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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. You might want to look five posts above yours.
  2. ... no, I don't count sheep.
  3. This is what I see when I close my eyes:
  4. If they have a green head and blue hands, then more likely a Lear character. I'm not sure whether they go sailing in kitchen implements.
  5. Perhaps you should ask him whether he's willing to lend you his.
  6. I just took in a couple of parcels for a neighbour across the street (whom I've never met). I'm not sure whether the name on the package is the intended recipient or the contents, but it's: JUMBLY GRINDROD I have no idea whether that's a male or a female, or a multi-attachment vibrator.
  7. Another great plug in for ambient/spacey sounds is Diffusion by Surreal Machines. Also it's currently on sale for €25 instead of €49. "DIFFUSE is inspired by classic hardware delay and reverb effects from the 1970’s and 1980’s. It takes a Surreal Machines look at the frontier between delays and reverbs. DIFFUSE is an analog/digital hybrid - an analog modeled delay fused with a classic reverb design used in early digital units. In DIFFUSE you get more than the best of both worlds - you can morph between delays and reverbs, and find all kinds of fantastical sounds in between the two. You’ll also find plenty of nonlinearities and smooth tape-style delay changes. DIFFUSE gives you complete control over smearing, echoes and damping in the most intuitive ways possible."
  8. ... like many things in life, it appeared over night. Let the "forgetting I've installed it" process begin!
  9. I don't wear boxers - I find the gum shields chafe after awhile.
  10. That's my reserves of Christmas Spirit almost done for.
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