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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. I'll make sure to watch for it next time it comes up. ?JB
  2. I don't update Windows. I haven't in 4 years and I will not.
  3. The past session or two I've been getting Blue Screen Errors saying that the system has to reboot and if I want to know why I should look up "APC Index Mismatch" in a search engine. I use Windows 8.1 and my interface is Focusrite 6i6, which I've been using since 2016. What could be happening here. I didn't notice it before the last most recent CbB update a week or two ago. ?John B.
  4. ...........though I almost wish you would. I started this thread because I just wanted to ask a question on velocity on the DAW. I didn't want it to become a controversy or start an argument with anybody. My issue was satisfied several posts ago but somebody got butt hurt because I didn't use HIS suggestion (I did, actually, or TRIED it but it didn't work for me because of vague and over simplified explanation). I didn't start this BS. I only wanted to ask a question. I have nothing more to say on this subject but I'm going to think long and hard before ever posting a question (or anything else for that matter) on this board again if this is how some people have to be. Since I learned most of what I know about Cakewalk Sonar or CbB from the many good people on this forum I guess from now on I'm on my own. I've had it! ?JB
  5. Good point and I can't argue with God's Word, but he didn't transgress against me. He transgressed against God, so I'll leave the punishment up to Him. ?JB
  6. If he asks for forgiveness I will give it, but if he doesn't I will report him to admin for the offensive lack of consideration in taking my Lord's name in vain. And I'm going to do it SOON! If he's one of the "good guys" I'd hate to see what some of the "bad guys" are like. (But I think I already know as I may have dealt with some of them). JB
  7. That's OK, Bro! I was satisfied with the Event Inspector method. Somebody else came along and stirred the whole pot again. At least you explained the whole thing without expecting me to be a mind reader. But I'll look into this too as not to have your efforts here totally wasted. ? ?JB
  8. @John Vere For the record, I tried your suggestion again this morning just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Again, it didn't work for me. When I highlight the notes in the PRV the velocity bars don't highlight so when I try to move them, they don't. So, it's not that I'm stupid and it's not that I didn't read your suggestion. I tried it twice. Could you have possibly left out a small detail or two? ?JB
  9. All's good, Scott. I very much enjoy your book! ☺️JB
  10. I tried your suggestion and it didn't work for me. If you want to take an attitude with me I could suggest you learn to explain things a bit better! Use the Smart tool to drag up or down WHAT? The velocity bars? The Notes?! I said a few posts ago that my question was answered, so it wasn't necessary for you to come on here with your attitude! Most people on this board are very helpful, but there is a small handful who can be very rude and condescending. Also, I'm a Christian and I don't appreciate the "Good lord" comment! Exodus 20:7
  11. I use EZ Keys browser. I guess that's committing a sin.
  12. All's good fellas. I consider the matter solved. Thanks all who contributed. ?JB
  13. For me, at least, it's also very important to add that the ENTER key must be used after the said value changes are entered. ?JB
  14. Yeah. I think I figured it out, but it can be confusing. And I found it in Scott Garrigus's book "Sonar X3 Power". If I want to increase all by 20% I have to figure the notes as they are as 100%, then add my 20% to that. So if I type 120 to a group of notes and add the % sign to it, all notes selected will increase velocity by 20% (what I want). But if I want to decrease by 20% I take the current value and subtract the exact number from there, so If the current value of the velocity it 95, I subtract 20 from that (75) and add the % sign behind it and it will decrease by 20%. ?JB
  15. This! Exactly. Maybe this is why I'm not getting the results I want. Maybe a small detail missing. Good point. ?JB
  16. If I use the % key to key in a percentage they all go down, even if I add a +. So, if I want to increase all of the velocity levels 20% higher than they are now, if I type in +20% they drop. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. ?JB
  17. No. My problem is NOT solved! Using the Event Manager they all become the the same velocity value. I want the individual notes to retain their different velocities but bring them all up or down a percentage of where they currently are. How do you select if you want the velocity to go up or down? I see there's a - and + sign to the right of the number but if I use the % sign they all go down. I also tried the right click and that does nothing. What am I not doing right? JB
  18. Is there any way to raise or lower multiple velocity bars by percent like you can with individual notes? There's a section of a project I'm working on where for about 10 bars the velocity drops drastically and I'd like to raise the velocity on all of the notes in those 10 bars by maybe 5-10 percent over where they are now. Appreciate any help. ?John B
  19. Found the solution in your link. Right click on Control Bar and pick Collapse or Expand. Thanks! ?JB
  20. Thanks. I guess what I really want to know is how to get the little menus (Export, Markers...etc) on the upper right of the screen back to vertical blocks. I hit the wrong key last time and they all became rectangular horizontal blocks across the top of the screen. I want them back to the original vertical blocks on the upper right. ?JB
  21. Hello and Happy 2020 to all! I did the latest update. I started working with customizing my Workspace and the way I figured it out is fine except is there any way to have it save a workspace the way I last saved it without undoing the workspace that I created and saved? For instance, my saved workspace has the full console view without the track view or browser or anything else visible. But if I'm in the middle of working on a mix (when I'm in the middle of adjusting volume envelopes or automation, etc), I'd like to be able to save it as is and return to it in the condition I saved it last (track view, browser visible, etc) . Is there any way to do that, or just restore the default workspace? Thanks ?John B
  22. I figured as much. Just wanted to be sure. Thanks so much, DA. ?JB
  23. Hey! Is it OK to create a 2nd Master Buss and send the output of that into the same (interface) output as the first one? Reason I ask is that I want to use the first (default) Master Buss to auto fade the main part of the song while keeping one single track sounding for a bit longer before fading that out. I did this and it worked OK but I'm wondering if anything could be corrupted in the software by sending the outputs of both Master Busses to the same hardware output. Thanks and Happy Holidays ?John B
  24. I did the update about a week ago. I've taken notice that the "S" timeline problem kind of went away. I was doing some editing a few days ago and I still saw the "S" on the timeline, but it didn't seem to get in my way anymore, like it used to. I don't know whether you improved that or I'm just subconsciously doing things differently, but for me it's no longer an issue. Early in this thread there was a point brought up about the MIDI buffer size. Mine has been set to 50 since I ran the update. I recently upgraded my RAM from 8GB to 16 and haven't since heard the dreaded "clicking" sound, even when running as many as 11 plugins. Immediately after running the update to 2019.11 I ran a project that only had 4 VSTis and heard a bit of clicking. Keep in mind that I didn't reboot the PC after the update. I just went into the project. I since ran the 11 plugin project and that still ran fine. All I can say is that I'll keep my eyes on this. If it happens again, I'll notify you. Thank you so much! John B
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