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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Depends what data is actually present that is causing the dead air at the end of the song. Look for MIDI events. Look for automation events. There may also be markers or even time signature changes. Tempo changes are also events to look out for. If you have many tracks to check, you can select all tracks. Work out where you want the track to end. Put the Now marker to that point. Then go Edit | Select | From=NOW. Then hit delete Special. Make sure you select all boxes there. Also under the track menu, make sure Options | Stop at project end is selected. Hope that helps
  2. I would suggest saving your project closing Cakewalk overnight. Even if you do leave your Windows logged on. There may be tasks that Windows itself performs over any given night that could adversely affect an open Cakewalk session. For instance, you do nightly backups don't you (at least I hope you do)?. Even though backup programs generally can backup open files (which your project and its files would be), it would probably be safer to have your machine logged off and at the log on screen for things like this. There many be other task that happen overnight that could affect an open project. My Pc stays on 24/7. It gets restarted every 2nd Tuesday of the month (Patch Tuesday) after the installation of Windows updates. However generally, overnight, the screen gets turned off, but the PC is at the logon screen.
  3. I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2nd Gen 2i2 with the latest drivers and I am also very intermittently experiencing the second issue. Unfortunately , I have not really done any troubleshooting of the issue. Stopping and starting the audio engine always gets me back up and running. If I were to ever troubleshoot this issue, the first thing I would be trying is to increase your buffer size using whatever tool Focusrite gives you for that. I have mine set to 256 samples. Sorry I could not be of more help. (as least you know the second issue is not just you)
  4. Make a copy of your AUD.ini file. This is important so you can revert This file can be found here: %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core Then go into Cakewalk , Preferences | Audio | Configuration file. Try the following changes (This is assuming you have enabled hyperthreading) EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor=0 MixThreadCount=7 ExtraPluginBufs=16 DropoutMsec=-8 Don't forget to restart Cakewalk once done.
  5. What version of Cakewalk/Sonar are you using? BTW, yes, you would want to enable Hyperthreading.
  6. In Windows power options, have you set min and max CPU to 100%. You might also have to also disable C States in your BIOS What plugins are you using? Is your PC fully patched? Are you using the latest Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 drivers? Have you disabled your onboard sound?
  7. Looking at the user guide for Morphoder, it states that "By default the Morphoder will launch with the Internal synthesiser selected as the Carrier signal". This internal synthesiser likely has a pitch bend range of 2 semi tones and this cannot be changed. However, I'm thinking because it says "by default", it implies that you can route another sound to be your carrier. What I would do is find another synth that allows a pitch bend range greater than two semitones. Then tell Morphoder to use that synth's sound as the carrier. You might want to set this synth to a simple sawtooth sound to start with. See Page 6 of the Morphoder user guide. Look under "CARRIER SELECT". You might want to set this to "sidechain". Then you can set up a synth as a simple instrument and route its output to the Morphoder side chain input. The Morphoder user guide can be downloaded from here. https://www.waves.com/1lib/pdf/plugins/morphoder.pdf
  8. Sounds like you have a simple instrument loaded. Without seeing your screen, it's a bit hard to guess your track configuration. What you need to do is open the inspector and set the MIDI track's output to the MIDI port. At the moment, it sounds like the MIDI track is being routed to a VSTi plugin.
  9. Is the Yamaha USB driver listed in Cakewalk Preferences | MIDI | Devices and are they selected. Is the PSR2725 actually transmitting anything? Note: Not having the S975.ins file would not prevent the MIDI data actually being sent and received. The S975.ins file only allows you to select patches, controllers and what not by name within Cakewalk.
  10. I highly doubt this is an issue with Cakewalk itself, but it's a deeper Windows issue. I once had this with Microsoft office a little while a go. Running the program wanted to run the installer. On my PC, It turned out to be a corrupted installer tree in the registry. When this happened to me, I was able to track down the corrupted entries in the registry and delete them. I think it was somewhere in the installer tree in the registry where windows keeps track of your program installations. However, I am a former IT technician. Some of my troubleshooting and repair techniques were pretty complicated, so I would not recommend a non IT technician even attempt it. If you have a friend who knows exactly what they are doing, they might be able to solve this for you. An "end user" fix may be to do a system restore to a time when Sonar or CbB started correctly.
