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Everything posted by Johnbee58
OK. I'll get to work on the backing file and get it to you later this week. Thanks all for the tips. ?JB
Hey Grant!! Sounds like your voice is the type that would cut it. I must confess I never gave much consideration to how I'm going to exchange files other than good ol' email. If you could give me a quick lesson on how Drop Box works it might help. I've heard of it but never used it. I hope it's free. BTW-Thanks for your kind words on the song. I listened to yours and "Tube Snake Boogie" had me in stitches.? ?JB
Great production with lots of nice harmonies. It all goes together nicely. The words are uplifting and delightful. ?John B.
Hi Doug! I like the song lots. Your vocal reminds me a bit of Jagger. You phrase your words like he would here. Just a small nit in the mix. Your rhythm guitar is just a tad loud and tends to drown out your voice at some spaces and the drums could be a bit louder. Overall, great tune and production. ?John B
I have a song that I wrote about 2 years ago. It's a very pretty ballad type of song. I did the original vocal track and I've tried and I've tried and I've tried to do the song justice but my voice just plain SUCKS!!! There are a few people on this forum who have suggested that I try to find other people to sing my music. Well, I'm ready to ask for that favor on this song because it deserves the best. If you're willing to give it a go please PM me. I'll send you the instrument track and you can try it. The original voice (mine) is in tenor range and it's keyed in C but as the instrument tracks are in MIDI I can change it to any key and I would be willing to. Here is the song https://johnbowen.bandcamp.com/track/a-song-for-the-seasons Understand that I cannot pay you. You would have my gratitude, but that doesn't pay the bills, I know. But I know that there are many in this community who would be willing to help out another artist. Also, please don't bother to reply if you don't like the song the way it is. I don't plan on changing anything about it. I do not want critiques, ridicules or suggestions on how to arrange or re arrange it. I don't mean to sound like an ogre, especially when I'm asking a free favor, but this is my art. Please respect it as such. If you can't do that, I don't want or need your help. I just would like a better singer to sing this track. Thanks for any consideration. ?John B
Neat! I'm proud of you guys. ❤️John B.
Can't. Don't have the tape anymore. ?JB
Done. I still say that you'd have to be nutz to prefer something you need to pay for over something that's absolutely free and offers so much. ?John B
As someone said above-heartfelt. I would love to see this to a video of different types of birds in their migration. It would fit perfectly. ❤️John B
The words and music make for a really cute tune. The Mrs has a great voice and really compliments your style. You should use her more often. That's kind of the reality of relationships that begin online. BTW-Love that puppy!❤️ ?JB
Thank you very much, Daryl. ?JB
Thanks for your kind words, Tom. As far as the "what the huh", all I'm going to say it "that's for me to know and you to find out"?. Seriously, if I had to figure out what subject to write about with every song I write I would've accomplished about 5 songs by now. If I can't think of anything to relate to I just put words together. Some pros do that too. After all, do we really know what John Lennon was singing about in "I Am The Walrus", or "Come Together"? ?JB
Thanks bjorn. I look at it as a hobby because I really don't see me taking it beyond that in this point of my life anymore. I'm 64 and I don't see myself doing this beyond maybe another 3 or 4 years. But who knows? ?JB
Very pretty. Both instruments sound convincing. I gotta look into that guitar library. Reminds me of the season we're in right now:Autumn. I can imagine listening to this and watching a video of foliage. ?John B
Well, that's nice, but I only named that as an example. My problem is if my mouse pointer goes anywhere near the Control Bar and I have my finger at the wrong place (I use a touch pad) I risk pulling the whole Control Bar out of place. Yeah, I can usually pop it back pretty quick, but it does get annoying. ? JB?
Maybe Meng & Co. just bought Cakewalk as a favor to us. ?JB
Do we really know how many people actually bought DAW software since CbB became available for free early last year? Do we have data available to compare new users of Pro Tools, Ableton, Logic (Mac, I know), FL Studio, Cubase, Reason and the others against those who got on the Cakewalk/Bandlab train since April of 2018? If not, are we assuming that CbB is not as viable? Just a thought. ?John B. EDIT-I've seen one or two YouTube videos comparing DAWs, both free and not and I do believe they mentioned that CbB was the best choice. Unless another DAW offers something much more, one would be a fool to pay hundreds of $$$$$$$$$ for something that could be obtained easily and for absolutely free.
I really like the lyrics and the playing/singing is top notch. The harmonica playing really caught my attention. ?John B
Thanks all! You're all great people and exceptional musicians. @Hidden SymmetryWhat meant the most to me in your comment were the first two words "Good tune". and @DeeringAmpsIt meant a lot to me when you said about how you were whistling the melody.❤️ Addressing the "demo" sound: It's been a long time fantasy of mine to hear anything I create interpreted by somebody else. I know what you mean about the overly sterile-ness of MIDI. But right now, it's all I have to work with. I don't personally know many musicians who would be willing to spend any of their precious time working on anything of mine, and the few I do know have better things to do than working on material other than their own. I understand there are online collaboration organizations where for a fee, you can get other real players to work with you, but that's a luxury I can't afford. I can only offer to say that any real musicians /bands here who would like to have a crack at any of my tunes are welcome to have at it, but with the understanding that I can't pay you, but neither will I expect you to obtain license from me as in the professional world. We could work out something legally if any performance royalties or sales royalties were involved (assuming there would be that potential). At this point I'm doing this for fun, and it means so much to me that somebody likes the song and thinks it's worth that much effort, even if it's not possible for me to do, but if somebody really believes in anything I do as a song and would like to take it "to the next level" I would be willing to work out an agreement with you. Thanks ?❤️ Peace & Love John B
I know about the options and I can lock them in the order I want or center or justify, but what I want to do is make the whole bar locked to the top so that it won't move even if I accidentally drag my mouse pointer across it. Doesn't seem to be an option for that. ?JB
Is there any way to lock the Control Bar so you can't move it out of place? I get so tired of accidentally pulling it out of place when I'm changing tools! ?John B
Just wondering-My Focusrite interface is a Scarlett 6i6. It has an AC adapter and requires being plugged into an AC outlet. Focusrite interfaces below the 6i6 (the 2i2, for instance) get their power strictly from the computer and do not require AC. Why is this? When I bought my Scarlett three years ago, I was hoping that since it needed to be plugged into the AC it would use less processor power, but that's not the case. Actually it requires more of the computer's CPU power than my old Line 6 Toneport. ?John B.
Thanks. Sorry. You have to pay real musicians. Can't afford it. Besides, I'm having a lot of fun doing this by myself. ? ?JB