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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. What was the lucky vegetable nevermind I got my coat_____________________________________________________________________Again
  2. Please forgive my above post if you have Italian blood in you. I'm sure you are an Italian Stallion. ?
  3. Well they are an Italian company and throughout history have they ever got Love right?
  4. TMI. I figured this is where I should post my #4970 post. Don't want to stay on the 1 digit less post count. I made a number post and I was told it was not in good taste.
  5. But I do agree with you Larry on your point above. They could give us some Jam Point Credits instead if we already own the freebie.
  6. Now now Lar I think you need to purchase that Serenity SE and play some smooth pad sounds
  7. That is subjective. Don't get me wrong ,I love CbB but there are other DAW's that I like and use for other reasons. I come to the conclusion that there is no one best DAW out there. If CbB fits your needs use it and be happy.
  8. Thanks Noel and I agree with you the Bakers are doing a fantastic job with the DAW we love. If you're on Windows 10 download it and give it a spin. Maybe it might not be your #1 DAW but still nice to have on your system just in case.
  9. So should we start a topic on fruit instead of veggies ? Yes you should know Mr. Steve
  10. Why do you need a coat living in CA? Being 9° outside I have to get my coat. Now if you want to get a sweater or a wind breaker Ed I can live with that ? Back to the subject at hand "Am is the way"
  11. We let you stay around and post veggie pictures. What more do you want ? Okay you can go back to discussing Neural DSP now...
  12. it is free so download and give it a whirl?
  13. Just heard the news on yahoo and came here to post. Ed beat me to it. Another great artist gets to play for the Angels.
  14. Hmm probably already trademarked name from Corel or Magix ?
  15. I can't believe you would post such a thing after the cucumber thread episode this morning Really Lar I'm in shock! Actually I'm not but I have to work on my screen writing skills ? I wonder if it is going to a boy, girl or maybe it will be a transgender synth!
  16. Yep! As Tony the Tiger says "There Great"
  17. I was just doing math. I really hope Bapu gets past the age I posted. People hear have such vivid imaginations. ☺️
  18. Hey back in the day I had a fantasy of getting Agent "99" ? Cue the music: See it is music related
  19. Bapu now has a goal to get "69" ? I got my coat...........
  20. Why are you bringing up MP3 encoders on this lovely IK thread ?
  21. ......and yet we can't resist IK's products. We need to start are own support group
  22. Well they intend to make tighter integration between Bandlab and CbB so Meng seems to have a long range plan for CbB. I do wish they would sell some add-ons like Rature-Pro and Z3TA2+ again and update them. They were/are good synths.
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