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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I guess there's no reason or logic to how people see different UI's. I don't hate the look of the grim one, but when I tried it the messy menu arrangement left a lot to be desired. Plus the only reason I was trying it was because of the potential ability to be able to open CW projects that you made. Unfortunately that didn't really work too well with my projects, so I saw no need to persist with it. Not a dig at you in any way at all, it was a great thing that you did, just how it was in my case.
  2. The weird thing is, I quite liked it in the publicity shots, but once it's there in front of me it just looks dull and I don't like the control bar being fixed at the bottom, so I have a licence, but never use it.
  3. Did they also mention that they are doing something about the fugly UI is or did they just ignore that part like they usually do? 😀 It's hard to imagine having to look at that in perpetuity.
  4. paulo


    Sorry to hear that. I was literally wondering what became of her this last weekend when one of my songs that was based on her piano tracks came up on my mp3 player's random selection . On more than one occasion I had thought about sending her an email to see what she was up to these days, but ultimately decided to respect the fact that she had seemingly chosen to move away from being part of the forum. I never imagined that it might be health related.
  5. They did the same before with making updates to things that worked in 6 into things that now required 7. I think it's deliberate rather than lazy, just like how NA1 has recently mysteriously stopped working.
  6. Just tried adding to cart before logging in to account and then it worked. Weird.
  7. Copied and pasted from your post. No blanks. Also tried typing in manually - same outcome. Oh well. Can't miss what you never had and all that.
  8. BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>BREAKING NEWS>>>>>> "Something might happen for a while soon that you won't notice and it will not affect you in any way so you also won't know when it stops happening......." Truly great journalism.
  9. I had to look up who they even were. Having done so, I'm inclined to think that maybe in his case a good slap was long overdue.
  10. I'm 100% certain that there will be at least two Gallagher's too many to make it seem interesting.
  11. repeat after me....... I should pay more attention to what paulo says.
  12. "Arrived with a camera crew".......talk about a missed opportunity....
  13. SOP for most companies these days it seems. Izotope support used to be good. I was so disappointed when I saw that they had become part of the NI clown show.
  14. Bruce when he was even more unbearable...... I know..... Hard to imagine, right ?
  15. Alternatively, give it a few months and PIB will be all but giving it away.
  16. Because they'll be put in prison for many years if they don't go to concerts?
  17. The actual problem is the people who pay inflated prices. Consumers have the collective power and should learn to exercise it.
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