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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. What version (Numerically and build number) of Cakewalk are you using?
  2. I've never had this happen with Sforzando. Specifically what version of Sforzando are you using? If you're using version, are you using the VST2 or VST3 version?
  3. CbB is definitely a 64bit program ( I just confirmed it with CFF Explorer). Therefore, what ever it is on your system that is making the determination that CbB a 32 bit program is telling porkies..... Also, the executable for CbB is in the C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core folder (at least it is on my system)
  4. The September early release has just this function added. Quoting from the release notes ----------------------------------------------------- Automatically stop/pause playback with MCI MIDI events You can instruct Cakewalk to stop or pause playback at a defined moment, so you can start playback again manually. This can be very useful in a live setting. This is done by inserting an MCI Command event in a MIDI track’s Event List view (ALT+8), and assigning the MCI Commands value to either stop or pause: stop - stops the transport and returns to zero pause - pauses the transport allowing you to manually continue playback from where you left off Press Play (SPACEBAR) manually to resume playback. ----------------------------------------------------- https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F6991-cakewalk-201909-early-access%2F
  5. Like many things, it depends. Are there any tasks that run over night - like backups Are you sure no plugins or software suffer memory leaks (That's where closed processes don't give back ram to the memory pool) If you have an EUFI BIOS and and GPT disk, then the time from power up to desktop logon can be as little as 10 seconds. However, personally, I just log off and down the display monitor. The PC itself stays on 24/7 - I have nightly backups that run at 4:00 am - and various other tasks that run overnight. It's possible the daily physically shutting down and restarting can put extra thermal strain on PC components. Just my 2c
  6. Just confirming that you've checked the Windows system Event viewer and used CrystalDisk to check the smart info I am still thinking hard drive. Rule that out first. Maybe uninstall and reinstall your audio interface drivers - maybe a Windows Update borked it.
  7. What antivirus program do you have? If you have one (which you should if your PC is on the internet), can you try temporarily disabling your antivirus program for for the purpose of testing Cakewalk. Of course, enable your antivirus program after you have completed your test. Note: I have never encountered this issue with Cakewalk by Bandlab (latest build) and Sforzando As a test, I loaded up Cakewalk by Bandlab with Garritan Personal Orchestra Piano in an instance of Sforzando. I played this instrument and I did not experience any issue, such as closing. After this test, I noticed that has been an update for Sforzando bringing it to version It now includes a VST3 version. Maybe you might like to try that. The latest Sforzando can be downloaded from here: https://www.plogue.com/downloads.html#sforzando
  8. Promidi

    some Help needed.

    Not really a lot to go on here. Can you provide more information - audio interface, MIDI controller, Windows version, etc First thing you might want to try is go to the website of the manufacturer of your audio interface and MIDI controller and download the latest drivers and reinstall them. You have not stated what you have already tried, so the first thing I would suggest is a shut down (not sleep, actually power down) and restart your PC.
  9. Have you considered ditching all 32bit plugins and just sticking to 64bit plugins from now on?
  10. In the Nvidia Control Panel | Manage 3D settings, set "Power Management Mode" to prefer Maximum Performance.
  11. From some of what you describe, it looks like a hard drive may be on its way out. Can you check the Windows system Event viewer for any disk errors. Or you could use CrystalDisk info to check the smart info....
  12. The thing I like about Screensets is that they can be assigned to key bindings. Lenses cannot. You can also transfer Screensets from one project to another..
  13. Disable every power saving feature you can find. What graphics card do you have? Have you turned off core parking (or the AMD equivalent). In your Power Options, is your Minimum Processor Sate and Maximum Processor Sate both set to 100%
  14. O&O_Diskimage to create a biweekly image of the windows drive Novabackup to do a nightly backup of files Both automated to external drive
  15. If you have an Nvidia card, in the Nvidia Control Panel | Manage 3D settings, set "Power Management Mode" to "Prefer Maximum Performance"
  16. What I do is when I configure and save a lense, I use Lense Manager to deselect Windows layout for that lense. That way, Windows layouts are solely handled by Screensets. Because I do this, changing Lenses has no effect on Windows layouts.
  17. This is a CAL script that I wrote that should do the task. After selecting all the notes, run the script. It asks the nth number of notes to select - in your case , you enter 2 Every nth note will remain selected. (do (int note_number 1) (int even 0) (int nth 2) (getInt nth "Please enter nth note" 2 50) (forEachEvent (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (do (= even (% note_number nth)) (if (== even 1) (do );exit do (do (delete) (insert Event.Time Event.Chan NOTE Note.Key Note.Vel Note.Dur) ) );exit if (++ note_number) );exit do );exit if );exit for );exit do
  18. Which version and build number of Cakewalk do you have. Are you using ASIO driver mode? The following is assuming the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab What you might want to try is, with Cakewalk closed, rename your AUD.INI file and then restart Cakewalk. This will rebuild the AUD.INI file. The AUD.INI file is located in the following folder: %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
  19. Well, not route it to the audio track, but to the Amp sim itself. Assuming you have enabled MIDI in on the Amp sim VST itself, when you click on the "Output" of the MIDI track, "Neural DSP Archetype Nolly" should appear on the drop down list of destinations the MIDI track can be sent to. Simply select "Neural DSP Archetype Nolly". Then you select the old fcb1010 as the input of that MIDI track and enable Echo on on that MIDI track. Now the FCB MIDI data will be routed to the Neural DSP Archetype Nolly via that MIDI track.
  20. To be honest.... I don't really import two mono tracks. I simply record stereo tracks using two inputs of the Focusrite 2i2 If you wanted to duplicate a track (to EQ it) and then mix it back to the original, you could send the original track to an AUX track. EQ that AUX track, Then send both it, and the original track to a bus.
  21. You really need to tell us which Amp Simulator plug-in you're using. Does you Amp Simulator plug-in allow MIDI in to be enabled? If so, then enable MIDI in on the Amp Simulator plug-in. Then create a MIDI track and route its output to the Amp Simulator plug-in
  22. That depends what you mean by "additional adjustment". Once the tracks have been bounced to a stereo track it's set in stone What you could do is not bounce at all. You could route the two mono tracks to a bus. Alternatively, you can route the two mono tracks to another track via patch points. The destination track would then be an Aux track. If you want to do separate processing of the left and right channels independently of each other, you would have to do that to the mono tracks. If you want to do further processing on the tracks as a pair, you can do that either to the bus or the aux track.
  23. Assuming track 1 contains the desired left channel and track 2 contains the desired right channel Pan track 1 to the left Pan Track 2 to the Right Select track 1 and 2 only Perform Bounce to track (Under Tracks menu) On the Bounce to track dialogue box select the following: Destination - where you want to stereo track to be placed. Source Category - either Hardware Outputs or entire mix or Buses (if you select bus, make sure you select the correct bus) Channel Format - Stereo As a test I tried this recipe and it worked here.
  24. Promidi

    Paste Special

    Works fine here. How, exactly, are you attempting to invoke Paste Special?
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