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Everything posted by abacab

  1. There is also the possibility to learn "Painter for Photographers", without the need for existing painting or drawing skills. Just the desire to be creative and turn your photos into works of art. Well, realizing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, LOL! Painter for Photo Artists https://learn.corel.com/painting-tutorials/digital-painting-tutorials/Painter-for-Photo-Artists/ An example from an older version of Painter:
  2. When you run Aftershot 3 Standard, you will get an offer to upgrade to Pro for $19.99. With Pro you get enhanced adjustments, catalogs, enhanced controls, HDR (high dynamic range), curves and histogram, advanced color correction, balance, and tint, advanced import/export, soft proofing, and more.
  3. As far as I know, the brush packs only work in Painter and Painter ParticleShop, and they are additions to the factory brushes. These applications are bitmap editors, and the brushes let you paint pen and brush strokes and effects on bitmaps. [Edit] Since ParticleShop can also be a plug-in to other graphics apps, this is an update to correct some information previously posted. This text appears in the ParticleShop help file:
  4. And a lot of those Brush Packs retail separately at Corel for about $29.99 each! I got about 23 of them included with the bundle!
  5. The Addictive Keys Studio Grand that John mentioned, Steinway Model D concert grand piano, is available for a free demo in a 4 octave version, no time limit, but limited to 4 octaves and 3 microphone perspectives. It sounds good to me, but I am not a classical pianist. So try it, and judge for yourself. https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/addictive_keys/instrument/studio_grand
  6. I'm not trying to fix mix mud in general. I'm just looking for techniques to prevent reverb induced mud, where possibly more than one reverb is involved. Best answers I've seen so far are to not run your entire mix through the reverb, as that would also also affect your bass and drums and everything else in your mix the same way, and to possibly just send select instruments to separate reverbs via busses. The busses would allow for custom EQ on each reverb bus if you used a separate bus for each instrument type.
  7. That's a good post! Food for thought. Thanks! My motivation in asking the question was really about seeking a standard technique to reduce mud. One idea presented in that walk-through was that you could even use multiple busses with different reverbs on each as separate "spaces", and then selectively send drums to one room, strings to another, etc. That could definitely get creative with some projects! And then scook chimes in to suggest using delays instead of reverbs in some instances where delay can add space without the mush. In any case it sounds like less is more!
  8. Does anyone have a simple rule of thumb regarding applying reverb as inserts to individual tracks or instruments vs. using a reverb bus and sending to a common reverb to get a natural "space" for the mix? If both techniques are used, then how best to avoid getting muddy when the mix is glued together? I'm not intending to get all mired down in EQ and other mixing details here, just referring to a general strategy for application of the of reverb. Off-topic, but assumed that since so many reverb lovers here, thought it a good opportunity to take advantage of some free advice! ?
  9. abacab

    JRR Shop

    Hey I remember those!
  10. You talking about this? FX Chain module https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.10.html Customizing the FX Chain UI https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.36.html
  11. abacab

    JRR Shop

    This Edge info was not intended to just be a warning about a particular browser. It was just selected as an example to illustrate how hackers can exploit your system by using a specially crafted web page. There have been other exploits that are possible if you are even just using Windows, regardless of the browser. There have been a series of vulnerabilities deep in the Windows kernel, and the Windows graphics sub-system that can be used to remotely attack and compromise a user's system. It's more common to be tricked into opening a file or running a program, but the web itself can be risky when surfing with Windows. The best defense is to keep up to date with patches, because once the vulnerabilities get published they end up in exploit scripts being sold on the dark web that anybody with bad intentions can use. Be careful out there!
  12. I had a noise problem that sounded just like you describe it. Except it was almost all of the time, not just when MIDI data was coming from an external controller. I narrowed it down when I realized that the bad sound was not in the headphone mix coming from my audio interface. Replaced my studio monitor cables with TRS balanced 1/4" cables and problem solved! The sound varied with activity on the PC, so I assumed it was electrical interference from either the disk drives being accessed, or my PWM case fans revving up with increased activity.
  13. abacab

    JRR Shop

    Here is a good reason to beware of site redirects that were maliciously modified by a hacker. This is exactly how an attacker could lure victims to his exploit kit. Here is just ONE recent example of a vulnerability in MS Edge that was patched for Windows 10 in August 2020. > https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2020-1555 Be careful out there!
  14. abacab

    JRR Shop

    This thread over at KVR has a response from Uncle E that says he should have a new site up next month. JRR shop is still down? https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=549392&start=150 Uncle E's post about the new site at the bottom of page 11. However on page 1 it seems he was saying that back in July...
  15. The proper forum for posting Cakewalk feedback is here: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/ Your suggestion has a better chance of being seen by a Cakewalk employee over there. Glad that you are up and running now!
  16. Did you log into your old Cakewalk account and look at "My Account"? You should have a copy of Dimension Pro there that you can download.
  17. abacab

    JRR Shop

    Be careful now since the site is now being redirected. If it is the work of a hacker, there could be code on the new site designed to deliver a malicious payload script to compromise your PC. If you have visited the redirect site recently it might be prudent to scan your PC for malware. Just saying... I've always liked JRRShop, but I'm staying far away until a credible "all clear" is given. ???
  18. Chambers is very cool! Check it out...
  19. $29 or shut up! Sorry if that sounds jaded, but I already have Waves Abbey Road Plates, Waves H-Reverb, and the Waves IR1 Convolution reverb. And I didn't spend $199 (or even $99) for a single one of them. Not to mention a few other excellent ones from Eventide, NI, Arturia, and IKM. So just what I need is another reverb... ?
  20. Make sure Windows and Cakewalk are set to the same sample rate.
  21. Based on your latest pics you should be hearing something at the RealTek audio output. Can you hear audio on your speakers when you shut down Cakewalk and play a YouTube in your browser or some other media player on your PC ?
  22. I agree, that's why I jumped back to Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020. I already know how to use PS Elements. It's like switching DAWs, it takes some time to acquire muscle memory and "intuition". Time I would rather spend on something else.
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