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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Any clue as to what version 3 would bring to the table?
  2. Maybe you are having to many Vegimite sandwiches ?
  3. Yep. It is one piece of software that is hard to not keep current or semi current ?
  4. Well I did it today. Upgraded my version 4 to version 5
  5. Kenny, go up to Canada where it is cool. Oh wait they are in the middle of a heat wave ?
  6. I just haven't had the time to learn how to use them yet
  7. Nice. I like what you did at a little over 3minutes in. Always have to have a listen to your work Jerry
  8. InstrEd

    Out again!

    Hope everything goes well for you Larry in Kentucky.
  9. I have my ailments and it is nice to know I can be cured Oh you're talking about a different type of E.D. Nevermind! ?
  10. @kennywtelejazz Glad you made it out with those wild-fires. The videos and pictures I saw of California ablaze were scary!
  11. At your age you need to be taking care off your hands/fingers when you get to go back out and gig. You old time rock n roller.
  12. I wanted to try it but now I'm afraid using this might give me rheumatoid arthritis
  13. In a totally different industry was my dad. He came home upset in summer of 1978 because his boss would not let his assistant go on a shoot down South. Boss was worried for the black mans safety and my dad wanted him to teach him some needed skills in how to photograph a subject. My dad lost out and when he went down to Southern State (I prefer not to say which one) he saw first hand the racial bias and was appalled. He said why can't people start realizing what matters is what is on the inside and not the color of your skin! I will always remember that. I care if you are a decent person.
  14. InstrEd

    Windows 11?

    Seems fitting as so many of us want to beat it up?
  15. See you didn't charge enough! Bapu is willing to spend $$$$ for his addiction ?
  16. InstrEd

    Windows 11?

    Sorry I sometimes go overboard and go crazy when there is talk of Mac Fries ?
  17. InstrEd

    Windows 11?

    Maybe McDonalds should use the MS Azure service to run the deep fryers
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