Presets. Bug Fixes: 1) AudioUnit: Resizing problem fixed. 2) Cubase 13: Plugin no longer opens in full-screen window; issue resolved. 3) Minor bugs fixed. Please Note: 1) macOS 10.13 and Earlier: We are no longer supporting older versions of macOS (10.13 and earlier). 2) Windows Vista and Earlier: Discontinuing support for Windows Vista and earlier versions for better performance and security. Install: 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section. 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer.
  20. Missed the sale... Crap, now I'm going to have to scrap the grand opening of "TheSteven's Discount Mastering House and Tattoo Parlor". I'm just going to have to learn to get along with my useless plugins from Eventide, FabFilter, iZotope, PA, etc. in making my music... <sigh>
  21. I already have these presets in a folder named "From Floppies" dated Feb 15, 2023, possibly I downloaded/installed them previously.
  22. So in for a dime, in for a dollar? No offense intended but that's a whole lot of work (all unpaid) for anyone to take on. Can't see anyone who's got a life (bills, family, working on an artistic endeavors, etc.) knowingly taking that on. I don't think the term "improved" has been used in context with these offerings; the wording on the website is "Assorted supplementary presets". I can't and won't speak for Greg, as I don't know and it's not my job, but I do know from personal experience that updating a publicly released software product is not something you take on lightly as it is always a PITA (updating & testing installers, updating distribution system, updating documentation & website, notifying users, responding to users inquiries or issues, etc.) and when you update something people think you're lazy or lack diligence for not updating all the others (what no new banjo or kazoo presets?). I am happy that Greg gave us what he did and look forward to any future tidbits that he would care to share.
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