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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I woke up this morning with a feeling of impending doom, dragged myself out of bed, turned on the news and ... ...BOLLOCKS!!! Just when you thought the general public couldn't get any more stupid, they do.
  2. And the Native Hipsters - There Goes Concorde Again:
  3. The Beach Boys - Surfer Girl ... double score.
  4. Butthole Surfers - I Saw An X Ray Of A Girl Passing Gas
  5. That wasn't what it said on the tin. You might want to check that video @InstrEd On the plus side, I didn't have to listen to Garth Brooks.
  6. I've tried doing it every way I can think of. Upside-down and backwards is one of my favourites.
  7. Well... there's a leggy blonde, but she can't sing and she can't dance. I tried. I didn't even enjoy it with the sound off. Sorry.
  8. That's being just a little bit too keen. I would do anything I could to get out of school, including holding the thermometer against the radiator when my mum wasn't looking to make her think I had a high temperature.
  9. That sounds like one serious prostate examination.
  10. Gomez - Sound of Sounds - a nice little ditty from one of my favourite bands:
  11. Well, I was certainly disturbed by that young man's chin.
  12. I think the important word in that sentence is "car".
  13. A trip to the shop to get supplies is needed. But my legs are being somewhat uncooperative at the moment. Besides it's pissing it down outside and the wind's gusting at 40 to 50 mph. Not nice.
  14. ... shhh, there is a wee bit of jazz amongst my collection.
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