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Everything posted by Grem

  1. These are some good plugins. The TurboReverb are more then you would ever need. Just so tweakable!!
  2. That maybe the case. But for someone who has no Waves plugins and wants to know why to skip this, I still say there is no reason to skip it if you have no Waves plugins. I have more then enough comps, eq, and such. I got stuff from Melda, IK, UAD, PA, NI, and more. But I find myself going back to these Waves plugin because they just sound great. Because they sound good.
  3. You gotta love that Melda bundle deal. This plugin is included in my Mixing bundle!! Shweeeet!
  4. Waves plugins are some of the best out there. Always have been. Some don't like what they do, some don't like what they did, and some don't like what they think they will do, as a company. The only reason I see to skip is the one license deal. However, they do offer an option to put your license on a USB key. So you can take your license anywhere with you, plug it in to any computer. Effectively making the one license point moot. Then there's WUP (Waves Update Plan). It's a update/support plan that you can buy if you want... but you don't need to. Your plugins will work as long as the OS supports a DAW the has VST support. But it is something to be aware of. In truth, there is no reason to skip on this deal. There are some great plugins in the Platinum bundle. The first four are really great plugins that use very little cpu. When they were released back in the day, they were some of the best plugins you could get. And still to this day, they are really good plugins! Add the Electric Grand 80 Piano in there, along with all the Renn plugins, Waves Tune, and the V plugins... then you've got your money's worth in my book. And that ain't even half of what you get. 60 plugins for $100 equals $1.67 each. 60 plugins for $74 equals $1.24 each. You won't find a better deal on that kind of quality plugins.
  5. Grem


    I wanna know where that came from!!! LOL!
  6. Nope. That means it's broken again!!
  7. Me too. I was able to get it on sale around Christmas (two years ago think). Not using as my system drive, but my second sample drive.
  8. So did I!! That is a nice plugin. Really useful. BTW I still have all those plugins installed on my latest machine.
  9. Yep. I had what was perhaps the best cell phone ever made. The Lumia built by Nokia with a full Windows Mobile OS. That phone had so much potential. It was an iPhone killer had Microsoft taken it to the next level. But no, Microsoft does what it does....
  10. To me Echoes and Magnetic are great plugins. I got this suite long time ago. I don't think Echoes and Magnetic was part of the suite back then. But they gave me a great discount to add them. I really forget how good Magnetic sounds. Echo sounds great too. As well as all the Blue Tubes. They have gotten pushed to the back of the pile in favor of some of my other plugins, but they still have the sound of quality with them all. Except for those Essential plugins. I don't think I have ever used them.
  11. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    Yeah I noticed that after I d/l the Essentials there was an update to them. Will have to d/l the update for the Piano tonight.
  12. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    D/L that one while I am at work!!!
  13. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    Installed it, activated it, now going through some of the presets. Then I learn IO have to d/l the sound content. first one is over 3gb. The second one, all drums, is 1gb. Then there is another 20gb of free content to explore! Gotta work in the morning. So I won't get a chance to hear them all. This was worth the $40 I spent.
  14. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    I forgot to use this!!! Dang!
  15. They finally fixed the forum software for mobile devices. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  16. I have never listened to an entire performance by Yoko in my life... until now!!! And believe me, had that music not been playing in the background, I wouldn't have finished listening to that performance either. Got to admit that I laughed pretty hard when she did start to make noise. There for a minute it actually went with the music!! Man I love John Lennon. But what he saw in her is beyond me...
  17. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    I will get this. Made up my mind.
  18. Grem

    MSoundFactory Le $39

    This is not looking like a bad deal. And since I recently purchased some more storage space.... this might be one to get. Recently I have been messing with MTurboComp and MTurboReverb and am very impressed with these two plugins. Just using the presets of these two plugins, I have found that they are extremely tweakable, and I can get almost anything out of them. So if MSF LE is anything like these, (and I suspect they are) this LE version maybe all I need.
  19. Damn!! Prices on these going down!! I got one recently that was PCIe 3, which is all my system needs, for $43. This is a really good deal on the PCIe 4 version. Here is another one on sale. 2TB for $96. I don't know this brand so I can't vouch for it... but this shows prices are dropping on these things!! https://www.newegg.com/kingspec-2tb-xg-7000-pro-series/p/0D9-000D-00157?Item=9SIB1V8JAU5518&Source=socialshare&cm_mmc=snc-social-_-sr-_-9SIB1V8JAU5518-_-08142023
  20. Bingo!! I was gonna tell him to use "Apply Trimming" CW Saves a lot of edit info so in case you want to revert back an edit you can. Non-Destructive Editing it's called. Once the project is closed though, you can no longer go back. Simplest way to do this is to split the clips where you want use apply trimming, then copy and paste the trks you want to a new project. Once they are there in the new project, save that new project, close it, and repeat the process until you get all the songs you need. If it were me I would save the whole project as a backup in case you change your mind or mess something up. Something like "Project Name_Original Version"
  21. What ya trying to do? We may not be experts... but we can figure stuff out. Been around the block a few times.
  22. Good article worth the time to read. Got some really good videos embedded in the article too!! Best quote from the article could help a lot of us around here: Howard Massey, engineer, and author of The Great British Recording Studios, says, “People today don’t feel the need to go into a professional studio. That’s a bit misguided. There are few artists in history who’ve had the ability to produce themselves well and view their work objectively.”
  23. You might be new around here. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Larry, who has given many of us so many great deals, he's known as the King around here. He post lots of deals, every day, that help others get deals they otherwise would have missed. The reason he doesn't post the prices is probably to save himself a little time. And the majority of us around here have learned to accept this as part of the deal we get. BTW I went to the site. As I was gonna post the prices. But there really is too many choices. You curious? Join everyplugin.com and get to know Koby.
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