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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I was listening to The Best of The Skids, but I'm sure I've got that album on vinyl (all my vinyl is boxed up in my spare room unplayed in a couple of decades).
  2. Marvellously marvellous. Or is that "marvelously marvelous"? Anyway, I was listening to this only the other day.
  3. I would suggest that you made the wrong choice ... by several choices.
  4. ... ... it's still f*cking awful though.
  5. ... and Spacemen 3 loved this track:
  6. Ohio? Hmm ... ed fROMOHIO ... fIREHOSE. Thanks for reminding me of this little gem:
  7. I stopped watching this one after about 15 seconds when he said "...better sound quality".
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