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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Promidi

    Audio Delay

    Can you give us more information? Version of Cakewalk (numerically, don't just say "the latest")? Version and build number of Windows? What driver mode are you using (ASIO is preferred)? What is your buffer size (preferences | Audio | Driver settings) Are you using any linear phase effects (Therefore uses look-ahead)? Can you switch off all effects (FX in the Mix module) to see if the delay disappears?
  2. Promidi

    Playback latency

    Is the Realtek your only audio device?
  3. Promidi

    Playback latency

    Can you give us more information. Version of Cakewalk (numerically, don't just say "the latest")? Version and build number of Windows? What driver mode are you using (ASIO is preferred)? What is your buffer size (preferences | Audio | Driver settings) Are you using any linear phase effects (Therefore uses look-ahead)? Can you switch off all effects (FX in the Mix module) to see of the latency disappears?
  4. Preferences > Project > Record : Under recording mode, select "Sound on Sound". Make sure your pitch bend wheel on your MIDI controller is actually transmitting Wheel events.
  5. Also, if you are using SSD drives , you might want to consider disabling prefetch and superfetch......
  6. Note: Requires Kontakt FULL 5.6.8 or above. Will NOT work on the free Player.
  7. You might want to post this in the features and ideas forum https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  8. Promidi

    Partitioned RAM

    You might want to start a new thread. However, be prepared to be told that in this day and age, 4gb is not really enough and that you should consider upgrading your ram.
  9. Cakewalk by Bandlab definitely includes Event List view. My first thought is that you are using a workspace (Check top right of Cakewalk's window) that has the event list disabled. Set workspaces to "none" and see if this makes event list visible.
  10. Set Workspaces to "none"
  11. Move you NOW pointer to where you want the project to stop. Then In the event list view, insert an MCI command "stop" there Now, the project will stop at that point where the "stop" command has been placed (regardless of any events following the "stop" command). See: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.33.html (search for "Automatically stop/pause playback with MCI MIDI events")
  12. It depends on the range of your pitch bend. I use pitch bend generated notes all the time in my MIDI files. I have written a Studioware panel has two sliders. One sets the pitch bend range (using RPN Events) and that other that allows me to set the interval. The Studioware panel calculates the actual correct pitch bend value from the values of the two sliders. It's all based on a value between -8192 to 8181 (The actual pitch bend MIDI event values). The actual value depend on the pitch bend range and the note you want to bend to (or from). The formula is 8191 * (required bend / pitch bend range) Say your pitch bend range is 5 semitones but you have an instance where you want the bend to go up just 2 semitones. The pitch bend value would be 8191*(2/5) When I am entering glides with pitch bend using the PRV, I turn on snap - but use PRV snap over-ride at a resolution of 64th note (sometimes 128th). Any more than that (by turning snap off) can overwhelm some older synths with MIDI data and might drop some.
  13. Title says it all. Website's been inaccessible for days now..
  14. I think you have to consider a random intermittent hardware fault at this stage (or at least rule it out ). CbB is likely using your hardware in a way that makes the fault manifest in a way that SONAR X3e Producer x64 does not. If it really was a Cakewalk issue, then there would be many, many more posts on here reporting the same issue. As I have said, my PC with CbB (see signature for specs) does not experience the crashes you describe. I even use the same bit depth/samplerate/buffer size as you do. Check your Windows event logs for any disk errors (or any hardware errors). What does CrystalDisk info (or equivalent) say as to the health of your disks. It could even be a memory issue. Maybe reseat your Ram and/or perform a memory test. Just confirming that you are not overclocking your PC. Also check your are your system temperatures. From what you're describing, my instincts are telling me random hardware fault at this stage.
  15. I am not experiencing this with the latest Cakewalk 2020.5 Build 039 with Windows 10 1909 loading various VSTis (BBC SO Discovery VST3 being one of them) What have you tried so far. We are going to need more information about your system Looks to be a local issue with your PC What is your OS version. Is your Windows fully patched and your Vdist runtimes up to date (Remember, Windows update does not update Vdist runtimes) The latest 2019 runtimes is 14.27.29016 - available here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads What audio interface? Do you have the latest drivers for all hardware (Check with manufacturer's website, not Windows update) What sample rate and bit depth? What is your Sample buffer size. What driver mode (ASIO being preferred) are you using? Have you checked your event logs for any disk errors (like bad blocks)?
  16. Promidi

    No sound

    ASIO would be the preferred mode. What have you tried so far? Track Levels, bus levels Are you seeing meter activity on the bus and tracks.. Are the volumes turned up on the actual Audiobox USB? Does the Audiobox USB work with other software? Are you using the latest drivers for the Audiobox USB https://www.presonus.com/products/AudioBox-USB/downloads
  17. As a test, downloaded the BA exe and reinstalled. This went smoothly on my PC.... so it's got to be a local issue there on your PC. What OS and version do you have ? Have you tried temporarily disabling all antivirus programs (Including Windows Defender) prior to installing BA. I had Malwarebytes Premium enabled during my successful install This should not be required, but maybe run the installer as administrator. Is there an entry in "Programs and Features" for an older version of Bandlab Assistant?. If so, try uninstalling that from there first. Start + Run appwiz.cpl
  18. What happens if you try from this direct link? https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows
  19. With all the information you have supplied, neither have we. No, seriously. Can you provide a bit more information? What is your reported download speed according to https://speedtest.net Have you tried in another browser. Have you cleared your browser cache? What other things have you tried so far?
  20. I also have noticed this and I have opened a ticket with Cakewalk support. I even did a video showing them the issue.
  21. Promidi

    Exports at wrong speed

    Are you exporting as a wave file or MP3 file? What are you using to play back the resultant exported file? If it's a wave file, and you right click on the resultant wave file and select properties and go to the details tab, does the "audio sample rate" of the file match what you exported it as? Have you tried playing it back on another device (Like your phone)?
  22. What I do is set the Channel of the MIDI track in the inspector and in Preferences | File | Initialization File add the entry RechannelMIDI to 1 This has the effect of forcing al MIDI data on that track to send on that forced channel regardless of what channel the individual events in that MIDI track are set to. It also must be noted that when you bounce MIDI clips in a given track, it changes the channels of the bounced MIDI events to match forced channel of the track itself. Controller events will also change, which is important when selecting which channel to view in the controller lane.
  23. Site is not using HTTPS. The Geolookup of the IP address ( points to Russia According to https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/vst-club.com "Low trust rating. This site may not be safe to use" Personally, RUN!
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