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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Whilst doing some research into my family tree, in some parish church baptism records I came across a Mr & Mrs Fish who named their son George Dolphin Fish. I guess zoology wasn't their strong point. Amongst his siblings were two brothers: John Pilot Fish* and Salmon Fish. His sisters were more sensibly named: Sarah Fish, Rachel Elizabeth Fish and Ellen Sophia Fish He was born in 1840. In 1863 he married Harriette Bird! NB: They aren't relations of my mine. * I wonder whether they were thinking of the pilot whale, which is, in fact, a species of dolphin.
  2. Lockdown or no lockdown - they could do with a trip to the barbers.
  3. This track works wonders when I'm feeling angry (which seems to be more and more of the time thanks to de Piffle and his shitshow of sycophants ) One rule for the Elite ... and the Plebs had better remember their place.
  4. This picture is for illustrated porpoises:
  5. ... and submit your computer to Waves Central.
  6. You're probably going to have to put up with being stuck in quarantine for 14 days before enjoying the view.
  7. I refuse to listen to this track - last time I did I had the tune stuck in my head for two effing days! (Thanks to Notes)
  8. I thought everybody knew what a dual passive low pass gate was.
  9. It's all good by me. Your post raises many discussion points ... but thankfully for everyone else I've run out of steam for the day.
  10. I tried watching the video with the sound off, but it still had Ed Sheeran in it.
  11. What did you expect was going to happen?
  12. I've been illegally picking bluebells. I've heard they're a remedy against Covid-19.
  13. Through constant vigilance, I think I've managed to avoid ever hearing more than a minute of one of his songs. Occasionally it has involved this:
  14. Old English (and many other Germanic languages) were originally written using a runic system. It was from about the 8th century that this was replaced with a version of the latin alphabet.
  15. Who knew that the Coffee House had so many cunning linguists?
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