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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. He is at a Beer Festival
  2. Hope Lar is enjoying the great outdoors soaking in some of that beautiful "Canadian Forest Fire Air" ?
  3. I still haven't delved into them myself but they do look interesting. The strength of Finale is the educational worksheets that comes with the full version of Finale. At least to me. I got Finale decades ago and have used those worksheet printouts when I was doing a little teaching. YMMV. I think there are more modern notation programs on the market now if you were starting from scratch. For my needs I pull up Finale to do my simple projects when needed. At the summer sale price it isn't to hard on the wallet.
  4. You could of at least covered the graffiti ?
  5. Wish you the best of luck in your search Dave.
  6. I wish this was more widely followed but alas the few always seem to be forgotten
  7. So just keep using CbB until it doesn't work. My educated guess that will be quite a few years into the future.
  8. Lucky you. I still need my Coke Lenses to see
  9. I subscribe for years until they decided to change the size of the type. My older eyes couldn't read the small print.
  10. Mr. Bennet was one of the best IMHO
  11. I loved Project5 and so with Jesse working on Cakewalk Next it really has me intrigued. But, $$$ is tight now so take your time Cakewalk as not to tempt me LOL.
  12. On the music front I really haven't brought anything this year. Mixcraft Pro 10 I will upgrade in the fall as I like the company and the upgrade is very reasonable. I use it on my laptop. Other $20.00 upgrade will be to lengthen my Musicreader PDF subscription for another 2 years. I use that and Mobilesheets. I like them both and good to have one as a back-up. The plus with Musicreader is it can be used on all platforms for the price and syncs your PDF files for you. The negative is it went to a subscription model. But it isn't very costly and I have it on Windows and Android devices. With Mobilesheets you have to buy for each platform you use it on. After a few years yes it does become cheaper to use and I'll decide in another few years I'll decide if Musicreader PDF is still worth it to me. Medical bills prevented me from upgrading to Kontakt 7 even at the sale price. I'll wait to next sale it upgrade. Of course I'll also weigh the cost of the new Cakewalk Bundle too. But this time I'm not in any rush.
  13. I'm to scared to google that now! I did say my daughter coined it for herself
  14. She is very visual and she gets a 3D image in her head of chem problems. I'm glad she found something she enjoys studying. But at the same time she is right about having OBCD But on the bright side she should make a comfortable living. I confess I don't understand any of the research she is doing.
  15. OBCD My daughters condition. Obsessive Bio-Chemistry Disorder ? She coined it herself
  16. Bapu stop rummaging around in my closet!
  17. I think you want to do much more then get along with that drawstring ?
  18. ^^^^^^^ I hope the above doesn't count as derailing a thread ?
  19. Did you expect otherwise ? ?
  20. Definitely cheaper than buying and learning to play a real harp ? It also sounds great IMHO
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