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Mr No Name

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Everything posted by Mr No Name

  1. Yes, some older machines are not compatible with win 11, if you never have it online and don't plan on upgrading software just keep using it as a music computer. I have an old computer with XP that runs some very old software perfectly well, however it will not connect to the internet, almost impossible to use internet on it. as long as the operating system operates the computer and programmes is all that matters. Win 10 machine will be fine with a 3rd party virus software to use internet for a good few years yet, if you need to occasionally get on the net with it.
  2. you don't need to "WUP" use one of the old installers for the version you already have. It will be the exact same plug in.
  3. there is a new update since a few days ago, 12/24, I haven't d/l it, is it problematic, it solves redistributables or something like that?
  4. I know that A = 440 hz, and I know Doh, Ray, Mi, Fa, Soh, La Tee, Dohhhhhhhhhhhh. and that's about it, I have a discography of about 12 songs.
  5. there's one called " mark site read" I was wondering what happens if you press it, would the forum disappear ?
  6. someone will be along to sort it , might take a few hours, many of them are on American time.
  7. something to do with microsoft C++ redistributables, you can find info about it on here somewhere.
  8. Even though I'm not a fan of AI generally, that is pretty amazing tbf, waiting for the technology to enable AI women to eat ice cream.
  9. I'll see if 3 more suggestions come in, the cat and the acid might not make it through.
  10. I'm devoid of ideas, (good idea for the title ) I'm treating it as an artistic installation. In audio. I will only spend a couple of evenings on it. Could be interesting.
  11. I am looking for some more inspiration for some creativity !!! If you would be so good as to participate, I am looking to take 3 suggestions, however outlandish, from the first 5 posts and amalgamate these ideas into a piece of music. thanks.
  12. then came along Phillip Glass and stuck his middle finger up at them. sometimes I listen to Radio 3, and they play some very strange avant garde classical music, sounds like they got the "rule book" and tore it up. probably like Bach was 300 years ago when everyone was still playing Lutes, his experimentalism forged a way forward and became the new "music theory" break the rules.
  13. +1 for X to the L to the Ooooooooooooooo. did some very useful informative youtube vids.
  14. and 2 reverbs, a gate , and a saturator.
  15. $4 for another few hours, has 3 emulations of eq, and 3 for compresssion. https://safaripedals.com/products/the-camel-strip-wildin-channel-strip
  16. I don't listen to that song much, but if it ever comes on the radio I make a point of stopping what I'm doing or thinking about to have a proper listen.
  17. If I had to choose one of all time, might be this.
  18. Impossible to answer, but when I heard this a few months ago for the first time I listened to it around 25 times in a row, so I must like it. slightly obscure Fleetwood Mac tune. (Sara is more of a favourite possibly)
  19. when you open Cakewalk (by bandlab) the orange pop up box offers the deal at 60% off, but when you click it and go to bandlab site, no cigar. deal is probably is on Singapore time. 2.41 am 3rd of December as of now in Singapore. 6 hours ago it should have worked.
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