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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Congrats on being able to retire at such an age. Pursue what really interests you and I'm sure that will keep you very busy.
  2. Really Ed I thought you had brought all of them already ?
  3. I used to belong to a church choir but as an instrumentalist. My singing voice is very, very bad But I know some of the choir members did help singing another persons parts for a tune. If not religious disregard the idea. Just tossing this out there.
  4. Heck yes! Don't you dare try to take my space in the sky. I tell you it will be epic when they try to merge back into regular 2D traffic.
  5. My bet is quite a few years. I panicked like others here and brought several other DAW's at the promotional price they were giving us Sonar users. So I have a few to upgrade if I like. I'm an older person and my needs are not great so this time around I'll be sticking with the old CbB and take a slow long look at what the new Cakewalk Next and the new Cakewalk Sonar will offer me. I learned my lesson and I'm not in a hurry this time around. I should of taken a deep breath and a few chill pills myself and I could of saved myself some $$. Funny I never upgraded to the newer CorelDraw and I'm getting fine by with the older version for the little I still do in graphics. Anyway @Johnbee58 best of luck with your decision.
  6. How dare you say forgot the flying cars! I want to see the traffic jams in the sky ?
  7. I wouldn't rush to go get anything and just wait and see. Heck you will still be able to use your CbB
  8. Someone from the Cakewalk staff and I believe a Beta tester said that their older processor was running just fine. I wouldn't worry to much about it. Found this from Noel
  9. I have to admit I feel the same way about a lot of software as I get older. My daughter just yesterday taught be something about my Android Phone that I didn't know I could do ? it was something simple to do and I was like really and my daughter was like "Duh Dad" ?
  10. This is sad news for the development of Jamstix but I hope Ralph is okay. It is the price when dealing with small developers. I love Mobilesheets Sheetmusic software too but it is basically a one man developer. So if anything happens to "Mike" I worry what will become of this great software.
  11. I'm staying away from Twitter, Facebook and the like. I have been tempted to join Facebook a few times for music related information but so far I have remained strong and resisted the Dark Side ? I do admit my Wife has found information on the Parent Page Group where my daughters go to college. So Facebook has its merits. I just don't feel like policing my computer to lock it down from all the hooks that Facebook gets into the computer system.
  12. I keep trying to tell her that Funny thing is she uses Facebook because she came from a large extended family that has relatives all across the Country. I keep telling her that Facebook is the worst about sucking information about you ?
  13. Are you sure The problem with this argument is that we all shouldn't be connected at all on-line then. We went on a road-trip out West in May and the amount of data Google collected from my phone was insane. But my wife had her phone not to share location etc etc etc...... and she kept complaining that she can't find the information. I guess it is the price we pay in a connected society. Not saying I like it and I'm not on Facebook or the like so I pick the poison I can live with I have said many times before, okay for Google to track but not MS mentality is just wacky
  14. With it being Whoops as the title, I thought it was a Whoopi Cushion VSTi ? I had to click on it to see how it aired-out
  15. InstrEd


    Ha! You can't make a Detroit area native do anything they don't want to ?
  16. Okay off to go set some cheese to catch some rodents for you trouble makers to play with ?
  17. Oh No my poor cute innocent kitties are now in danger ? Anyone found hurting my southern Belle shall have to deal with my evil black cat as my BIL calls her. So maybe put some rats in the box and go join them while you're there
  18. I'm like Charlie Brown and just expect the world to cr*$ on me ? My coping mechanism has been to find humor in the situation ? Just saying some of U need to give it a try ? I'm off to watch a movie. Oh shoot my TV says no connection! See the world is out to get me. I shall go cry me a River ? Nile or Mississippi? LOL
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