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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. They way I do it is left drag a clip to a new location while depressing CTRL. This creates a duplicate of the clip at the new location. If you want to restrain the horizontal or vertical position, depress SHIFT as well.
  2. I was able to do it on my system. Albeit I used Sampletank 4 with two parts , one being keys on MIDI Channel 1 and and another , strings on MIDI Channel 2 I created 2 MIDI tracks, both routed to Sampletank 4. I set MIDI track 1 to Channel 1 and track 2 to channel 2 and I was able to control the tracks in Sampletank 4 independently. I set the input of the MIDI tracks to Omni - therefore it did not matter what channel the MIDI controller was set to. Whatever channel a respective MIDI tracks is set to determines the track that is played by Sampletank 4 Even though I did this with Sampletank 4, I am sure Kontact would be the same principle. What version of Cakewalk are you using?
  3. Check the inspector (press i on your computer keyboard) for the MIDI tracks playing Kontakt . Set the MIDI channel of the track controlling the keys to channel 1 and the MIDI channel of the track controlling the strings to channel 2
  4. Define "a problem". We need more information.
  5. What I do is have a separate MIDI track for each soft synth. Even though the MIDI channel generally won't matter, I usually stick to channel one - unless the synth is a multitimbral synth.
  6. Assuming you have installed all the plugins on the destination PC, on the source PC, saving as a bundle for the purpose of the transfer may work.
  7. Windows 10 is excellent, once you tell it who's boss....
  8. With the smart tool enabled (Sounds like you already have it enabled) If you hold the mouse button down then move the mouse slightly, the note will be placed If you hold the mouse button down and then move the mouse more before releasing you can set the duration. Moving to the right sets to duration. Moving to the left sets the duration by setting the start of the note but locks the end of the note. Convoluted, yes, but you do get used to this. Personally, I would like a single click to just place a note - to do that, select the draw tool - but you can't set the duration.
  9. Yes, Norton has been known to be a bit of a hog. There is a debate whether turning off Windows updates is actually a good idea or not with fiery battles raging between those that say you should and shouldn't. In fact, I believe entire planets have been destroyed over this issue. Granted, the destruction is limited to merely our own galaxy. Personally, I think Windows updates should not be disabled as they usually contain important bug fixes and security updates that end users are not aware of or have not not come across. What I do, however, is tell Windows not to touch drivers as Microsoft could potentially replace perfectly good drivers with their generic ones. When ever someone has installed Windows updates and they are having issues since, this is usually the reason. There are several ways to allows Windows updates get tell Windows not to touch drivers. See. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-disable-automatic-driver-updates-windows-10
  10. Exactly which version and build number of Cakewalk by Bandlab are you using?
  11. Mind sharing the solution?
  12. There has got to be something else going on. The only thing that has caused Addictive Drums to need reactivation is a milestone update of Windows 10. At other times, I have never had issues after a Cakewalk by Bandlab update or a non milestone Windows 10 update. On my machine, it just works. Have you checked the system event viewer for hardware issues that my be contributing. Especially check for any disk errors. IF CbB is crashing, drop a note to Cakewalk support and include the crash dump file - Available from here: %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\miniDumps
  13. Check the folder as defined in the following registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\VSTInternalPath This folder location as defined in this registry entry should contains your Pro channel modules DLLs
  14. Then I think it's more to do with with your keyboard is actually transmitting. What model MIDI controller is it? I have never had this issue with my PCR-800 and a Focusrite 2i2 and manually playing VSTis
  15. Try increasing it further.... I have mine at 750
  16. Preferences | Audio | Devices and settings - Driver mode
  17. However, even if the MIDI track's channel is set to a value from 1 to 16...... the PRV controller lane for that track still takes into account the channel of the individual controller events when choosing which lane to display in single lane controller view. If you have controller events that are set to different channels on the same track, you may not see all controller events in the controller lane. On the controller lane of older versions of Cakewalk, you could tell Cakewalk to display events of "all channels". That option is not available on later versions of Cakewalk. You can only select channel 1 to 16. "all channels" is not present on the channel select drop down menu. I wish the bakers would bring that back. What I like to do is configure my cakewalk.ini file so that when I bounce MIDI clips to a single clip on a given MIDI track, the MIDI channels of all the MIDI events on that track will change to match the MIDI channel of the track itself. To get Cakewalk by Bandlab to Rechannel the events when bouncing MIDI clips on the same track, to match that of the track itself, do the following: In the file %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\cakewalk.ini under the [WinCake] section, add the following line. RechannelMIDI=1
  18. I have updated to 4.0.7 and on my PC, the clicking issues I reported in 4.06 no longer occur. I never had the other issues you mention. If you do upgrade and you still find there are issues with 4.0.7,you can always roll back to 4.0.4
  19. Thanks for all the hard work you guys have put into this update.
  20. You must have one hell of a Dropbox Quota.....
  21. In that case, you could automate the bus level (where the effect is) rather than the send level of the track. That being said, most effects do have a wet level control that could also be automated.
  22. Probably because the 9th generation CPU is so efficient that it does not really need hyperthreading. That being said, if it's available, you still might want to enable it - even if "hyperthreading has little to no impact on DAW production" I am thinking that there are likely many other processes that are running on a typical Windows 10 PC that can and does benefit from hyperthreading.
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