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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. What is left to buy from IK-Multimedia that you don't have already or have several copies of already
  2. Wait Ik is going to be making a line of smart phones? Hey they could do it.
  3. I guess it counts as music/sound. I want to comment more but I don't want to get myself into trouble ?
  4. Oh for that my young lad I can not help you as I don't to Apple ?
  5. But for the youngsters on Bandlab it is a fantastic sampler Then when they get hooked and come into a full-featured DAW and VSTi's they will be like "What do you mean I need 1TB hard drive just for my instrument sounds"
  6. It always seems to take longer to integrate software then one thinks. Hopefully it will be fruitful for us on the CbB side. Sampler oh when will you be coming to CbB
  7. Naw this is tame. Go to Pianoworld forum and look up threads about Pianoteq ? ?
  8. No fair Simeon you make all the pianos vsti you demo sound so good
  9. Really nice looking new instrument you got there. Enjoy!
  10. I wanted to make some music today but I can't because Bapu says after July 19th you have to use some new fancy Axe. Thanks a lot there fellow Ed ?
  11. I don't have space for that piano! Oh wait it is only a VSTi and I have it already tucked nicely onto my hard-drive
  12. My daily check to see if Lar is back and
  13. Oh Where Oh Where is thou Larry. I tried oh Master Larry to keep them in line until your return. I'm so sorry Master Larry ,I have failed you
  14. Oh Larry it really is time to come home now. I'm really concerned for your health down in Covid land. Please hurry back to your safe Detroit area ?
  15. Just as long as the Forum doesn't turn into "The Dark Lord" ?
  16. Let it go and if it comes back to you........ ?
  17. We went down to see the zoo, etc... My MIL couldn't go 4 years ago with us because her husband was too sick to leave alone. She really wanted to go with us. My daughter starts college in a couple weeks and sort of did a spare at the moment 3 day weekend. We all had a good time. Though it was sad to see how many in the good ole state of Missouri were not wearing masks. Say over 80% yet the state is way down in vaccinations. Anyway all of us are fully vaccinated and we were the odd ones out wearing masks. I'll stop at this point because it is a music forum even if it is the coffee house
  18. We went to St. Louis last week and gas was 63 cents cheaper then in suburbs of Chicago.
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