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Everything posted by GoncaloL

  1. This bundle works like if you bought from UVI? Can this be used inside Falcon I dont know if understand this nks thing. I have some of those instruments, but it is really a great price
  2. With that processing power you dont need to go through that hassle anymore. Just order it to sing.. Ill order mine a mix of Pavarotti and a T-Pain Mariah singing All i want for Christmas.. I want that Nessun Dorma epic with those Mariah Carey Highs
  3. Im ok with subs if there is an option to buy the damn thing I have Komplete Ultimate 14 CE… and will be first in line to upgrade to 15 when/if it comes out. But if they scrap that model and go full sub i will take my money and go somewhere else. One of the reasons (an irrational one) for having so many plugins is because i can buy them.
  4. I will start by saying that this seems completely fair to me. Just would like to point that while a see nothing wrong with this system, i think that it doesnt appeal to newcomers as the personalized deals are in fact not so great deals. It is worth to keep in mind that, at least for me, most os the companies from whom i now own the full catalog, the experience started with a great deal, some of them i didnt even had heard of them prior to that. While it seems more than fair to reward usual costumers, this model ends up not beeing that great at getting new ones. despite that i know if the model is the other way around you will have that costumer with most of your instruments raging about not seeing his loyalty valued? … it is a tough world ?
  5. At this point a really dont get the reason to call it even an introductory price, everyone knows the deal, and will be waiting for that future sale.. And tbh, like others, this update doesnt seem that great… but for 99€ might bite in the summer
  6. I did let my app working hard on beats and melodies…and i came out for a drink. Already told it that we need that album ready early next year
  7. Komplete wives? Theres no such thing… they all want you to let go of your plugins and deals to give them atention… its a great thing on paper but the customer service ruins it all Edit: (just joking honey .. love you?)
  8. How many kids do you have? Do you need all of them? i exchanged the wife for NI Komplete Ultimate CE… it was a win win situation
  9. The problem is everytime i skip a McD meal, i feel entitled to seat and scroll at plugin boutique Im making the right choices! Thank you plugins for making me healthier ?
  10. From venus’s words multisampling combined with fisical modeling
  11. You’re absolutely right!! I will stop following RIGHT NOW! … hummm ok maybe tomorrow… … wait what?!? Twelve days of Christmas??
  12. Ohh ok… im in the right room.. do you know where is my seat?
  13. ?? the question is.. is this instrument capable of making the soundtrack for the next scene where they went to the sea and then there it comes the mama shark, and papa shark with their little baby shark to feed…
  14. Smart guys… smart guys…. Dammit!
  15. You can subscribe for one month only. but in my opinion this magazine is worth it
  16. Im a bit confused, that JRR link sends you to HO diamond edition? Is that description outdated?
  17. I ONLY buy what i dont need! Everything that i need still missing…
  18. If you ever end up being rich let me know that ill do the gig… …the chord progressions suggestions gig to be clear?
  19. Maybe im wrong but the problem with Roland plugins its called Roland Cloud. They did that Roland Analog Polysynth Collection but i have a feeling that they never really wanted to go that route and never promote it. And they tend to be expensive, when you can find similar good sounding plugins a lot cheaper subscription model is great, nothing wrong with that, but there is many that resist to that and want to buy their plugins, if they dont sell it someone else will. Korg went with their own collection and despite the fact that there is other developers doing “the same” plugins, i would say that they are doing well. I really like their plugins It is not to feel bad if they do not position themselves in order to compete in the market ?
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