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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Addressed to the OP; You're complaining about something that is absolutely free?! The bakers here have more concern for customer service than many vendors who get $$$$$$$$ for their products. I never once experienced a bug or issue that I reported to Jessie or Noel that wasn't quickly addressed. IMHO, these people go above and beyond what they would have to to keep us up and running and making music. Did you ever ask for tech support? If not, try it sometime. Respectfully John B EDIT-BTW, the few issues I've experienced with CbB have been very small and insignificant, at least so far (as of 2019.11).
  2. Johnbee58

    ez drummer

    If it is EZD 2, I looked up in my notes where the .dlls are supposed to be. A 32 bit Toontrack plugin on a 64 bit OS will be located in C:/Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins\toontrack\32bit A 64 bit Toontrack plugin on a 64 bit system will be located in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack\64bit. Make sure those folders are scanned. Hope this helps you. If it's EZD 1 I don't remember anymore where it would go. I suggest you consult Toontrack tech support. Good luck! ?John B
  3. Johnbee58

    ez drummer

    You have to remember that it installs both 32 bit (if you let it) and 64 bit in two separate plugin folders. ?JB
  4. Johnbee58

    ez drummer

    Hi Jon ? Did you do a 64 bit installation? ?John B
  5. Can't please everybody. Thanks for your feedback. ?JB
  6. I'm only going to say it one more time. I like EZ Drummer and EZ Keys. If you can't respect that, I have nothing more to say to you.
  7. I only called this person a snob because they seemed to insist that I shouldn't be happy with what I'm using. And I do consider it a form of class warfare for someone to put down what I use because theirs is better (in their mind) and/or more expensive. I don't like to be confrontational but it's like telling me I'm wrong for settling for Toontrack. Even if I could afford "better" I'd probably prefer to continue to use Toontrack. It's MY preference. I don't question other people's preferences. I respect other people's choices. What gives them the right to question mine? EZ Keys sounds like a piano, it's in my price range and that's what I want to use. You use what you want to use and I'll use what I want to use. I don't say you're wrong for your preferences. Please don't say I'm wrong for mine. PLEASE! JB
  8. What the hell is a peacan pie??!! ....and what? 7 pies and no PUMPKIN? I'm sure no matter how you spell them they will all be tasteay. Happy Thanksgiving! ?John B
  9. Because I don't want to move from EZ Drummer!!!!!!!! It already "fits my budget" and in my opinion it's a fine instrument! You don't think so. Fine! Let's just agree to disagree. It's not your choice, but it's mine, OK? BTW-I got Trillian a few years ago as a present from a friend who was financially better off then me (at the time), but I couldn't have afforded it on my own. ?
  10. A few months back I found a video on YouTube that compared 10 or 15 piano sample libraries. He played the same 10 or so bars of a piece of music on each of the libraries and at the beginning of every video he superimposed what library he was playing at the time. I remember he went through many of the Native Instrument libraries, some Addictive Keys samples, some quite expensive and some quite cheap. Among them was EZ Keys. I guess I just don't have the sensitive ears that our friend, Tezza has but really, when they got to EZ Keys, even though I strained my ears to hear a difference, I could not. EZK sounded just as good as Alicia's Keys or the Vienna or the Addictive Keys samples. I'm not putting those libraries down, but I didn't hear much difference in the sound comparison, but then again, I'm not as talented or as special as some people on this forum. ?JB
  11. Agreed. A lot must me said of the talent of the person who uses the tools, cheap or expensive. ?JB
  12. SNOB ALERT!! SNOB ALERT!! I just priced EZ Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3. Not that much of a move. Are you kidding me?!? Based on regular retail price:EZ Drummer 2- $149.00 Superior Drummer 3 -$399.00 I'm glad $250.00 isn't much of a jump to you, friend. To me that's the price of just a few of my monthly medications! I'm so glad you're frickin' rich that you can afford the best. Either that or you suck at math.
