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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Thank you so much, amiller! ❤️?JB
  2. Thanks a lot, Freddy. That song was written at a particularly bad point in my life. In fact, the music came to me in the midst of a really bad bout of stomach flu. Of course, I waited till I felt better to record it but I wanted to capture a bit of inner turmoil. ?JB
  3. Thanks Bjorn. The "Woe, woes" sounded better on the original Samplitude mix and I was trying to re create it here. Didn't work quite as well, especially the second one. As far as the feeling you might have missed something about the lyrics, all I can say is "me too".?
  4. OK. Now you have a video which I can watch and hear the song. I love the song. Every aspect of it from the arrangement down to the young lady's vocal work is top notch. I would prefer, though, to hear it as a finished product. ??John B
  5. Maybe that people don't want to have to sign up for a Spotify account to listen to one song. Put it up on Soundcloud, Soundclick or Bandcamp (all free). You might get more action. ?John B
  6. Just the perfect song for the "Hell-i-day"?. Your songs always have great vocal work and harmonies. The video works well too. Small nit on the vid. Your mouth is a bit out of sync in just one or two spots. Great work. I enjoyed it. ?John B
  7. @David Sprouse, @DeeringAmps, @ramscapri Thanks so much for listening. Yes, the song is dark. I was going through a very dark period of my life back then. ?John B
  8. I love her paintings and her poetry. It's so sad that she can no longer create because she added such beauty to the world. Your music is perfect and well produced. If you hadn't mentioned it was VSTIs I never would've known. ❤️?John B
  9. Thanks so much. It's been addressed and taken care of. I don't play electric guitar so It was only an issue with one song from years ago that came from a guy who did a track for me. ?JB
  10. When I first heard your voice here I was thinking Mick Jagger with the song more comparable to that of the Kinks or Tull. But style doesn't matter so much as how it's produced, which you've done a great job with. ?John B
  11. Johnbee58


    Not the kind of hayseed that comes to my mind. Very classy. Love all the textures. Ended too soon. ?
  12. It's interesting how you seem to be exploring different cultural feels, especially when you get into the earth rhythms of Africa and then move to the Indian Tablas and so forth. It's like musical trip around the world in 5 minutes. You have some nice sounds in there. ?
  13. Thanks for the suggestions, guys! ?❤️John B
  14. Hey! I'd like to find a good (but inexpensive) plugin (or perhaps an online source for WAVs) that will give sounds like bird sounds, waterfall, ocean, etc. The more variety the better. Any suggestions? Thanks ?John B.
  15. Here's a song I wrote and recorded in Samplitude Music Studio back in 2010. These are the original tracks, including a bass & acoustic guitartrack done by a cyber-friend. Fortunately, I thought enough to converted the MIDIs to WAVs which made it much easier to do this. Then it was just a matter of opening the wavs in CbB and remixing them. This was all thrashed out manually. No EZ Keys or EZ Drummer back then for me. I had to program or play everything by myself. Also, I could actually sing back in those days, compared to the sick way I sound now. Please enjoy "Only Time" https://johnbowen.bandcamp.com/track/only-time ?John B
  16. @Mandolin PickerI must have used something, but it was 10 years ago and I did things much differently then so I haven't a clue how I muted it. Until I listened to the track this morning I totally forgot about the humm. I listened to the original mix and it isn't bad but I can't stand to listen to it anymore because I pickled everything in reverb, as was my habit back then. Sounded great then, but I can't stand it now. I did a preliminary mix today and it sounded better without so much verb. @mettelusActually, I'm seriously considering just remaking the bass part (and the drum part) because again, I don't remember what I used, but what I have now will sound so much better. My bassist was also a bit off key and off time. I'm considering trying Melodyne to correct these but if it turns out to be too much I'll just remake it. He was a great guitarist/bassist but I lost track of him years ago. ?
  17. There it is! Already figured out for me. I'll give it a try. Thanks, MP! ?
  18. Thanks, Marc, but this track is already recorded (as a matter of fact, my collaborator was a guy named Marc ?). The humm is on the track, so the only thing I can do is filter it out. ?
  19. IIRC-My bassist used a Fender Precision bass on this. ?
  20. I wrote a piece of music about 10 years ago and recorded it on a different DAW than Cakewalk. Part of the project was an electric bass track by somebody else who sent it to me by YouSendIt or some other service like that. Anyway, his bass obviously wasn't grounded properly and there is much electrical humm in it. I don't remember how I filtered it out on my original mix but I just dug up the original wav files the other day and I would like to do a remix using CbB. I have other alternatives for the bass track such as doing my own remake of it in Trilian or using the original bass part I came up with using some cheap bass plug in at the time, but I'd like to use my friends bass part because sans the humm, it's really good. Any suggestions on how to filter out the humm? Noise gate, HPF? Hopefully something in CbB because I really don't feel like buying a plugin just for one tune. Thanks in advance for all suggestions. ?John B
  21. @kennywtelejazz, & @thegaltieribrothers Thank you both so much for listening. ?John B.
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