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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Seriously, can we just give this a rest. Bandlab gave us 5+ years of great updates for free and have really shored up the stability of the product. Be thankful and when the pricing comes out decide if you want to go forward with Sonar or look elsewhere. This is just getting ridiculous!
  2. I just have to reply something here to stop all this from the P's Posting. Too many and making me have to go P__________________ ? ?
  3. in my best Yoda voice Spending money, yes you will
  4. Now now Bapu you are an Elderly Person who happens to LOVE BECAN ?
  5. Really Ed, you want everything
  6. Glad you didn't freeze your butt off up North
  7. 8" and he is going to beat it I got my coat already
  8. Yep and then the worrying can begin
  9. Where did I leave my Brass Knuckles Okay back to your regular scheduled program Bantor
  10. I just upgraded last night. I let the dust settle on the release. The little I played with it last night on my laptop it seems nice. I use it more as my scratchpad and also use the layering sounds for the instrument track. I started trimming my setup and I'm happy I did.
  11. With me getting up in age I find Mixcraft more to my speed
  12. Really? I thought you were getting off the Mixcraft bandwagon ?
  13. +100 I'm in the same boat. I came down with the big C and looks like I shall make it but even with health insurance the cost for treatment is $$$. I know I shall have a DAW in my future and heck for what I do I could even settle with Mixcraft Pro Audio 10 I might go with Presonus Studio One or the new Sonar. But I will not have be spending on every upgrade going forward. Money is tight and looks like it shall be going for the for see able future. Peace
  14. Really at that steep of a price
  15. Copper, Iron Clad, Aluminum or Stainless Steel
  16. I just don't want to admit that ?
  17. @tansetter I agree with what you're saying but my point was that I'm an old fart and I just want to play with my toys and not keep setting them up. I wish Linux took a better hold for music making and maybe it will. But for me now I just don't have the energy to go that route. I applaud those that are able to
  18. I used Ubuntu on a couple of old computers for basic internet stuff and it was fine for that. But I don't think at my age I would want to go the Linux route for my music stuff. I'm getting up in years and rather make music then trouble-shoot.
  19. The upgrade price is very reasonable
  20. Pianos rule ? But I admit I have been trimming by VSTi's as I could waste the whole day/night picking the perfect sound.
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