  13. I don't get it around here too often. I've had it more in other forums. When I think of some of the poor samples I used to use years ago I'm so grateful for Toontrack. I mean yeah, there are high end (and high priced) samples libraries out there that sound WAY better. They're sampled at a much higher resolution rate and more of the individual notes are sampled, so of course, they are going to be several HUNDREDS of $$$$$$$$$ more in price and you're going to get something for that, but really, Toontrack isn't bad. EZ Keys sounds like a piano. Not as much as the Synthogy Ivory Italian Grande, but not bad at all for the price they ask. Then add the browser function (yeah, I know a REAL pianist wouldn't need it) and it's a perfect songwriter tool. Then, you could get into the individual sample libraries for all the orchestral instruments, but by the time you buy all of those you've spent big bucks. I can see it if you're a pro, but then they become the "tools of the trade" just like a carpenter needs the best hammer he can get his hands on. I'm just a poor music lovin' amateur. I don't need the best. I need what I can afford. ?JB
  14. When you say "songwriters edition" are you referring to the MIDI pack groove collection? ?JB
  15. Oh, for the record-I LOVE Toontrack (lest anybody take what I said above seriously about how terrible it is. I was being facetious). Their products are ingenious and they are great songwriting tools. Not a thing wrong with their sounds either (unless, of course, you're a snob). JB
  16. I admit it. I'm poor. I don't have the biggest budget in the world for home recording because, frankly, other things come first, like, for instance, LIFE! I'm retired and on a fixed income. I have to pay for mortgage, food, medical insurance among other things, but I still love music and I love making it and I don't think I'm that bad at it. Here are some things I wish I could afford: A $4000.00 Sweetwater Creation Station The biggest and best Pro Tools set up A Universal Audio effects chip The BEST sample libraries money can buy for every instrument. Every professional microphone in existence. And a room big enough for all of this!! But instead, I'm poor so I have to settle for Toontrack EZ Drummer and EZ Keys (How terrible)!! and a handful of other CHEAP plugins and equipment. It makes me SOOOOOOOO angry when I put a song up on a song forum and somebody who seemingly has all the money in the world to spend (like $600.00+ $$$$$$ on a fricken' REVERB plugin) says to me "Your music is good but too bad you don't have better samples". This makes me just want to throw everything I have away because it apparently doesn't matter how much heart and soul I put into my music. It's only as good as my (cheap) sample library! FWIW-I don't think it's very classy or considerate to do this, especially REPEATEDLY! I'm just so sick and tired of some of the attitudes of some of the people on this forum. I'm so glad for those of you who can afford EVERYTHING! Congratulations! Some of us (like me) have to, using the old expression, make do and do without. ?John B
  17. I used to think of your stuff as Zappaesque, but really, you have a style and sound all your own. Didn't know whether I wanted to laugh or groove while I listened. Love the weird sound effects throughout. Seriously, if you're not doing so already, you should try to market this. There just might be a niche market for it. Zappa did it and it worked for him. ?John B
  18. Thanks all. I appreciate the ideas. ?JB
  19. I agree with all above. This is an excellent piece of work in both the song and video. I have a hard time deciding which of your songs I like best. They are all so great. Well produced and performed. Best of luck on your album. May it go double platinum. ?❤️John B
  20. Thanks so much, Nigel. ? The DIZI flute program was free when I acquired it a few years ago. It still might be. I've had it for a while. I love it. I've used it on several songs. For a freebie it's very impressive. ?JB
  21. Thanks, HIBI. This works real good! ?❤️JB
  22. Well then I guess I'll just have to keep doing this in Audacity. Thanks! ?JB
  23. So, I'm in between projects now so I'm taking the time to learn some new tricks that can be done in CbB. One of them is editing the beginning and end of a song. This is what I've learned. Is there a better way though?- Fade out using the Master Buss (already covered in another thread). But then, as I usually give at least two bars open before the song starts, I have to determine where I want the player to start and stop. I used to do this by opening the rendered song file in Audacity and clipping the beginning and doing a fade out there, but I want to do this in CbB if possible. How I've learned to do this is - After writing in the fade out curve in the master buss, select any track by pushing the button, thus creating a "ruler" on the time line. Grab that ruler from the beginning and pull it to where I want the song to start. Then, go to the end of the song and grab said ruler to the time point where I want the song to stop ( a few beats past the end of the fade. Only problem is the ruler can't be saved, so if I want to do a remix I have to redo the ruler. Can the ruler, in fact, be saved? Or is there a better way of doing all this? Thanks ?John B
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