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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. The Alesis IO26 had very bad drivers that never worked properly for me. I had quite a few conversations with them and got them to admit that they had third-party writing the drivers before it was widely known. I would say get rid of the the unit IMHO! I managed to use the unit with higher ASIO buffers and also set the affinity to use certain cores back in the day. Here's how to do it: Open Task Manager. ... Click “More details” ... Right-click the app you want to modify and click “Go to details” Right-click the app in the “Details” window and choose “Set affinity” Select the cores/logical cores you'd like to assign to the program. Sorry I don't remember the details anymore and got rid of the unit years ago. I loved Alesis keyboards back in the day but their Audio-Interfaces sucked big time!
  2. I'm tending to agree with this. Plus with the download of CbB and the new Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next you can have a reminder to sign up to the forum and have a disclaimer that it can take 24-48 hours to be approved as a registered user. If they choose not to take advantage then they only have themselves to blame. Take some personal responsibility people and help keep this a nice community. Peace
  3. I didn't know he had an Equus asinus and that it was bad ?
  4. If you click on it and it works does that mean the Forum Software is working ?
  5. You could of at least made a straight up post as not to lean to one side ?
  6. is good at mooching off others Does that make him bad
  7. InstrEd


    Dave you forgot to tell people not to hurt Kitties!
  8. Hmm. I have a Neighbor from H**l and maybe I should take up the drums LOL! I keep telling my wife I should go out at 5am and start to play Taps right by the fence! My wife says we must take the high road and ignore the WWE (Wicked Witch of the East ) Plus are surrounding neighbors are nice and I shouldn't subject them to my Brass Playing at 5am. I'm slowly practicing my horn after decades of not playing the trumpet at all. YouTube to the rescue on how to build up my embouchure strength. I tried a EWI several years ago and realized that I miss playing an actual brass instrument and so I have been slowly building my chops. I was surprised that I remembered all the fingerings for the notes. Anyway this software approach would certainly be a heck of a lot easier to lay down a track or two
  9. Or practice the trumpet for a years to come close ?
  10. Maybe Fleer but I did wait several years and a good sale to upgrade my license to the pro version. Don't regret it at all. Now I'm waiting for the Organteq version 2 to come out ? I love the Modartt way of modeled instruments. A nice small footprint on my Hard-Drive
  11. I have a AMD Ryzen 5700U laptop and CbB works fine for my needs.
  12. Always thought the product looked interesting but over priced. Maybe Meng can use the technology in his endeavors going forward ?
  13. @Fleer I do agree 100% about Organteq. I'm glad I brought it. My take on Pianoteq is that it is wonderful product. It might not be the best sounding VSTi Piano but still very nice to play IMHO. Plus I do like supporting them as I like the low HD footprint. Plus the upgrades are very reasonably priced. As always, YMMV
  14. No need to get personal
  15. Hey maybe he is gone because he is went on a Piano Learning Retreat
  16. I'm sure there will be a big announcement when it is released. I asked to try out Next but haven't got an invite yet. Maybe I won't. Plus I'm sure emails will be sent out and I bet for the folks that have Bandlab on their phones will get an announcement especially about Cakewalk Next. @Johnbee58 I'm sad the other thread was locked too. I thought members could of got a warning and been suspended for a few days or a week. Sometimes us old forum posters do get carried away but most of us do it in fun. Do try out the new versions and then go from there as if you want to have "a relationship" (jk) with a new DAW
  17. He was a great original comedian.
  18. Pun intended I'm sure
  19. Shouldn't that Post-It note be in Pink I got my coat again..................................................................................
  20. @Pragi But those Notes could still be sticky. He was using a Synth after all to demonstrate
  21. Depends on what part of the Country you live in ?
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