  11. My mistake.... but where ever they are from, I agree with you about the need for the note names to persist across sessions (as well as being saved in Screensets)
  12. I tried Samplitude Pro x3 when Gibson pulled the plug on Sonar.... I ended up uninstalling Samplitude and going back to Cakewalk by Bandlab. For me and they way I use CbB and all the functions I use, nothing can actually touch it. I could not even go back to Sonar Platinum as it was first released. I would miss many features of Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  13. You can right click on the vertical keyboard on the left and temporarily set which note names display. It gets the list from the drum maps that are available. However, it would be nice if Screensets retained this setting.
  14. That is correct. See Page 102 of the user guide. Here is the link for the Yamaha USB driver. Install this before connecting your PSR970 Keyboard. https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/keyboards/arranger_workstations/psr-s970/downloads.html
  15. It actually happens on more than the guitars. It even happens on some native ST4 instruments.... On the plus side, I got an email from IKM support to say the development team have verified and fixed this clicking issue (as well as the Steel Drum instrument issue) internally. An forthcoming update will be released soon to address these issues (Not sure of ETA).
  16. Personally I believe you are going to be unsatisfied with the results of any plugin or editor and simply re-record it with a phaser VST.
  17. These clicks also occur on American Acoustics: Fingerstyle Strumming 1. These samples would not have been updated with this update to 4.06. Therefore it appears that the Sampletank player itself is introducing the spikes in the updated version.
  18. I have been able to reproduce the clicking issue even in an exported wav file. I have lodged a ticket with IKM. I included two actual wav renders. One from Sampletank 4.05 and Sampletank 4.06. You can clearly hear the difference. I imported the two exported wave files back into Cakewalk (one in each track) and zoomed in to a spot where the click occurs. You can clearly see the difference. Hopefully IKM Support can sort this. I have reverted to Sampletank 4.05 until this is resolved. I have added the image (Hopefully you can see what I mean)
  19. I am staying with 4.05 (with the 4.04 exe present to edit ST3 sounds if needed) for the time being until these clicks are resolved. It will be interesting what IK Support have to say.
  20. Confirmed here live playing stand alone ST4.06 from MIDI controller using AA Fingerstyle Strumming 1 or 2
  21. Unfortunately this issue does not generate a minidump
  22. This is a long shot, but I think I may have found the workaround - at least I hope this will enable you to load your projects with Build 70 This worked on my system. 1) Open up Cakewalk By Bandlab and before opening a project exhibiting the issue, go to Preferences | MIDI | Devices and deselect all MIDI in devices, then click OK. 2) Now you should be able to open your project - hopefully it should open. 3) With the project still open, go to Preferences | MIDI | Devices and select all MIDI in devices as they were before, then click OK. In my case it was just the PCR-800 in. 4) Select all of the MIDI tracks only in your project (Don't miss any) 5) Change all inputs of these selected MIDI tracks to your actual controller (I set mine to PCR-800 Channel 1). Note: Hold down CTRL while changing a selected MID track's input and all of the selected MIDI tracks should change. 6) Save your project under a different name. 7) Exit Cakewalk by Bandlab, and then reopen. 8 ) Open your project file you just saved. Hopefully it will open. I think the issue was caused by any MIDI tracks where their inputs were set to "All Inputs" rather than a specific one. The Bakers will still need to look into this but at least this may enable you to open your three projects. Note: This issue even occurred on mine when I only had MIDI tracks with no data in the tracks. I was able to open the problematic project files by performing the above steps I hope this helps.
  23. I have actually lodged a support ticket with Cakewalk Support. I included a copy of a complete project file where this issue manifest for them to have a look at. I also exported an MSinfo32 report and sent that as well.
  24. What is your OS and OS Build number? Mine is Windows 10 Pro OS Build 18362.267
  25. I can confirm this. I have reverted back to CbB 2019.7 ER2 Build 65 (using a backup) and my projects can now open. I am holding off for now. I have lodged a support ticket with the Bakers.
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