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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Can we please have a screenshot of your Preferences - MIDI - Devices screen.
  2. Full screen screenshot please (not a phone photo) - including Inspector of the MIDI track that you have routed to the plugin.
  3. That automation lane looks like it should work. That image is not showing me a ramp down shape. What happens if you add another node further down and then move that node to zero (thus creating a down ramp)? Another option, if the plugin responds to velocity, you could always simple edit the note velocities using the PRV Transform Tool to reduce the velocities of the notes with each subsequent hit. You have to be careful with this though, because with some synths, velocity can affect more than simple volume. There are actually many ways to achieve a fade out of a sound in Cakewalk. I had needed a fade out on many instruments or sounds in many projects and I have never had any issues.
  4. I do not have this plugin so I cannot check. However, maybe it does not respond to MIDI CC information (especially CC7 for volume). In that case, maybe you will want to automate the volume of the plugins's audio output instead.
  5. What happens if you set the MIDI track to a MIDI Channel rather than "none" Note: In any of my projects, any MIDI track or SIT always has their MIDI channel setting changed from the default “None” to a specific MIDI channel. Usually Channel 1 for a mono timbral synth.
  6. As per title. At the moment, the chase mode is always set to “CC's” when you add a new item under “Generate New MIDI Events”. Is it possible to change this so that, when you add an item under “Generate New MIDI Events”, the chase be set to “Full” instead of “CC's”? It is only when I have entered many Articulation Maps (most, of which, use Note events for the trigger), that I realise that the Chase mode for all those Articulation Maps is set to “CC's”. Then I either have to go back and change them to “Full” - or bulk edit the *.artmap files themselves with a text editor (change all instances of "chaseMode":2 to "chaseMode":3). I wonder how many people have entered Articulation Maps and wondered why they are not chasing.
  7. And can it be assumed that in the audio configuration of all of those “Other applications“ that use another interface, the sample rate, bit depth and buffer size are all the same (even windows itself)? I am also assuming you have Driver version V1.03rc1 installed (dated 2016) I know this is a long shot, but is there any possibility of trying another audio interface?
  8. Did you uninstall them then reinstall your drivers....? I suspect you did. I do not think this is a Cakewalk issue per se. Something else must be causing this. My guess is a plugin. Have you tried opening a project in safe mode to see if the problem persists after bypassing all plugins. If bypassing all plugins allows your projects to open, then it’s a process of elimination to determine which one.
  9. Have you tried downloading the latest Cakewalk Command Centre and downloading Dimension pro from there? See: https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Command-Center If you have forgotten your Cakewalk password, then contact support at support@cakewalk.com
  10. After being asked to, did you reinstall them and the problem remains?
  11. Even with hardware keyboards playing a sound with a slower attack, you might have subconsciously compensated for the delay of the transients.... especially for for Staccato strings. If you have a MIDI track routed to a single instrument, you might want use MIDI track with a negative times offset for that track. If you have a MIDI track routed to a single instrument but has several articulations, you might want use (create) Articulation Maps with times offset when needed.
  12. Many MIDI controllers would use their MIDI in functions to receive slider and rotary knob assignments that have been stored as files on a PC.... I know the PCR-800 does.
  13. Before. You are doing while aren’t you? I didn’t try that - but that would not be my normal thing to do as my PC normally stays connected 24/7 I quickly retried while - still no crash. (with 206 measures - 12780 notes.) Are you sure it's internet related? Are yours one clip or multiple clips? Have you tried bouncing to clips before freezing? Does the same crash happen in Sonar 2025?
  14. On the PRV menu, Notes > deselect “Show Velocities on Selected Notes Only” I have keybound SHIFT + V for this
  15. I just created a SIT with 630 measure full of notes with Arturia Piano V3. This contained 25452 notes. Note, this was a single clip. I still was able to freeze this with internet off in CbB. Took a while, but it still performed the freeze without crashing.
  16. Froze a SIT with Arturia DX7-V containing 4 measures of MIDI data. In same project, froze a SIT with Arturia Jun 6 V containing 4 measures of MIDI data. Internet disconnected. No crash here in CbB.
  17. I have always had zero issues downloading Cakewalk, Sonar or any of its updates. What version of Windows? Is it fully patched? Is your internet rock solid? - no drop outs, etc You have disabled all firewalls..... what about antivirus and/or VPN? - disabled those too (I use Malwarebytes Premium 5 realtime protection - still no issues) Is this with an ethernet cable between your PC and your router (IE not wireless) Are you able to try on a PC with a fresh install of Windows? What is your download speed according to https://speedtest.net
  18. As per title. A search (and optionally replace) for lyrics would be handy. Also, can we please have the ability to convert between selected Text, Lyrics and markers and vice versa.
  19. So you are saying that if you enter "%AppData%\Cakewalk\sonar" in start + run , or Windows Explorer address field, you get a folder not found error message? You will not find a specific folder with the name %AppData% therein. This is an Windows environment variable that will take any Windows user to their specific configuration folder. If you open a command prompt, type "set", you will get a list of all defined environment variables. The second one from the top will show you what %AppData% substitutes for on your system. On my system, this exact location takes me to the Sonar 2025 folder where Sonar’s MASTER.INS file is stored. Also, on my system, this is the specific file that I would need to modify for Sonar to incorporate into Sonar’s instrument configuration.
  20. This is really why I do not use automation nodes unless I have to. For any MIDI editing, I stick to using the controller lane exclusively. I hardly ever touch automation nodes. The only time I would use automation nodes is for those plugins that do not allow CCs to be mapped to parameters (Massive X, criminally, being one such synth). My Studioware Panels allow CC/Wheel and Note event editing in a way that far surpasses what comes natively with Cakewalk. I only wish the Bakers would bring back editing Studioware Panels and (updated) CAL scripts in Sonar 2025. Maybe not enough people would actually use them to justify the effort.
  21. This is why I think we could benefit from a Transform Tool for automation nodes like we have for MIDI events. An automation node smoothing tool would be handy too. In fact, I think, many automation node editing tools could be useful - like vertical and horizontal flip and scale using a chosen node as the anchor point, etc. I have made CAL scripts and Studioware panels to do these for Midi events. However, the CAL command “forEachEvent” ignores selected automation nodes.
  22. That script only works on MIDI CC events. It does not work on Automation Nodes.
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