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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Here's the procedure (for me at least): When you sign up for the newsletter you will receive an email with a link to confirm your subscription (it may take a while to come through) Click on this link. Don't worry about the page that opens up. You will then receive a second email with a link to download the magazine. You can then do the "enter the xxx word in the large headline on page xxx" business in order to access the downloadable software.
  2. I've got this playing whilst reading the news ... it fits all too well.
  3. I think a lot of people are feeling like this after 10 weeks of lockdown.
  4. I keep seeing that web address as "fakemedia". I've been brainwashed by ...
  5. ... although "Yesterday" by the Beatles would have been my follow up to @ensconced's Manure post.
  6. I've been waiting for a chance to post Half Man Half Biscuit and you bloody went and did it.
  7. Warning: bass (not the fish) may cause structural damage.
  8. A bit of breakbeat-psychedelia:
  9. The Furries never disappoint.
  10. No comment on the music, but everybody there looks so bored.
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