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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I don't have my glasses on now so I didn't see what you did/meant ?
  2. Well Bapu can't hear so this amp should be perfect for him ?
  3. Nice mellow piece. Hey we found out where Ed's hair went. ( Your son took it to grow his beard ) ?
  4. So update Project5 and blend it into CbB and its a go for a great product (sorry I couldn't resist )
  5. Yes but we had cardiac arrest for a few months. Good thing my ticker survived to enjoy these updates
  6. Well at least they are way past the age (598) so we don't have to report you ?
  7. Wow that is talent. You bang the right way and you are able to get Am
  8. So true. I was trying to show dad and son how to use an airbrush as the dad hasn't used one in over 15 years. His son wanted to try so bad and when he didn't get good results right away he handed the airbrush back to his dad and was done with it. I was having a good chuckle about it inside. Thinking how long it took be to learn how to airbrush models as a teenager. I would spent hours weathering tanks, airplanes, etc... Seems the majority now a days want that instant result or on to the next thing. I'm so thankful my daughters aren't like that and each have there own hobbies that they spend hours on learning to get better. One of my pet-peeves about school in general that all about the testing and not about actually teaching and having the children learn. I don't blame the teachers as they are in a bind. If your students don't test well you can be out of a job next year. Now parents, there are quite a few I would love to beat over the head with a Salami on how I see them raising their off-spring ? Peace
  9. You have a valid point. I'm one of the linear type DAW users but I agree music making has changed. Find a few DAW's as one is not enough IMHO and make some tunes?
  10. Are you talking about me Wait I'm one of the older folks with Bifocals.....
  11. So you want young blood but you bring up one of the really old Dudes "Bob Dylan" ? ?
  12. Can we apply some Granularity to trim down the $$ ?
  13. Love me some Cow Bell
  14. By then will it really matter for you Ed. You won't be able to hear the difference. Heck you might not even be able to hear ?
  15. You couldn't get the wife to sing a duet with you?
  16. Have some Fish and Chips on me ?
  17. "Stranglers in the Night exchanging Guitar Strings" ? That would be more appropriate for this thread
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