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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I'm confused by the term "Germanic/Keltic". Germanic and Celtic languages are on very different branches of the Indo-European language family tree.
  2. I know you didn't want an answer, so here you go: Colonel - meaning the military rank - derives from the mid-16th-century French word coronelle, meaning commander of a regiment, or column, of soldiers. By the mid-17th century, the spelling and French pronunciation had changed to colonnel. The English spelling also changed, and the pronunciation was shortened to two syllables. Kernel derives from the Middle English kernel, kirnel, kürnel, from Old English cyrnel, from Proto-Germanic *kurnilaz, diminutive of *kurną (“seed, grain, corn”).
  3. Also the pronunciation and meaning of words change over the years. Further, a lot of the so-called "paradoxes" are wrong. The first piece says more about the author's lack of knowledge than it does about the English language.
  4. Hooker ... a song about a gigolo:
  5. But llamas are so ... not known for living in Nepal.
  6. I notice that the Hyperwaz site has a section for Admiral Quality, who also got banned from KVR. That was a banning I witnessed in real time. It was more than justified.
  7. I signed up for something free from Wuzik about 3 years ago. The offer said you will receive 2 and only 2 emails with the download details ... amongst the several hundred that followed, there were some talking about his mental health problems. The sometimes flaky business practices may be a reflection of his depression rather than any thing else.
  8. That's enough to turn anyone vegan.
  9. Bollocks. Now I've got that bloody Culture Club song stuck in my head. You come and go, you come and go
  10. Shouldn't that be yaks? And isn't parsec a measure of distance not time? (Yeah, I'm talking to you Han)
  11. Shouldn't you leave that to someone who is qualified.
  12. Written by an American, so none of it counts as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Leland Sklar - didn't he used to perform with the Smurfs?
  14. Digital Sound Factory used to do some, although I couldn't see them on their website. You might try to contact them to see if they are still available.
  15. WARNING: Use of UJAM Finisher Voodoo may cause multiple exclamation marks. Another Nigel.
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