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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Yes, double points. Depends on when you choose it to be. In the UK the Sabbath is generally considered to be Sunday.
  2. Sabbath ... Sunday. In for a double point score: The Sundays - God Made Me.
  3. An indie classic from the early 80s that manages to still be fairly lyrically accurate some 37 years later:
  4. ... I think I may have caused an injury to an existing injury.
  5. This one got me bopping in my chair.
  6. Those European countries which have banned the burqa are going to have to have a rethink.
  7. I just can't do it. It's just that the permanently smug, self-satisfied look on Maher's face that makes me want to punch my computer screen.
  8. "I’m not into western medicine. That to me is a complete scare tactic. [...] The flu shot is the worst thing you can do [because] it's got mercury. [...] It doesn't prevent [the flu]. [...] f you have a flu shot for more than five years in a row, there’s ten times the likelihood that you’ll get Alzheimer’s disease." - Bill Maher
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