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Everything posted by paulo

  1. That'll me me then. I can't see why being hit with a golden hammer would be a good thing. Do they hurt less than being hit with regular hammers? FWIW - took me a while to figure out where it was and when I did my first thought was " I wonder why they put it all the way over there?"
  2. More so than rain on your wedding day.
  3. Given his budget, anything other than flying in with a personal jetpack wearing leather strides whilst playing a kick-ass guitar riff will count as a failure IMO.
  4. Fishing makes your computer work better? That's me screwed then. I told Mrs Paulo to shoot me if I ever come home with a fishing rod.
  5. I can't remember what came with what version now and don't know what actually comes with the bandlab version, but for elecronica keep an eye out for offers on air hybrid3/vacuum pro/loom. Don't pay the "normal" price though. There are nearly always deals on these for sometimes as little as £1/$1. IIRC I got one free and paid less than £5 total for the other two.
  6. Software and Techniques are the big misses for me. The tags thing is supposed to be the workaround, but teaching old dogs new tricks and all that...........
  7. I think it's because everybody is still behaving themselves too much - too wary of treading any dirt into the new carpet. And it seems to be a popularity contest as well now, so there's that......
  8. Never mind the environment, leave it burning bright. I've always wanted a house near the ocean.
  9. Still trying to get Bapu out from under the table.....
  10. I think I met a couple of your relatives recently. First I think he was your grandson - Garry iPhone Then your cousin who was singing to backing tracks as a Human League tribute act - Garry Oakey.
  11. I've been convincing myself for years that I'll find a use for this again one day... Don't know why because I always hated cassette tapes. I could never feel totally comfortable listening to one - always waiting for the sound to go all wobbly as the tape removed itself from the cassette and wound itself around whatever was in the way.
  12. Is that another of Bapu's noms de plume? I think that they must all congregate in his own gaff these days.
  13. Do you know a song about that?
  14. At his best Billy was among the greatest IMO,
  15. I didn't know Lee Evans had retired. That's a shame. (well, not for him I guess) I always wondered why he used to wear suits all the time when he was clearly dripping with sweat after about 10 minutes.
  16. I think that the cultural thing definitely plays a part, but some are good enough to transcend that. Loiue CK has his moments, his babies on planes routine is one that springs to mind, but I watched one of his shows on Netflix recently and it was a bit slow to say the least. Joe Rogan's "strange times" is pretty funny IMO and somewhere on YT there is a routine he does about how people think they're smart, but they're not really which is very good. Chris Rock can be good, I watched his latest show the other week and it was a bit slow to begin with, but once he gets into his stride it was good. Going back in time, Eddie Murphy's "Delirious" was pant wettingly funny. Of the current UK crop I agree that Micky Flanagan is hard not to find funny and I also like Ricky Gervais, John Bishop, Jason Manford and away from the TV cheese Michael McIntryre is pretty good too, although I do get why some can't take to him. Frankie Boyle I can take for 20 minutes, but he becomes a bit boring IMO. Eddie Izzard used to be great, but seems to have lost it once he lost the make up. I agree that Stewart Lee is in a league of his own. However, it's not a league you'd want to be in. One thing I really struggle to find funny is most female stand-ups. I did watch Katherine Ryan recently and she was pretty good, but most of them seem to base their acts on some kind of agenda and I find that tiresome, especially as it's usually the same agenda as all the others. Nina Conti, the ventriloquist, is funny, but I've never seen more than a 10/15 minute slot, so I don't know if it would still be funny after an hour or so.
  17. Would be nice. Also a software section like on the old forum would really make this place feel like home.
  18. Thanks. I was looking at the bundled products and that info doesn't appear there. I just click on the orange "quote" and it seems to work.
  19. Does anyone know how much room is required to install the total guitar bundle? (or roughly what each guitar takes up) They do sound nice, but there seems to very little info on his website, which is a concern to me as is the lack of any kind of demo.
  20. I don't have that problem at all in Platinum (last version) - it works just fine, so might be something to do with your set up.
  21. I'm afraid we have an imposter here folks. This guy is too funny to be the real Bapu.
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