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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. It looks like the Roland Integra 7 is a synthesizer module. You would have to send midi notes and messages to it though the Midi ports or, if it supports it, through the USB. I don't have the manual so I don't know if it supports being an audio interface. Meaning handling audio in and out of your DAW rather then just MIDI. If it does then check if it has an ASIO driver that you can install. This would be the preferred driver if one exists for it. Otherwise, try other the Driver Mode (WASAPI or WASAPI shared). Also, Pretty obvious, but do you have speakers attached to it?
  2. Have you looked at this setting? MIDI - Playback and recording- Turn off 'Always Echo Current Midi track'
  3. This is probably due to the interaction of your audio interface, the driver mode you are using, and maybe some windows update. Double check, and post here as well, what driver is being used by your device (ASIO, or a Windows supplied one ), what driver mode you have selected in Cakewalk, that your windows settings match your project settings, if using WASAPI or WASAPI shared.
  4. Thank you your solution worked. Just for clarification the path to the Insecure Content was a follows. Settings -> Privacy and Security ->site settings->insecure content Then I added www.cakewalk.com to the "Allowed to show insecure content" list.
  5. What you want to do is achievable with the X32 series. Once you setup the routing for the X32 the cakewalk routing should be the same or very similar. It is the routing of the X32 though that takes some time to understand. I would recommend reading through the user manual of the desired X32 to see how it works. https://mediadl.musictribe.com/media/sys_master/h9b/h22/8849399545886.pdf
  6. Do you have a file on the clipboard? Did you copy one to be on the clipboard?
  7. Are you saying you can't see the menu items to display the virtual keyboard or it won't show up if you enable it through the menus? https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Views.51.html
  8. Some things to check, Try exporting it with "realtime" render. Disable 64 bit engine. Freeze or bounce your VI's prior to exporting.
  9. I have a Behringer X32 Producer model that I have used to record several albums on. It works great for me. It is very flexible but takes some time getting your head around the routing. I have not had any problems with mine in the 8 years I have had it.
  10. Check your mouse settings in windows or in the mouse software and see if you can adjust the scroll wheel resolution or speed.
  11. Your link is just a link to your picture. If you copy the text of your link then you get to the magazine. Where do you go to try to enter the 3 questions?
  12. The only thing I can think of is that you had multiple tracks selected or the clip you were adding the notes to was a linked clip. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Arranging.33.html
  13. What I do is promote the take I want, swipe across it or double click it , then drag the promoted take, which is now the audio that appears in the track , and then drag that track to anther track. When you drag a take lane to another track it will show up in a take in the new track. You might have to expand the track take lanes where you dragged the take to see it. https://wavetronix-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/p/rstjohn/EXY4kNKvLPxNmw0mWoZq5BEBXJOAIcp5k-ChAnN15th_eg?e=I6bEGb
  14. I love when they send you a cool new update that then crashes their web page. I can wait till it calms down a bit. First installers always find a few glitches anyway
  15. Could it be that what you are seeing is the VST scan not that they are being loaded?
  16. Please check out the tutorials section of this forum for how to setup your audio devices. You could also check out the documentation Depending on the driver used by your USB mic you will have to pick an appropriate driver mode for Cakewalk to use in the Preferences. If Windows is using that device as well you have to pick a driver mode that can "share" the device like WASAPI shared.
  17. You can just promote the take you want, or pieces of many takes, by swiping across the desired take with the smart tool as well. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.48.html
  18. In the history of Cakewalk, pre-gibson to post-gibson, Cakewalk has never been a top DAW for plugin developers to test for compatibility. I guess there are just too many DAWs and companies have to pick the ones they want to test against. All the plugins I have wanted to use have just worked so I have not worried about it.
  19. Check your master bus. Your tracks are outputting to a master bus. Make sure it has its interleave button set to stereo. As you pan the channels see if the meters indicate the panning.
  20. There is a feature request sub-forum where these usually go. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  21. I would contact Cakewalk Support (Support@cakewalk.com) to see if they can help you. Did you move the project from one disk to another? Could it be that the copied the audio but not the project file?
  22. Probably not. The plugins have to expose their parameters in standard ways to be compatible with standards and other DAWS. This may be possible with newer VST standards but Sonitus is a bit old.
  23. Are you using sends to the bus or are the channels outputs sent to the bus? According the the signal flow chart in the documentation the effects in the effects bin should always be sent out.
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